Home » Eastwood’s “Caption It” – Win an iPod Touch
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Eastwood’s “Caption It” – Win an iPod Touch

Congratulations to the winner of Eastwood’s Caption It  – Randall R. for his winning caption :



We’ve all heard horror stories about getting a car worked on…….This image reminded us of some of those stories.  Add your best caption to this photo by adding a comment.  Eastwood’s President will choose a winner of an iPod Touch 16G, based off of the comments received by Wednesday, January 20, 2010. 

Share your caption for a chance to win

Full rules can be read here.


  1. Darn I missed the contest! Congrats to the winner!

  2. They put the fuel sending unite where the oil pump suppose to be and it worked just fine, the car was driven everyday for 7 year, Go finger!

  3. What is the fuel pump doing in the radiator?

  4. According to this thing your out of blinker fluid!

  5. where did I put that ducktape?

  6. Could this be a vehicular equivalent to hardening of the arteries?

  7. I think I broke it!

  8. I wish I had a fishing lure this awesome!

  9. I was only trying to recharge my ipod!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Timothy Sternberg

    This was left over.

  11. I’m not sure if this thingamajig – whatdoyoucallit is your problem. Better call Eastwood instead.

  12. As this was coming out all I could think of was “A L I E N”.

  13. I don’t know my own strength

  14. Just as I thought. It is the Flux capicator.

  15. “…yeah, I think I’ve got an iPhone app about what this thing does, not a problem sir.”

  16. Well, the instructions come in German, French, Spanish, Russian, Madrarin, Swahili, and Tagalag. Unfortuantely, I think I got two pages stuck together, and instead of English, I got the Swahili and Tagalag. I think you’d better contact the United Nations for a second opinion.

  17. I don’t need no stinkin’ instructions!

  18. I’m not too sure but I think this is what they call a schematic…

  19. Would you help me plug this in the back of my head. I can handle the rest. I’m going to give your car the “mind meld” and get you fixed up straight away.

  20. I sure hope Eastwood has a kit to install this!

  21. Man i knew i should have used Eastwood, my wife is gona kill me!

  22. With Eastwood we actually know where the parts belong.

  23. Gee Barney, I coulda sworn I fixed it.

  24. Does this look important to you? maybe?

  25. I’m gonna have to start over. This was supposed to go in FIRST.


  27. Jake, (may be the Best shade tree mechanic in town but..) “I can’t find a carburetor, nor a distributor on this thing. There’s not even this much wiring in my old ’57. What do I do now?” CALL EASTWOOD!!

  28. It’s days like this,, that make me glad “I’m a Eastwwood Man.”

  29. I’ll install this if you want me to, but it will cost you extra.

  30. This little “Wingy Dingy” is defective, but for a mere $1500.00 I can replace it.

  31. Honey, I swear to you I have never seen this strappy little Italian number before in my life! I only ever drive American-made cars!

  32. Next time buy an Eastwood part,it will save you lots of

  33. As tempting as it may be, never pull on a loose string.

  34. What do I do with Optimus Prime’s appendix ?

  35. Geeze! This here little critter was a bear to get…but I got the darn thing!


  37. Conan O’Brien’s new job!!


  39. Well, technically it’s only used if you can’t find the box.

  40. and I thought NOS meant New Only Slightly…

  41. Yer car seems to be infested with them thar camel spiders or, uh…sumthin’r other.

  42. Wow! That came out easy. I wonder if they will notice…

  43. Look it’s another doo-hickey. Guess they should have called Eastwood.

  44. Found it, THIS MADE MY DAY!

  45. hhhmmmm…..maybe I should have listened to my mother and had become a doctor?

  46. This is the third one this week…these car tarantulas are really hitting us hard this year…

  47. Bunch of monkies work here.

  48. ” Yeah, and I invented the car””

  49. Ooooooohhhh this is the problem right here. This is going to cost a lot more to fix…

  50. You should be PROUD — you’re the first one of the last twelve mechanics to suspect THAT wasn’t supposed to be in there.

  51. So THAT’S what a framistat looks like…

  52. Hi !!
    I is a gadgiot of
    Wyatac Ingine fixin’ school

  53. We’re gonna need some 30 weight motor oil and some ball bearings…C’mon guys it’s all ball bearings these days.

  54. I believe your story about being abducted by aliens, but I don’t think this is proof of alien technology

  55. Your guess is as good as his

  56. Boss , after i put the Motor back in i found this extra thingy !

  57. This is all that came out – I think the rest of it is still in the tank.

  58. Not sure, but I think you better call a plumber.

  59. I’m really sorry Miss but your gonna have to figure out another way to get to work today.

  60. What was it again? The leg bone’s connected to the knee bone, the knee bone’s connected to the shin bone, but what the heck does this connect to?

  61. Hey Clint! I think this belongs in your Grand Torino!

  62. “ASE” Certified – “A”nother “S”pontaneous “E”xtraction

  63. “Stand back ladies” He’s all mine

  64. Umm, yeah…Are you sure I took this off the truck?

  65. “THANK GOODNESS”…The E-BAY parts have arrived!!!


  67. The problem is, Ma’am, that this was crammed up your rear differential.

  68. I shoulda quit at uncle cooters garage long ago and went
    to wyotech!

  69. ya know,momma told me their’d be days like these, but just not so many!!!!

  70. Good news is we found a replacement. Bad news is they only make it in Haiti.

  71. OOHHHH You said fender light is broken, I thought you said the fuel light was broken. Well that will be $2,500 and you will have to make an appointment to have the fender light looked next week.

  72. mam i think i found your diaphram !

  73. Want me to use some Eastwood Gas tank sealer while I have this thing out?

  74. “What is it? EXPENSIVE!”

  75. This here little critter was a bear to get…but I got the darn thing!

  76. wtfwtf

  77. Everything works now so you probably won’t need this!

  78. And THIS is what I use to look into my proctologist’s tailpipe.

  79. Why do i alway’s end up with extra part’s….?

  80. Can’t believe I found my kindygardin art project!

  81. What a great fishing lure. I can’t believe he hid it under his hood. What a fool.

  82. Maam, I think we found the problem. Try it out over the weekend and if it’s still giving you trouble, we’ll take a look at it first thing Monday morning.

  83. This thing tried to eat the back of my head off!

  84. Hmmm…I dunno, but I’m thinking this might be important.


  86. We’ll laugh at this in the morning.

  87. You can look at this situation as a glass half full or half empty.

  88. Once Toyota slipped their choices for mechanics into the GM shops, it became a waiting game for the giant to fall

  89. I saw this once in a picture show and I still can’t tell ya where it belongs.

  90. All I was trying to do was pull the rubber fuel line off…

  91. I only left the new guy for five minutes, Honest!!

  92. Golly, I think I can restore it with Eastwood’d help. Get me their catalog!

  93. It’s a boy!

  94. They claimed there was only a little water in the gas tank – so why is the fuel pump motor rusted away?

  95. I guess I should have used my Eastwood Soda Blaster to clean up the fuel pump motor. I knew the sand blaster might be harsh, but I didn’t expect it to blast the fuel pump motor completely away!

  96. Maam, I’m sorry I can’t let you take this home. I know you said you could make a nice craft out of this but my boss says it has to go back somewhere in your car.

  97. Geez I wonder if she’ll run without this whatchemecallit?

  98. Sorry! This is part of Al Greenspan’s global warming solution…..

  99. Yes, mam’. It’s part of the new smog check requirement.

  100. I think this was made in China…

  101. Does this qualify me for a reality show at Eastwood?

  102. Hey Mr. Eastwood! Don’t get all excited! there’s a stimulus plan in the working I’m sure..

  103. Hey do I qualify for mechanic stimulus money?

  104. Looks like 2 weeks in Tahiti. I mean… This has to be replaced.

  105. The good news: We found your problem. The bad news: It’s the shop owner’s nephew…

  106. I think it might be broken.

  107. As Bob scratched head looking at the left over part, He thought does he really want to be a Mr.Goodwrench….

  108. Ya Im grinning because I just quit and this part was in my bosses car.HEHEHE

  109. I pulled this out and now I get 50 miles to the gallon.

  110. Um, Weren’t you told NOT to feed the Gremlins after midnight?

  111. Engineers… can’t live with them, can’t live without them.

  112. Time for a beer !

  113. Oh,,that.

  114. What do you mean I shoulda put this in before I installed the tank?

  115. I knew I should have called out today!

  116. Mommy, how do I fix this?

  117. Yea, We can sell you a new one of these for about 400 dollars. What did you say it was again?

  118. By back feels alot better after the doctors took out the brace!

  119. when the aliens took me, I came back with a sea urchin from outer space!

