Home » Eastwood’s Online 2009 Year in Review
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Eastwood’s Online 2009 Year in Review

At Eastwood, we welcome 2010 knowing we have bigger and better things in store for you, our customers. Without spilling all the beans, we’ll be introducing new ways to improve your online experience, exciting “Eastwood Only” new products, and more! 

Online, 2009 was a year of change and growth at Eastwood.  The biggest change was the launch of the new eastwood.com website in June.  We listened to your comments and created a site that is easier to navigate, while offering more features and functionality (more product images, improved wishlist, ability to add ratings and reviews, more product videos, and the list goes on….). 

This blog was also introduced in 2009.  It allows you to stay in touch with Eastwood and meet some of our team.  It’s also a great way to see what we are up to with our current projects and new product sneak peeks.

In regards to staying connected, did you know that Eastwood is active on many of the popular social sites?….. Eastwood is on Facebook, Carspace, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube, and HubGarage.  If you use any of these social sites, let’s connect!

Eastwood’s online forum – ShopTalk was revamped in 2009.  Not only does the forum offer more features, but we’ve also teamed up with Kevin Tetz (host of Paintucation instructional DVDs and Trucks!) to answer your questions.  Kevin is active on the forum and glad to share his knowledge with our members.  As always, our Eastwood experts are on the “Ask Eastwood’ forum ready to answer your questions.

For car clubs, Eastwood added its Car Club Directory.  This is a free directory for car clubs to gain some exposure and find new members.  If you’re in a car club, make sure it’s added to the Eastwood Car Club Directory.

Moving forward in 2010, Eastwood has projects in the works to make the website even easier to use, a virtual car show for visitors to upload images of their vehicles, more contests, more videos, more technical information, and more exposure to the Eastwood team and our projects.  If you have any feedback (good/bad/ugly) about our online efforts, feel free to email me directly.  

Now…..get back in the garage…..the 2010 car show season is right around the corner!

One Comment

  1. I know you got it off! But why am I the one who has to put it back?