Home » Eastwood’s Catalog is in the Mail
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Eastwood’s Catalog is in the Mail

Eastwood’s latest catalog is currently in the mail.  This catalog features the Master Blaster Dual Blaster on the cover.  The Master Blaster is a combination media blaster and soda blaster that allows you to blast with media, bicarbonate of soda, or any mixture of the two.  This allows you to go from stripping paint on delicate parts, to aggressive rust removal with the flip of a switch. 

Soda Blaster and Media Blaster in one

If you are not on Eastwood’s mailing list, click here to request your FREE 80-page catalog packed with auto restoration/customization paints, tools, and supplies.


  1. Vincent Hernandez

    Myself buy and sell cars but this getting older need to open own shop thank you

  2. Like your blog. Sending best wishes from Viena.