  120. Yep, your right ma’am! Here’s that tracking device you said your husband put in your vehicle!!

  121. Do we really need this?

  122. “Are you sure you said ‘full tune up’ and not ‘fuel pump’?”

  123. Hmmm! Look like you need a “BIG BUX CAPACITOR”.

  124. oh boy…I think I should have been paying more attention in class the day the tech instructor went over this part !

  125. I think we can save you some money by replacing this with a chipmunk.

  126. Yeah, it was your float valve alright. We didn’t have a new one in stock so I picked one up at home depot. If it sticks, just jiggle the door handle.

  127. Come on, you DON’T know what this is? Man, you’re out of the loop…I think…

  128. There’s good news and better news- the good news- you can scare the crap outta your kids when you play the itsy bitsy spider. The better news- It’ll only cost you $150 to have it towed to your home and then you have a lovely planter that’ll really spruce up the mobile home park.

  129. this can’t be THAT important….can it?

  130. 5 years of medical school for this?

  131. dipstick (oh you ment the thing in my hand)

  132. My Doctor prescribed this?

  133. You ran over what again? Well this should take care of your rattle sound!!!


  135. Crap, I need Eastwood

  136. Looks like I found your problem, Your kids Foot Pedal and Crank was under your hood.

  137. Leftovers are meant for cooking, not auto repairs.

  138. I found this in the gas tank. Should be all set now.

  139. I couldn’t find the problem, but this thing attacked me.

  140. While I was fixing your vehicle this thing attacked me.

  141. I narrowed down where the noise was coming from.

  142. It looks familiar but Alldata doesn’t show it anywhere.

  143. I found the source of those “Feed me HiTest” messages on the electronic dash.

  144. Turns out your wastegate is connected to your oppenheimer valve, so you’ll need to replace both…

  145. umm…were does this go ?

  146. Shazam. How did that happen?

  147. Weeelll, usually its just a few bolts left over, but this, this could be a PROBLEM!!!

  148. You want to know what this is? Why, this is my next boat payment, that’s what this is.

  149. Lavendar scented?! I ordered the mocha breve! Now what am I gonna do?

  150. Daniel C. Emerson Jr

    A friend of mine got me deal on these Alaska King Crabs.They sure don’t look like much after they have been declawed.

  151. Gee maam my boss said there would be days like this you never know what part your not gonna get

  152. would love to win!!

  153. …just snuck up on me. Hit my D___ head, but I fixed his wagon.

  154. Cars have tapeworms???? Wowee

  155. This looks a little more complicated than my IPOD.

  156. So , it looks like I wont be Eastwood Employee of the Month huh !

  157. Hmmmmm….Wonder if this is something I REALLY need?

  158. It’s either this or the nut behind the wheel.

  159. Well sir what we found was a code p0440 which is basically a black hole in the evap system. well your fuel pump got sucked right off this sending unit. the good news is that we have a gas cap in stock to fix that “black hole”. It’s all good.

  160. Does Eastwood have a tool to fix this?

  161. I think I got one of these here things in my toilet.What’s it doin’ in a car????

  162. I think I found the problem keywords I think!

  163. I thought this car was electric

  164. I found it, now back to where you ought to be

  165. I’ve been wearing blue jump suits ever since my wife found one in the glove compartment.

  166. First I remove this—–then I remove your wallet.

  167. Manual? I don’t need no stinkin’ manual.

  168. I dont think its American ?

  169. sorry I dont work here

  170. Hey boss I cant remember what car is this from ?

  171. Hey boss whats this ?

  172. The previous owner did a repair like this? Obviously he wasn’t using all the resources Eastwood provides!

  173. Yes sir, I can fix just about anything with 2 pens and a tire gauge.

  174. Well, with a little tube rolling,welding and some powder coating, your hood ornament will be as good as new.

  175. The sending unit’s supposed to go WHERE??? I guess I should have bought that how-to CD from Eastwood.

  176. Well, THAT didn’t work like it was supposed to – I probably should have bought that instructional CD from Eastwood.

  177. Hmmm, this is a new one to me. I guess paying attention in tech school would’ve been a good thing.

  178. I think I can figure this out…give me another beer!

  179. now where does this go??? maybe just an extra part…does the car still run??…cool

  180. Seems to me you need a LEFT handed stimulus probe.

  181. I have heard about it for years but this is the first Kanutin valve I have ever seen. Guess we better look for the wizz bearing now.

  182. If I could find my glasses I could have you out of here in 20 minutes.

  183. “This one is toast…but I got a new behind my back.”

  184. WHAT IS THIS?

  185. I’ve always heard about a “Widget”, but this the first time I’ve ever seen one!


  187. Nuts, I wish I had cleaned that fast set epoxy off my fingers before I scratched my head.

  188. Are yor SURE your car had one of these things when you brought it here?

  189. Can I use my “Phone-A-Friend”?

  190. I knew when I bought this car it had a few bugs, but this is crazy!

  191. Wherever it came from its not going back.

  192. Ummmm yea this is gonna definitely going to cost ya

  193. Would this be a bad time to mention I may have exagerated juuuuust a little on my resume?

  194. and you think a GOOD MECHANIC is EXPENSIVE…??

  195. Don’t worry, I’m a professional.

  196. Lady Gaga called and said she left her hair piece somewhere!

  197. What kind of steering wheel is this?

  198. How many times do I have to tell you not to powder coat this?

  199. Why in the world did you sand blast this?

  200. You want a free oil change?

  201. You can’t powder coat this.

  202. This is your problem, you power coated this too.

  203. This Job is so worth it. With the money I make I will get an Ipod touch and buy a new one of these from Eastwood.

  204. SO,this is how GM is gonna git outa trouble?

  205. Please don’t tell my boss!

  206. I have good news and bad news. The bad news is I don’t know where this goes back in, but the good news is it counts towards weight reduction, so you’ll get better gas mileage!

  207. At least it looks good with that Eastwood tank tone.

  208. Man, I hate when I have parts left-over… ‘specially ‘cuz this one looks important…

  209. Hey Boss ! Whats this Thingamagig. I got it out and don’t think it’s spose to be there. And there was plenty of gas in the tank. It in the pit now don’t light up.

  210. I love my mechanic named Dave,
    His mechanical skill makes me rave.
    The parts I don’t need,
    He dispatches with speed,
    And think of the money I save.

  211. Now, how do I test this?

  212. Hmm,should I just replace this fuel sender? Is there supposed to be a fuel pump here?

  213. I got the amygdale out; I’m going back in for the cerebral cortex.

  214. oh boy now i did it, gonna need some duct tape, jb weld and an adapter kit to fix this one.

  215. Uh oh better call Eastwood.

  216. This might take a little longer than I thought.

  217. Roscoe won’t get far without this.

  218. Oh no not again!

  219. Only 1 part left this time boss – I must be getting better.

  220. Anybody know what this is?

  221. Woo, please don’t tell me boss.

  222. Just make sure to fill up every week.

  223. This picture sure would look great on an iPod touch.

  224. That Eastwood Tank Tone blinded me and I could not see what I was pulling out.

  225. I can fix it but it will cost you.

  226. At least with that Eastwoods Tank Tone it will look good even if it does not work.

  227. I love my mechanic named Dave,
    His mechanical skill makes me rave.
    The parts I don’t need,
    He dispatches with speed,
    And think of the money I save.

  228. Which car did this come out of?

  229. This might put my boss over the deep end.

  230. Maybe you should have done this your self?

  231. Ummmm Maam, We found out what was causing the stalling and it came right out when we pulled on it but after we read the manual we found out it wasn’t supposed to come out like that. We’re gonna need more time to fix this, it definitely shouldn’t have broke that easy when we pulled on it.

  232. I think you left this under the back seat but I can’t get it reattached.
    No charge; I’ll just put it in the trunk for you.
    Do you need a ride home again?

  233. That HURT! Whey does that have to be installed under the hood?


  235. I should’ve checked with Eastwood first!

  236. Oops! I did it again

  237. We finally got the red light to go out but, now you have a starting problem.

  238. Dang it!! Who let Jerry back in the garage?! Find out where he put his helmet and get him away from that Trailblazer!

