Home » How to Build Simple Engine Mounts for a Hot Rod
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How to Build Simple Engine Mounts for a Hot Rod

To me building a hot rod or custom car is all about building with what you’ve got, using some ingenuity, and making things from scratch. Sure you can point and click with your mouse and buy a “hot rod in a box” from online vendors, but I think that those cars lose the soul that makes a hot rod so dang cool. Recently I built a chassis for a 1930 Ford Model A coupe I’m putting together and I needed to make some simple motor mounts to attach the Flathead to the chassis. I know you can buy some, but where’s the fun in that?! I decided to show a simple way to make some mounts from scratch.

Photo Nov 12, 2 43 46 PM

Photo Nov 12, 2 43 41 PM

First I started by measuring approximately how far the mounts would need to stick out from the frame and cut off two lengths from the left over tubing (2″X3″X1/4″) from the frame.

Photo Nov 12, 2 47 41 PM

Photo Nov 12, 3 09 24 PM

Photo Nov 12, 3 09 37 PM

I then drew a curved line on the side of the box tubing to simulate the side profile of the mount. This just gave me a guide to use when rough-cutting the tubing into a wedge shape using a band saw.

Photo Nov 12, 3 18 59 PM

The angle grinder with a 40 grit flap disc made quick work of grinding the shape into the one side of the mount. I blended the shape in and rounded the edges by eye until I was happy. I then made a paper pattern of the first side and copied the curve on to the other sides. After I was happy with the shape of the mounts I ground a heavy bevel into the edges of the mount that would be welded to the chassis. This will give us proper penetration when welding.

Photo Nov 13, 10 16 28 AM

Photo Nov 12, 3 26 08 PM

With both mounts made I moved them over to the chassis and clamped them in place under the tabs on the engine. This allowed me to square and level them in preparation for welding. I scribed witness marks into the mounts and the chassis so I could remove them to prepare the frame for welding in that area.

Photo Nov 13, 11 41 37 AM

Photo Nov 13, 10 58 14 AM

Photo Nov 13, 11 43 12 AM

Photo Nov 13, 11 46 08 AM

I chose to use the TIG 200 AC/DC to weld the mounts in place because I wanted the additional control when welding, but a MIG welder could have done the job too. I first ran a “root” pass connecting the mount to the chassis. I then ran a second pass to fill the beveled seam and to make the weld flush with the top surface of the frame and motor mount. The weave weld pattern allowed me to fill the small recess left in one pass.

Photo Nov 13, 1 54 23 PM

Finally I was able to remove my clamps holding the mounts in place and center punch the holes for the mounts. I drilled corresponding holes and dropped my rubber test mounts in place to make sure everything fit correctly. The result is a “factory” looking motor mount that cost me $0!



  1. Nice article on how to build engine mounts especially for people who are working on builds like restomods or full restoration projects. This technique can be used for towing purposes if ever one decides to build a pickup or truck with towing capabilities. Great read and article!

  2. nice job. very informative. will look at more of these how toooos

  3. Good Job Matt, would like to see some pics of your 30 Model A Ford coupe when it is finished.

  4. Awesome job nice tip and how to

  5. it does feels good to make as many thing as possible instead . I have a 72 fordge that has had three different motors in the 302 it came with ,a 350 olds and a 440 mopar , and I made all my own mounts and my own setup for a flip nose frontend . but it feels good to over come these things

  6. Great looking mount, thanks for the info.

  7. I’ve been an auto body man for almost 50 years and still enjoy working on my own projects. Not so much working on other’s projects.

  8. Good video with very simple detailed information.I build all my ac/power steering,alternator brackets,tranny mounts,four links etc.. It’s the joy of standing back with the satification you built a one off item yourself.

  9. Nice work, like Logan said, the more work you physically do, the more at one you are with your coupe. That is a wonderful thing to have a shop to work in to build a awesome machine.

  10. I agree with you, building a hot rod should be done from scratch. I think one of the greatest aspects of the whole thing is the experience building it. It’s almost like the more welding you do, the more attached you get to the car. That’s how it is for me and my dad, at least. We love working on it together. Thanks for the great info!