  239. At EASTWOOD’S, you’ll never see THIS face.


  240. Mrs. Eastwood….Trust me..your car will be fine without this…just don’t tell Mr. Eastwood

  241. This news definitely isn’t going to “float” your boat or “pick-up” your spirits.

  242. Looks like we need a manual

  243. I guess I used to big of a hammer?!?!

  244. What we have here is a failure to communicate!!!!

  245. I swear, I’ve been through the owners manual 4 times and there are no pictures of this.

  246. Ugh! Wish I would have become a Alaskan Crab Fisherman instead!!!

  247. I found this thing sucking all the gas outta your fuel tank.

  248. Hmmmm!! Wonder where this goes?

  249. Theres a reason I’m a carpenter!

  250. Hey Joe, Think that will fit the V.W. ?

  251. Let’s fire it up and see what doesn’t work.

  252. Yeah…. I took it apart before calling Eastwood……..Sorry !!!!!!!

  253. Your brake drums are shot and you need a new transmission.

  254. I know you’re upset with the repair bill but you have to understand that after I was done with all that trial and error / process of elimination stuff, this was the only part left from your origional truck!

  255. I know you’re upset with the repair bill but you have to understand that after I was done with all that trial and error / process of elimination stuff, this was the only part left from your origional truck?

  256. I guess there was somothing to all that: Just say no to drugs!

  257. Don’t get so upset mamm, you’re just confused about the repai bill. Let me explain: I’m giving you half off the triple cost that I doubled.

  258. I hope my ex-wife’s new boyfriend doesn’t need this electronic breaking control unit in his truck.

  259. Nahh, you don’t need take your truck to an Authorized Dealer. Thrust me. Jerry can do it cheaper at Billy-Bob’s Bait, Tackle, Bar, Pool Hall and Servic Station.

  260. This was day twelve on this job and the last section of wiring I removed and replaced before I realized it was just a blown fuse. I told the customer I’d give them a break and waive the inside storage fees.

  261. Don’t you agree, sometimes less is more?

  262. Why you should check with Eastwood for help on your next car project and do it yourself rather than trust someone else to fix it.
    see http://curiousphotos.blogspot.com/2009/08/i-fixed-myself-45-pics.html

  263. Why you should check with Eastwood for help on your next car project and do it yourself rather than trust someone else to fix it.
    (see website)

  264. What are you going to do???
    Restore your car yourself with help from Eastwood and get satisfaction in a job well done.
    Or trust Jerry and hope your car is not FUBAR when he gets done with it.

  265. Check with Eastwood and learn how to fix your car yourself.
    On the other hand if you let some guy named Jerry do it,
    you better ask yourself, do you feel lucky?
    Well do ya?

  266. My chevy use to have a bad gas problem

  267. My Chevy doesn’t have gas problems

  268. Got Gas

  269. Well, you remember how that thing popped out of that guy’s belly in Alien? Well, this just popped out of your car’s engine. Where’s Signorey Weaver when you need her?

  270. How not to retrieve a 1/4-20 nut…I thought I lost my Eastwood magnet so I used my buddy’s $100 magnet. come to find out my Eastwood magnet was in my front pocket !!

  271. This should cover my next two boat payments.

  272. I wonder what else I can pull out of the back of my head?!?

  273. Give me just a few minutes to install and connect this to your radiator and air conditioner, this will solve your overheating problem for sure.

  274. You stop whining about this one crummy left over part, and I won’t sue you for your gas tank falling down and hitting me in the head. Deal?

  275. Maybe I should have stayed in at a Holiday Inn last night!?!?

  276. “Well, you see it is like this, i was pulling the alternator wire and it got stuck. So i pulled harder and the next thing you know i am on the ground looking up holding this in my hand. Good news is i fixed the alternator.”

  277. I looked up the price of this part and the insurance company totaled the truck!

  278. I fell asleep on my creeper and some clown put Super Glue on my hands!

  279. Hold on a minute while I let some air out of my head.

  280. “…So you’re saying that you brought the truck in for a tire rotation???”

  281. Ain’t fur chure whut this here thang is, but me and Bubba we cun fix it fur ya tho.

  282. I think I found the source of those “Feed me HiTest” messages on the electronic dash.

  283. jane Hillier-walkowiak

    I dunno!… it’s not in the manual…

  284. You want me to install this Where???

  285. Automotive Degree at ITT, 54,999.00
    Chevey BLazer 35,000.00

    Forgetting to put your Bosses fuel pump back in before his Honeymoon Priceless.

  286. I know I’m late with this order .But somebody has to sign for it!


  288. “Hey Boss…What else should I charge them for?”

  289. I think you need to go wireless.

  290. Apparently you got some bad fuel, this is all that was left. But look on the bright side, can’t charge you for removing something that wasn’t their.

  291. I didn’t know it would do that!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  292. Yup, it’s definitely a defective ID10T and it’s not cheap.

  293. Hi, my name is Jerry and I’m not only the owner of “Mechanics Anonymous”…I’m a client.

  294. Well, when you first pulled it in, I just thought it was BAD GAS…

  295. Did you ever have one of those days when you just knew you shouldn’t do something, but you did it anyway and then confirmed you shouldn’t have done it? Well this was one of those days!

  296. I’m so confused I could fart. Wait a minute, I think I just did!

  297. What Now!!!

  298. This will put an end to those wolf whistles every time it sees a Corvette.

  299. Your girlfriend took this off your other vehicle and said to tell you that you won’t be going out with the boys tonight!

  300. I tightened the battery cable and charged the customer $1,200.00 for parts they didn’t need. And you thought I looked stupid!

  301. It’s funny that although I don’t know where this came from, what it does or where it goes, I’m still going to charge you for it.

  302. I’m real good at the error part of trial and error.

  303. Uh…Boss, remember that part I was supposed to put in first?

  304. I was holding on to this when the earthquake tilted the garage to the right!

  305. It’s OK, I still have a shout out and a life line left.

  306. This has got to be the rattle mom heard, I’m sure glad I took Auto Shop all 6 years of high school.

  307. Roses are red
    Violents are blue
    I’d take your truck someplace else for repair
    As I don’t have a clue

  308. I show this same thing to any customer who demands to see the used parts.

  309. Well the good news is that your vehicle will pass emissions now. It registered zero since it no longer runs.

  310. I never make the same mistake twice. The last time I screwed up a job like this, I did it with my left hand.

  311. If you keep smacking me in the back of my head, I’ll never figure this out!

  312. When you want it done right, do it yourself with Eastman Tools to help.

  313. One more lump on the back of my head, but one less auto alarm system.

  314. One of the perks of my job is that I get to keep all the old parts. I can thnk of some kinky uses for this!

  315. I swear I thought I had seen everything, but I found this thing stuck in the fuel injector. Honest.

  316. If I install three more of these, I get a new toaster!

  317. When you overheard me say Duhh, I was actually referring to this Dual Universal Humidity Harness. AHA D.U.H.H.

  318. Nothin up my sleeves (Or in my head)

  319. Of couse I know what this is. I was only asking you to see if you knew too.

  320. Violents are blue
    Roses are red
    When my boss sees what I just did
    I’m dead!

  321. Roses are red
    violents are blue
    I’d bring your truck eleswhere for repair
    If I were you!

  322. This looks exactly like one of my sex toys.

  323. I’m not real sure what it is Lady- but I’m pretty sure you don’t really need it.

    Trust Me !!!

  324. okay the good thing is that your car is-(crash smash BANG(random car noise)not completely destr- BOOOOM!!!….. Uh-oh

  325. The truck fell on me and broke my neck. Revenge is sweet!

  326. crap i knew i forgot something

  327. Oh, you just wanted an oil change?

  328. For my next trick, I’m going to pull a rabbit out of my head!

  329. Idiot light problem.
    Idiot mechanic.
    Problem solved!

  330. I realize your truck has been here for six months but the PROCESS OF ELIMITATION takes time!

  331. I guess this mechanics job isn’t working out so it’s back to posing for swim suit calanders!

  332. Hey ladies! Get the best of both worlds, smart and sexy!

  333. Less weight equals better gas milage. Right?

  334. I just know somethins missin. I jus can’t put my finger on what.

  335. I guess if this mechanics job doesn’t work out, I can always go back to posing for swim suit calanders.

  336. Forget about the wiring harness. I’m more worried about the hood support rod stuck in the back of my head!

  337. I suppose we’ll need to tell the customer that rehab will take a little longer this time.

  338. Hey boss, I solved that annoying engine warning light problem in 10 seconds flat with one hand!
    Now how about that pay raise?

  339. I wonder how much I can get for this on ebay.

  340. I am having one of those daze! I forgot my pocket protector in my pink overalls, I can’t do anything with my hair and now this thing…yeccchhhh!!

  341. I am Starfleet, I know many things….

  342. …what? this thing? …uhhh M’am you are never going to believe this but I am not your mechanic…Morpheus, Trudy find me an out…my neck thingy came unplugged, help!

    Matrix Reloaded

  343. Ademario Bilecki Santana

    Sorry, this part is broken and is not cheap. If you know what I mean.

  344. Ademario Bilecki Santana

    Sorry, this part is broken and is not cheap. I you know what I mean.

  345. Hey boss, I solved that annoying engine warning light problem in 10 seconds with one hand. Now what about that pay raise?

  346. I know your truck has been here for six weeks, but you need to understand that the PROCESS OF ELIMINATION takes time!

  347. I just hate it when I have parts left over after the job is done.

  348. Forget about the wiring harness,I’m more worried about the hood support rod stuck in the back of my head!

  349. If you show me yours,I’ll show you mine!

  350. Feisty little thing …I think I’ll name it Teresa


  352. Hey!!!! I found this crawling around in your fuel tank!

  353. Watch an all new episode of “Deadliest Catch”

  354. To paint or powdercoat….that is the question!

  355. Need a repair manual, call Eastwood.

  356. This is why I love classic cars.

  357. It’s ok just put $5 in every morning and you won’t miss it.

  358. Ok! Ok! I will put it back, it isn’t broke, I think?

  359. What was it they said in Tech School?

  360. Now HERE’s your problem: …you need a new mechanic

  361. You want me to do WHAT with it?

  362. “You know when it’s time to call the experts at Eastwood!”

  363. I know there is a reset button back here somewhere.

  364. I see what they meant about “It is important to keep the smoke inside the wires!”

  365. Hey Gomer….. had a colonoscopy yesterday and look what they found!!!


  367. UHMMMM……YEAH. Gimme a minute.

  368. OUCH!!!!!, Knocked my self in the head, mashed my finger, got dirt in my eyes and OH YEA found the problem.

  369. “I guess…I probably should have told him about this part before he drove off….”

  370. ¡¡ OOpps I am only the delivery man … what I am suppose to do with this strange piece?????

  371. How did my wifes toys get here

  372. HEY BOSS! The guys in parts say they WON’T warranty this for me & it’s on BACKORDER!! Ya better call the customer!

  373. Sorry there is a no refund policy.

  374. See and you thought I couldn’t figure out why the radio wasn’t working.

  375. Is this an extra?

  376. By removing this here thing, you now get unlimited miles to the gallon.

  377. I swear Idont remember taking this off!

  378. Eastwood repairs what your husband fixed.

  379. well, the service manual said: BE CAREFUL NOT TO DAMAGE THE FUEL GUAGE SENDER UPON REMOVAL! gee, i wish i would have checked the gas guage to make sure that it was working before i removed it!

  380. Dropped my scan tool. Always wanted to know what was inside.

  381. Dropped my scan tool. Always wanted to what was inside.

  382. “I can’t find the part number… Does anyone read ‘barcode’ ? . .”

  383. Now ya didn’t have to go and hit me in the head…I meant we had to stick it in the rear of your truck!!

  384. Looks like a robots arm almost stepped on it.

  385. Oh No!…That tube wasn’t grease…it works like Superglue !!

  386. Sorry boss,.. All I did was SNEEZE…!@!

  387. so this is what a flutterizer vavle looks like

  388. I think you need one of these thingings

  389. This is an auto mechanic’s deadliest catch. “Engine Crabs, I see way too many of these. And they smell to.”

  390. You want one of these installed??? Okay… It will make a unique hood ornamnet, but I don’t think you will really like it.

  391. Please, don´t install your toiletpipes in your car again.

  392. I can probably save you some money by installing this used muffler bearing out of a 76 Pinto? Yes! it does cross reference with your vehicle to.

  393. Now lets see.. I know this what you ma call it goes somewhere in this thingy ma jig..

  394. When David said that you’d find “everything” under the hood of Sandra’s car, you didn’t actually think you’d find the kitchen sink!

  395. After 30 minutes in the shop bathroom, Jerry finally passes that nasty Tapeworm.

  396. They dont call it jerry rigging for nothin!

  397. man, i really need to stop getting stoned befor work! is it lunch yet?

  398. I don’t remember if I got this out of the car or the ladies restroom.

  399. Oh man, my girl’s gonna be REALLY grateful when I finish this up!! She’ll just call me Mr. fix it. Maybe even something better!….Uh, there’s another one of those spare parts. Guess I’ll put it in the tool box with the others.

  400. Found your problem…. I don’t know how it got in there but this thing was plugging up your gas tank!

  401. you have got to be kidding no gas

  402. BREAK TIME!

  403. Then Jerry uttered those all too famous words…well, what you have here Ma’am is your ordinary, run of the mill “Didgama-banger” luckily for you they don’t use these anymore so you’re safe, but the removal and environmental impact fee to dispose of it is going to come to around $1,200.00

  404. Eat it?…. Hell, I don’t know how to get the shell off.

  405. Where did this come from?

  406. ” Man…, I shoud’ve went to Eastwood instead”

  407. No big deal. You didn’t need this anyways!

  408. I think it’s dead…

  409. I’m pretty darned sure that this is some sort of alien probe, I don’t want to tell you where I found it.

  410. Reminds me of a monkey pissin on a cash register, it’s gonna run into some money.

  411. This flux capacitor shore ain’t fluxin’ anymore mister.

  412. “I guess we should add a filter to that new cold air intake. It looks like she ate another 2 wheeler!”

  413. It may be time for you to see a specialist……..

  414. “I guess we should add a filter to that new cold air intake. It looks like she ate a Kia!”

  415. Gee, I wonder if I could check the Eastwood Catalog for the tools to restore this item to new like condition????

  416. Like I told you… that was just an ESTIMATE.

  417. I wunder if I kin get this back in without that bar a soap??

  418. Who is going to help me now?

  419. AH? What was I thinking?

  420. You did say you wanted it burglar-proofed, right?

  421. Damn it Jim, how should I know what it is, I’m a doctor not a mechanic!

  422. All the King’s horses and all the King’s men ……

  423. Do you offer a free vehicle inspection? I thought you said remove my fuel injection!

  424. Ah Ha The Deadliest Catch

  425. I wish I wouldn’t have dropped out of rocket science school.

  426. Well, this will now give you the option of going “Green”!

  427. Ummmm….All fixed?

  428. just keep spraying this can of starting fluid it will run just fine

  429. Now let’s see, what did that guy at my FLAPS say? “Oh Yea!” Swing this thing over my head three times and crow like a chicken”

  430. Um, I was sick the day we covered this thing in class.


  432. what is this thing?

  433. well mam looks like you got some spare parts

  434. Well sir, I got it fixed. But, I broke your hood latch with my head.

  435. Do you believe this costs $600??

  436. I think this is the callagotte accumulator.

  437. I’m thinkin’ it hangs from the mirror like this ??

  438. Could this be the problem why the car doesn’t run!!!!!!

  439. … Now where does the afterburner go again?

  440. The guy said it was a universal fit !!!

  441. Well, I replace this and your winshield wiper motor still doesnt work we need your car for another week sorry.

  442. I’ve never seen anything like this before????

  443. Sir,Are you going to need your vehicle back today ?

  444. Without Eastwood’s help you’d be running on empty…

  445. I think I know now why the book said “empty the tank before removing the straps and dropping it down”………..that really smarts !!

  446. Why me! It’s made in China!

  447. I have found the problem…What is this?

  448. hay boss the tank is already in but i will torch a hole and weld it back in and with Eastwood tank sealer it will be much much better than new

  449. I sure hope this is the alternator..

  450. Should’ve used Preparation H! That itching was so distracting I done forgot where this thing goes.

  451. Hey there! Otis T….you think we can use this dang thin’ in Pa’s alligator trap?

  452. Hey Boss! Do you want me to hang this new air freshener on the rear view mirror or just shove it under the seat?

  453. I did some modifications to your hybrid…instead of flex fuel, i think it’ll run on corn mash and Mt. Dew now…

  454. Hey there! Otis T….you think we can use this dang thin’ alligator trap?

  455. Hey Bubba, I plugged the dang thing in, and the radio quit!

  456. Aw Dang, I knew I should ordered that tool from Eastwood


  458. “Dang” He’ll be back

  459. Guess I should’ve put this before he left.

  460. “boss….is this the fuel rail?”

  461. That not mine

  462. Damn, Eastwood’s would have instructions

  463. “boss ..the fuel pump is clogged with rust!..now what?”
    “pull the tank out jr.” …and I will call eastwood for some fuel tank liner.

  464. Well, there’s your sign!!

  465. I cant believe it was just the fuse!

  466. Now i know this goes somewhere don’t it.

  467. “and the BluRay plugs in…where?

  468. Their tech guy is in Bombay!
    I should have gone to EASTWOOD!

  469. It goes in the fuel tank!! What’s a fuel tank?

  470. Hector Concepcion

    I put y’all engine back together but for some dang reason I have this extra part here in my hands! Do y’all have any idea where yonder this part goes? (DIDIDEE)

  471. dam hood (that hurts)

  472. Hi, I’m george irizarry.
    I tried to come up with something clever, but I couldn’t.

  473. Eastwood about to launch this thingy, we just ain’t got no idea yet where it goes. Want it put in somewheres? It costs 5.47, but you’re guaranteed double yer money back if it catches fire or something.

  474. Yup Cooter! He’s down a cupla quarts ah gas.

  475. You don’t need this! It’s one of those optional features dealers tries to sell.

  476. It suddenly became clear to Jerry that his name inspired practice of “Jerry-Riggin” a repair or restoration would never result in aquiring his dream job at Eastwood.

  477. This might be why the hologocile wouldn’t sagatiate confirmly… but I’ve never even seen THAT OBD code before!

  478. “I don’t know if I can fix this but let me call Eastwood, they always have a solution.”

  479. dam hood (that hurts)

  480. “Sir, I found out why your truck is not getting enough fuel pressure: It says made in China.!”

  481. Well I guess we had better take a look at thoes directions !

  482. “This came out of the back of my head.”

  483. This is the house special would you like this broiled, boiled or grilled?

  484. Do it yourself or pay me $$$$ !

  485. “…the BAD NEWS is I saw one of these in the new ‘TRANSFORMERS’ movie!”

  486. TIRES $300 TUNE UP $129.95 NEW BRAKES 69.95

  487. Well, I don’t reckon I know where it goes . But It sure is a pretty thang!

  488. Well looky here! This must be one of those new fangled devices that are on dem dare new fancy cars.

  489. “I’ve got three dollars…THREE..do I hear FOUR!!!

  490. Well. I hope you put a new fuel pump in the tank before you installed the tank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

  491. made in canada??

  492. Honest to God ma’am – its caused by a Transformer STD, I’m afraid ole’ Betsy ain’t been completely honest with ya!!

  493. Oops, I guess this means I go back to working at McDonalds.

  494. Show me what you got probie!

  495. Hey dude, I found this space alien thingy in your gas tank.

  496. Ops, I don’t think I should have pulled that hard!

  497. Questions ? Ask the Forum, someone there has the answer.

  498. Jerry had narrowed down to 3 things: a Borg subfield generator, a Romulan subspace communicator or a Ford sending unit. Somehow the sending unit didn’t seem right…

  499. They’ll be here to pick it up when? crap!!!!

  500. Qestione? Call Eastwood’s tech support. They have all the answers.


  502. Forrest McCanless

    Umm – maybe you should MAKE her eat?

  503. If this is HERE, then where the devil is my iPhone??

  504. Jerry Del Castello

    Well…Lets see, I’ve got good news and bad news…What do you want to hear first?


  506. Wow, You could have “fueled” me….

  507. No, sorry buddy-You aren’t on Pimp My Ride- this show is called “Strip My Ride,And Watch Me Cry.”

  508. Well,Da Eastwood Guys Said It Was A electric Fuel Pump Mount With Electrical Connections & Tubing Hookup!! It Also Has a Gas Gage Float&Sending Unit !!! So,I Guess We Should Put It Back In Da Tank With Da New Fuel Pump mounted On It ????

  509. Our tests showed evidence of a fuel system problem. So I removed the evidence.

  510. You don’t want to see what I did to the new LCD tv.

  511. The truth is I never even enrolled in the electronics school.

  512. Well this was your problem. So I got rid of it.

  513. Not sure what this thang is, but I bet Eastwood has somethin’ to polish it up nice!

  514. Send it to NASA, looks like one of those pieces of space junk I’v seen pictures of posted in Google. Might have just dropped down.

  515. Seriously, Boss, I found it under the car.

  516. well looks like the wigglin pin fell out of the wobble shaft

  517. I’m not sure but I think this may be important!

  518. Clint Eastwood gave away his iPod? Huh?

  519. How did I get stuck working on this clunker and how did Bosch fuel injection ever get to be popular? -Sheesh!

  520. Be glad you didn’t buy a Saturn, Hummer or Pontiac. Chevy parts are still available.


  522. You ain’t fuelin’ me now, are ya?

  523. Hmmm…this thingy goes…..nope, now I know where it goes.


  525. Never give up……Eastwood comes in Can’s not in Can not’s

  526. The Computer Was Down.

  527. I couldn’t fix your fuel pump but I did make your horn louder.

  528. I’m going to need some Eastwood tools to fix this!

  529. This thing was giving me a wedgie…now I can work on you car…

  530. Yeah, you know that funny noise your truck was makin’….well its not makin’ it anymore!!!!

  531. I wonder if Eastwood Forums can give me help on what to do with this?

  532. No, I’m really good at tearing things apart….Its the puttin’ it back that I need to work on……

  533. Yep- I think I will definitly gold cadium paint it after I sand blast it in my cabinet, glad I have so many option with Eastwood .

  534. what now ???????????????????????????

  535. What? You said you were gonna be “sending out for take out”, not to “take out the sending unit”?

  536. Should I call Manny, Moe and jack….No…I got it, Larry Moe and Curly!!! Soitenly!

  537. Ummm, sorry but I do believe this flux capacitor is defective. Looks like you will need a CPU with at least 1.2 jigo-watts of power to get your vehicle running again.

  538. Geez!! boss where do I put it?

  539. Mechanics not responsible for lost or stolen property (or leftover parts).

  540. Hey , I think I found another Jimmy Hoffa.

  541. Try us once, you’ll never go anywhere again.

  542. I knew sleeping in class after partying all night would end up biting me in the BUTTOCKS.

  543. Sir – what did the guy on the side of the road tell you this was for again?

  544. Uh,yeah,um, I don’t thinks this is covered under your warranty……

  545. If we don’t learn to fix our own stuff, someone else will.

  546. Steve, Sacramento,CA

    I figured out why your fuel level gauge doesn’t work….. some moron must have dropped this in your gas tank!!

  547. It’s a good thing we can restore this as good as new with Eastwood tools and products!!!

  548. You need a new one of these…..

  549. I know those guys are yankin’ my chain….I know what a muffler bearing is and this ain’t one!!!

  550. gee Ma’am, don’t recall where this fits, but am betting you won’t need it in a loooong while, trust meeeee! 😉

  551. I don’t think this fuel injector fits on this vehicle, are you sure its the right part number?

  552. Yeah….This is why you should have a qualified technician work on your car….know any?????

  553. Hi Ho off to the parts store i go.

  554. That reminds me, I haven’t seen my protologist in a while……

  555. I should of read the manual before I started

  556. Suddenly, Jerry has a flashback to the time he was abducted by aliens……

  557. Uh, houston, we have a problem……..

  558. Ma’am, I found this connected to the intake manifold…again. PLEASE, do not let your husband work on the truck anymore!

  559. Hey – my job description nevered mentioned any Man-eating Ninja Transformers Mutant Tarantula Gearhead Carburator Fuss-a-ma-jobs!!!

  560. Hey Andy, Otis sez that this crawled out from under the squad car…Barney said it is part of his speed detection device he installed out on highway 9…Whatcha want me to do with it???

  561. Are you sure? I didn’t see a gas tank.

  562. I could ask Eastwoods forum! Someone will know the answer.

  563. ow,i gotta stop hitting my damn head

  564. What is this and what do I use to plug the holes.

  565. Dah, I should have had a V-8.

  566. You bake this around the tailpipe, an it tasts just like opossum.

  567. pardon me, does any know what this or were it goes . i’ll pay.

  568. Am I suppose to cook this calimari or install it on the vehicle?!?

  569. “O” NO It’s a younger version of my Brother in law. WHAT HAVE I DONE?

  570. what in the world is this guess i should call eastwood they should know what it is and where it goes

  571. It only took me 7 1/2 hours to remove this thing, but I did it with only a screwdriver and a hammer.

  572. Maybe she did get a message on her cell, THE CAR WANTS HI-TEST!

  573. Being a highly trained professional, I see this sort of thing every day, but this one’s really got me stumped!

  574. I think I found the problem with the car, but why is the garage tipping over?

  575. So you said you paid for a fuel pump ??

  576. I think this was hanging off the rear view mirror!!!

  577. They always come out easier than going in!

  578. Lady…Did your plumber work on this car?

  579. Oh crap! My grandpappy told me I was gonna come across one of these one day….

  580. Mark Robidoux wants to know if this is a left or a right?

  581. Dam I just finished putting the tank back in!

  582. Maam, did you look at the gas gauge first before calling me, when the car wouldn’t start….

  583. Well, this is the only working part in your car, What I have to do next?

  584. boss? are you sure this goes to the carb, never saw a float like this before, bubba said it needs fixed!i need lotsa help

  585. Somebody call Curt at Eastwood, I know there’s a fuel pump in here somewhere!!!

  586. Your hubby says you spend too much time running the roads and if I could fix the problem. No more Fuel. LOL

  587. Remember when all you needed to check gas was a stick ?

  588. Not sure where I can find one of these, but Eastwood has the stuff to make it look new again.

  589. I have no idea where this goes …I put it back together just like the picture showed.

  590. Am I being punked

  591. i hate when that happens

  592. call us when your stumped

  593. I never seen one this big

  594. it just aint my day

  595. is this yours

  596. Insted of just painting the tank with Eastwoods tank tone metallic coating and making it look great,I should have also
    used one of Eastwoods gas tank sealer kits,then it would have performed as good as it looks and I may have saved this fuel sending unit,oh well just more shop rate hours..

  597. Honey, This really wasn’t needed to check to oil; but Eastwood to tools will help me fix it.

  598. this thing fell out of your car

  599. I think i broke it

  600. Who me? Uh no i dont work here, i just look really good in navy blue clothes with my name embroidered on them….you’re probably gonna want to have a real mechanic look at that mess i made under your car, HAVE A NICE DAY!!

  601. I knew i should have paid attention in class

  602. Ahh dang I forgot were this goes

  603. you want me to put this where

  604. Is this a fuel pump for a 350????
    It’s not gonna fit the hole in the block.

  605. The job books for three and a half hours. I’m estimating about a week before you can sit comfortably again….

  606. look at what i found. ooo scary

  607. did your car have one of these

  608. Is it time for lunch?
    I think I’ll have a drink.

  609. i just can’t remember where i found this

  610. “and just WHERE did SHE tell me to put this????”

  611. Don’t worry it’ll run fine without this.UMMM I THINK

  612. Don’t worry it’ll run fine without this

  613. This sure don’t LOOK like a fuel pump for a 350.
    Is it Chinese? It won’t fit the hole in the block.

  614. We have extra parts AGAIN

  615. I was given 15 minutes to install this!
    With Eastwood’s help, I DID IT!

  616. Did i do that

  617. uh..Do you remember what this was?

  618. uh… what was this again?

  619. The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and Wait!…thats not it, Righty tighty- Lefty loosey…No,….I before E except after labor day…

  620. Now that you’ve gone GREEN I don’t think you’ll need this! You should be able to sell it on EBAY.


  622. I’ll just clean it up, install it, and bill for a new part and installation. It is a win-win situation, the company makes money for the “new part” and I get commission.

  623. Got Parts???

  624. When you don’t know what it is;
    and you don’t know what it does;
    When you don’t know where it came from;
    and you don’t wannna feel dumb;
    Call Eastwood to save the day
    and probably save you some pay!

  625. Do you feel lucky? Well do you punk?!!! OOPS! WRONG EASTWOOD!!!

  626. Chilton Manual $19.95
    Mowhawk Haircut $25.00
    New Uniform $65.00
    Trying to remember what he was taught in class
    the day before: Priceless

  627. If this mechanic thing doesn’t work out, I am DEFINITELY trying out for American Idol next season!

  628. Shoulda gone to doctor’s school instead.

  629. After reading EASTWOODS tech library all we had to do was jack up the radiator cap and slide a new car under it!

  630. This is a no brainer……!

  631. “heres your sign”

  632. And I thought the certificate they gave me at school said it was a diploma!

  633. I’m not psychic, but this could be your problem….

  634. Where the heck does this go?

  635. Ah … sorry to be the barer of bad news, but your wife invalidated your warranty the moment she yanked this thing out in your girlfriend’s driveway.

  636. Yeah, so, ummm, I need to replace this doohickey . . . do you guys have one of these in stock?

  637. Sir, Ive been working at Advance O’zone Reillys for two weeks and you need a new one of these flux capacitors for sure.

  638. Now that I caught it, how do I cook it?

  639. Jerry remembers his care free days when all he had to do was make sure there was toilet paper on the roll….

  640. I’ve got to start using labels . . .

  641. You see, GM requires me to pull the engine in order to install this fuel line. So the damage will be around…$4000?
    Well, sir, I don’t know why we bailed them out either.

  642. As Jerry stood there scratching his head, He wonders about de’je’vu’ as he hears “we are going to have to let you go”

  643. Hmmmmm….I normally don’t find these in the engine compartment!

  644. I hope I’m on break when the owner …of this..comes back!!

  645. I just don’t know let me call Eastwood they will know !

  646. What can I say, Dad owns the garage.

  647. I Think the float was stuck on your Flux Capacitor.

  648. Umm, Are you sure this came in with you???

  649. Hmmm… I think we can bypass this thing, don’t you?

  650. We need to put this jibber back in the jabber and the whosie back in the whatsie and that will cost about $500. When should I start.

  651. Check it out. I assembled the part without any direction!! Look what I made with the leftover parts I didnt need!!!!

  652. ..Wait..If I weld this in the “full” position I’ll NEVER run out of gas!

  653. Would you like fries with that???? WAIT!! WHAT??!!

  654. I’ve broke my Doo-Hickie!! Now I have to call Eastwood before I can use it again!!

  655. “What am I supposed to do with this? Can someone tell me what this is? I can’t find any place it’ll fit.”

  656. Strangest thing…The brakes still squeal.

  657. I guess I shouldn’t of skipped shop class and gone with Mary Ellen to home ec…Her muffins weren’t worth it!!

  658. I think I have the part just have to retrieve it from the Toilet !

  659. Calgon take me away!!!

  660. are you sure it goes to this car?

  661. You dropped something.

  662. “Isn’t there supposed to be a pump attached to all this? I wanted to go fishing today, but not in a gas tank!”


  664. Uhhh…. Boss? I can’t seem to figure out where this goes.

  665. Maybe we can handle this under warranty?

  666. we dont really need this, do we?

  667. Tell the customer that the fuel sending unit was bad and we had to order one.

  668. “I could’ve had a V-8”

  669. caption——– what the hell is this for?

  670. How can I short-cut this back in the tank?

  671. Where was this when I was putting it back together.

  672. I’m always leaving sonething out.

  673. I’m pretty sure I need to replace this, if I just knew what it’s called.

  674. And you pulled this outa WHERE???

  675. Well, your alienator is dead; and a new one will be a thousand bucks!

  676. Is this Foreign or Domestic?

  677. . . The book says to put tab ‘A’ into slot ‘B’. . . Is this tab ‘A’ . . ?

  678. Had to pull the motor and tranny but i found the problem with your fuel gauge.

  679. Thanks man. You just made my day!!

  680. Last week, when I was working at McDonalds, we had a safety class about this thing. I think it is part of the deep fryer.

  681. Let me guess lady your husband was the last one under the hood

  682. ..Hey Joe, did we get instructions with this ??

  683. The elusive gas crab, seen here after being removed
    from its original habitat.

  684. . . You want me to put this where ? ! ?

  685. I know that this is not Calamari ,so where does it go boss???

  686. But they said one size fits all – that 54 caddy transmission
    will never work in this wreck.

  687. “How do I put this in the tank from the hood?”

  688. I can’t figuire out how this fell out of your gas tank

  689. .. No grasshopper, it is not a trick question . . .

  690. An you want this put,Where,by When?

  691. See what happens when you don’t do the work yourself?

  692. Diagnosis of problem $79.99 Hr.

    Intank fuel pump w/sending unit $289.99

    Finding a mechanic to fix it right the first time………………………..PRICELESS!!!!!!

  693. Michelle Draveski

    Ah I think I found the skelleton of an old VW in here

  694. If only I had listened to my tech school teacher I would know how to reinstall this fuel pump on this Chevy.

  695. Boss? No wonder it wouldn’t run. This was clogging up the gas line.

  696. Hey guys, is this from the car or the test equipment?

  697. You say your 4 year old fixed this? Then could he tell me HOW he did it?

  698. patricia phillips

    Yeah…I got some good news and bad news. The good news: this part works just fine. Ain’t nothing wrong with this baby – should last you another hundred miles, give or take a few. The bad news: you need to replace the rest of the car – it’s gonna cost a little bit more than I had originally thought. Want me to go ahead with the repair?

  699. Hey Bob,
    Your wife just dropped this off and said something about your girl friend not meeting you tonight.

  700. I’ve looked over and over and over again but I still can’t seem to see where this goes on the engine !!!!

  701. “who knew after spending $1500 on an rebuilt engine that this would be the problem”

  702. “Read the instructions.” Who does she think she’s kidding?

  703. Can’t remember where this thing goes. But it might be why your gas gauge don’t work no more. I ain’t sure.

  704. Boss says this is a fuel sender, where do I send it!!!

  705. You want fries with that? OR Wanta supersize that?

  706. “3 hours to put the tank back in and this is what i found”

  707. michael muckenfuss

    what the heack is this, and how did it get in my underwear drawer?

  708. Hey Bob,…….what does does do????

  709. Douglas Barnhart (BARNY)

    Did he say toilet or Subaru?

  710. I found this unnecessary, without it your fuel mileage will be greatly increased. You’ll thank me later.

  711. Hmmm, Wonder who I can blame for this?

  712. What the hell am I suppose to do with this?

  713. the guys on the forum said this part from my micro wave oven would bolt right up to the motor.

  714. where do i find one of these no one has one at the part place they cant find one theres not one on the internet help help thank you it must be rare

  715. Man, I hope tech support isn’t busy.

  716. Kristopher Christl

    This is a common problem on all motorcycles, it will only add a hundred dollars to your service fee, I think, maybe two hundred.

  717. Job security and recession proof what a deal.

  718. I knew I should have called Eastwood!!!!

  719. Ahhh…..Boss? I got the car back together…But, I have this part left over… Can I just throw it away?


  721. Ummm….Boss? does this thing do anything important?


  723. So this is what a muffler bearing looks like!!! I filled it up with some blinker fluid like you told me but I still can’t get it to work. Is there a plug on the wall I can stick it into to see if it lights up?

  724. 4 years of school
    Head technician at your dream shop
    Getting paied for doing what you love
    and yet still, I have no idea what this thing is…

  725. Install in reverse order.

  726. My mechanic said it’s almost rocket science but with Eastwood the answers were one click away. Should I say more?

  727. I really hope we have one of these in stock

  728. You thought it would be a good idea to give your car a hysterectomy!?! Really?

  729. I need a part number for this thing

  730. I bumped my head on the hood and accidently yanked this out……….does anyone know what it is?

  731. This here is your flux capacitor….you’ll probably have to replace it anyway sooner or later so you might as well do it now….while we have it out.

  732. I really can’t remember where this goes. Do you?

  733. i allways wanted to be a automatic transmission mechanic ….

  734. Are you gonna be waiting for the car or picking it up later?

  735. Ah, now where did this go…

  736. See….. What had happened was…..

  737. Much like your car, Im pretty sure its dead!

  738. Here;s your problem, I’m not really a mechanic.

  739. what is this thang anyway?

  740. There’s always parts left over when I work on a car, not sure why…

  741. well that was easy, now i have to put this thing back together

  742. Your car just coughed up a hairball!

  743. “Y’all’s car just coughed up a hairball!”

  744. “Dis here car has been up to auto-erotic asphyxiation, again.”

  745. Billy Bob, order me a thermostat

  746. this thing cannot be right….washer solvent level sensor

  747. “Did you still need this auto-speculum?”

  748. “Y’all’s car just cough up a Hairball!”

  749. Emmanuel Papatheodorou

    So what do we do with this then?

  750. Buy it from us next time and you won’t be looking like this guy that bought from another place.

  751. Found:
    One thingamig don’t know what it is or where it came from if you’re missin’ one..
    Please Call.

  752. Look mister, I know we serviced your truck yesterday, but it can’t be our fault it fell off, I’ve don’t know what it is.

  753. So what do I do with this thing??

  754. Hey jack is this part your….

  755. Boss this is a problem….but it is 5:oo So I will see you tomorrow…..

  756. Humm I know I read in a book from Eastwood”s were this go!!

  757. Damn, that’s some rebuild, I found this stuck in your carb!

  758. Uhh, now what?

  759. Sir, Here’s your $1500.00 problem.

  760. That was real funny! Who tossed this at the back of my head?

  761. It was only a loose ground wire?

  762. “Well, I just pulled and the whole lot just fell out the back of my head”.

  763. You expect me to put this WHERE?

  764. Now which car can i put this in?

  765. Wow! ive never had this many spares left over after a service………..

  766. Im due to pick the wife up in an hour.

  767. I KNEW i should have become a fireman

  768. Du I found your rattle, now Icannt get the car started !

  769. UH, “I wonder what this thing does”

  770. “Johnny is smugly embarrassed as his Rabbit-out-of-the-jumpsuit trick goes horribly, horribly wrong.”

  771. “The best argument for laxatives I’ve ever seen.”

  772. It’s all about weight savings, your car will fly now!

  773. Bryan Capnerhurst

    All this came out of that little hole?

  774. OMG!

  775. This our newest tool in the shop…… it’s our high pressure muffler bearing lubricator doo-hicky- thing-a- ma-bob. I tried reading the instructions, but they made no sense, translated from chinese to english by way of mexico.

  776. At tech school I drew hotrods in my notebooks…..crap.

  777. Wish I still had dad’s 63 chev 1/2 ton

  778. I know Eastwood sells replacement parts for these, but they’re way overpriced, and those awesome coupons they send out are always expired before any reasonable person can actually use them. I guess I’ll just buy one locally.

  779. Excuse me… umm… I hate to ask but uhh…
    I dont suppose you saw where I took this out did you?

  780. OOH BOY!! Now where in the heck does this go!

  781. Sure Glad Eastwood is Open 24 Hrs. They can Tell Me What It Is And Where It Goes.

  782. Like everything here at EASTWOOD it is guaranteed not to rip, slip, bag, sag, tear, distort, or stink in hot weather!

  783. Man, I could’ve put in a V-8!

  784. I think I just neutered your hybrid.

  785. Guaranteed replacing this will also make you irresistible to women, add 20hp, double your mpg, and make your hair grow back!


  787. Seriously you didn’t check with Eastwood first?

  788. My teacher in Auto Shop never told me about this!

  789. don’t miss tonight’s episode of Xtreme Eastwood Restos! witness this handful of remains miraculously transformed into a 100 point show stopper

  790. Yeah, this part, you don’t really need.

  791. I know that gas now is unleaded…but…Uh no miss I know I’m just a mechanic and not a doctor…. um still I don’t don’t think that by attaching a few a bells and painting it would be a good baby shower gift as a crib mobile,would be a wise idea!!!.

  792. They said the OnSt** diagnostics told them they were running lean…so I’s added a fuel pump from a full size Chevy.

  793. Sir….How did this get into the intake manifold?

  794. That Discount coupon is only good on Mondays.
    Our store hours are Tuesday through Saturday 10-5.

  795. Universal fit my A**!!!!

  796. Ding Ding. You’ll need to perform a custom installation. WE don’t have compatibility information about this device . huckaleros you may experience issues running this !?

  797. Thank God for Eastwood…

  798. If you are wanting this replaced you are going to have to get on a forever waiting list. Leave your number. Don’t call us. We’ll call you.
    Thank You. Have a Great Day.

  799. I’ve never seen anyone use a fuel tank sending unit in a radiator…until now!!!

  800. I knew I should have gotten what I needed from Eastwood.now how do I do this?

  801. These newfangled jumper cables are too hard to figure out. I liked the old black & red ones best!

  802. do i have to put this back

  803. If this thing bites me, I’m gonna SUE!

  804. Why does this P.O.S. always go bad when the tank is full!!!

  805. Were you a quarter short of having a full tank?

  806. Realy. Is this a joke? Who put you up to this?

  807. You see, ma’am? This is the inspiration behind the next movie in the Avatar series. It’s a 3-D…octo…squid. Yep, that’s what it is!

  808. I bypassed it…That “SHOULD” take care of that service engine light

  809. It’s back together, it still won’t start for some reason,and I found this…………. I’m fired right??

  810. I think only a couple of people ever studied these artifacts and there both no longer with us.

  811. IT IS WHAT IT IS!

  812. Gee boss, While you and your wife was at lunch I put the tank back in your wifes truck for you, but I found this on the bench after I was done. Was it suposed to go back in first???

  813. “Another fine mess you’ve gotten us into Stanley”

  814. I knew there was a reason I only work on classic cars!

  815. Dang!I knew things were going together way to easy!!

  816. Good news and bad news – This part is good!
    It’s the rest of the truck that needs to be replaced!

  817. “Hmmm, I decided to go back to Mechanical”….

  818. Doctor doctor gimmy the news “I got a bad case of fuel pump blues”….:)

  819. Well…you see…I’m just not sure which car this came out of…but I don’t think your gonna need it anyway. I think it’s more fuel efficent that way.

  820. Ever who designed this part is an … XXXXOOOXXOXXXOXXXOXXXXOXXXXOXXXXXOXXXOXZ!

  821. Weeellll, Now I got it out. What am I gonna to do with it??

  822. It don’t run right ’cause some dang fool plugged up yer gas tank with all this junk!

  823. You’ll feel better Ma’am now that we have completed your root cannel.

  824. Bad News – Gas prices are on the rise , but the Good News – You don’t have to worry about it anymore 🙂

  825. Ummmmmm, Maybe I should call a mechanic.

  826. I hate installing these , but i am done, i think i hit my head.

  827. You said you wanted the old parts back, so I’ll be sending you this unit.

  828. Would someone please get me on OVERHAULIN’ before I loose it again.

  829. Would someone please get me on OVERHALIN’ before I loose it.

  830. Does Eastwood have a magic chemical to restore this like new?
    Sure hope so.

  831. Who can I blame this one on?

  832. If I can fix your car, can you fix my hair?

  833. Who makes these parts? The first replacement part never works.
    I sure would like to meet the person that brought me this defective part in the back for 5 minutes.

  834. Do you think they’ll miss it?

  835. Guess I shoulda taken the fuel line loose be for i removed the carb!!!!

  836. You want me to stick this….where?

  837. Do they always have to fill up there tank before they bring there vehicle in to get this part changed out.

  838. Mam, you really don’t need this.

  839. Mam, you really don’t need this. Ok its all ready to go. They have you bill inside.

  840. I finally learned how to work it.

  841. Are YOU smarter than a 5th grader?

  842. I may as well pose for your swim suit calander because I suck as a mechanic!

  843. Why me!
    Tell me I’m on candid camera.

  844. If I see one more of these, I’ll scream.

  845. Well, it put up quite a fight but this sucker wont be troublin’ you any more!

  846. This is my new hands free device; it plugs in right back here.

  847. WOW this is crazy! Man I got wired off my energy drink, got screwed when I couldn’t figure out where this went and now I believe being fuel injected means left overs! Man I need a brake……Uh I mean a break! Gee Whiz…

  848. Do they always have to fill up there tanks before they bring there vehicle in to get change out this part.

  849. Hey Jimmy try thinking with your dipstick and put that thing back in!

  850. …oh yeah hurt like hell,it must have been laying where I sat down, took me two hours and half a tube of grease to pull it out

  851. Is there an App for that?

  852. Now which car did this come out of?

  853. well…you see that “buddy” of yours has no clue this does not attach to your fuel rail

  854. Hey Hon, Are you sure the guys at Pep Boys said this was a direct bolt in replacement for a fuel injection carb float?

  855. Does anyone know why this lifetime warranted part I have to replace every year?

  856. I enjoy working on cars just wish I could fix one for once……

  857. Hey Bob i believe your canooter valve is fucked!!!!!

  858. Now, where did this come from and where does it go?

  859. Hey! You ever seen one of these things? I just pulled this one out my hair.

  860. Did I just pull this out of my ass???

  861. I could use a vacation ’bout now.

  862. Sure, I know I can get one from Eastwood. I just have to figure out what to ask them for….

  863. What the fuck is this shit!!!!

  864. Hey Jerry, you should have used that sick day, today!

  865. This thing would make a great powered paint roller.

  866. I was just reachin’ under the spare tire and found this.

  867. They told me I had a short in my gas tank, I guess they were right……….I found it but it still won’t run!

  868. “I found this in your gas tank….whadda ya think we oughta do with it?

  869. Aw,crap. Megatron is gonna effin’ kill me!

  870. I always have extra parts!

  871. Gee! What do I do now? I thought all these new cars were plug and play!

  872. “Danged if I know what it is…….does it go somewhere on your vehicle??

  873. Change the water pump? I thought you said “change the fuel pump”!

  874. If I throw it out, it will reduce weight and they’ll save gas, right?

  875. I bet you think this just came out of that truck behind me.

    Take a look at my face and guess again…

  876. Im not sure boss but looks like 600 bucks to me!

  877. Well, we can get the RIGHT part from Eastwood, or…….

  878. WOW! you look like you need help from eastman fast

  879. Yes, I believe this is the one. Your service request states you hear a noise in the rear of your car. This is all I found holding up your gas tank under you car! Your fuel tank support straps are also missing due to the recent removal of our fire plug! This incident can be replayed on our security system!

  880. Trust me, you’re all set!

  881. Your Not a Good Mechanic if you Don’t End Up With an Extra Part

  882. GM cutbacks.

  883. Ca n someone google this part for me.

  884. Forget about the wiring harness, I’m more concerned about the hood support rod stuck in the back of my head!

  885. My girl says it cuts hair too!

  886. If the thigh bone is connected to the knee bone, what the heck was this thing connected to?

  887. This wasnt on Eastwoods training DVD’s.

  888. Eastwood forum, don’t fail me now !

  889. I think this’ll fit my camaro.

  890. “I thought you said these points were just put in a hundred fifty miles ago!”

  891. See I told Ya I could get it out without pullin the gas tank. Have Ya got any spare sheet metal to fix that hole in the trunk floor?

  892. Well,let me make a couple of calls, I might need a little help on this one.

  893. did i do that this doesn’t happen to me all the time

  894. Obamas first hired green job worker

  895. I don’t reck-a-leck my mama leavin her girdle under the hood before…

  896. I’m sure the boss said the electric frapinator connected to the battery disc injector.

  897. See….What had happend was….

  898. The next time your husband wants to “fix” the car. Tell him that touching this has cost him $1,500.

  899. He was thinking or he will be thinking: The haircut.
    I had the same haircut back in 1969 in Vietnam and to this day I am thinking: I should have prepared for the Picture they have in the Sea Bee cruise book…

    Actually. I think it looks fine. He has hair..

    Tom in Indiana

  900. My grandmother always told me that if I kept smiling like this, my ears would grow pointed and my wee-wee would fall off. Well now I’m really glad that Midas developed an implant, like this one, for me. I can finally be a man again.(well almost) Although lately, all the kinky girls are giving me the look… and I like it.

  901. Your blinker fluid line is shot.

  902. Gotta call Eastwood for one of these.

  903. It’s better to have gas over heart burn

  904. This kind of thing always gives me gas.

  905. You want me to put this where?

  906. Your right, Im not better than Eastwood.

  907. Aaaah….If you take the parts out yourself and then bring the car to us….Were gonna charge you extra to put em back in.

  908. Got gas?

  909. Did you need this? Oh, you wanted your car to run after I fixed your flat tire.

  910. I found these egg looking pods in my crawlspace and this dang thing jumpout and attached itself to my face. I’m fine now other than a little stomach ache.

  911. “I wonder when I’m going to receive my new ipod from Eastwood for when their caption contest”

  912. something is stuck on Empty

  913. “Awwuch! I just hit my head on the lift….what the…?….where did this come from?” Hey guys…”Did anyone see what I was working on?”

  914. I got this extra part and what the heck should it be use for?

  915. Makenzie Ferguson

    Check out Eastwood Rust Solutions and Restoration Products while I check out why she is running fine without it.

  916. Hi, I’m Jerry the plumber. The mechanic said my tank needed a new float, but I’ve never seen one of these in a toilet.

  917. Michael R. Campbell

    What the hell was I thinking?

  918. Hey boss… I… I think I messed up.

  919. You may want to check out how to clean this up on Eastwood Website while I figure out what it does !

  920. What is this thing called again?

  921. What’s them Eastwood guys number again???

  922. Well Mom was useing our restoration products and I got her runnin, She is runnin fine right now without this so keep it and if you have any problems Just bring her back !

  923. this thing um? but man this thing in the back of my head it’s really stuck.

  924. I’m not sure where it goes but I’m sure it’s not important anyhow.

  925. Uh OH I should have went to MAACO..

  926. And this is what makes flex fuel so flexible!

  927. Dont worry Sir I think this will fix it i`ll just bend it for yu .

  928. I…think I found the muffler bearing?

  929. You want this put where?

  930. dont look at me buddy, i thunk you would have been smart enough to ask for Eastwood!

  931. When you use other peoples products you may have to replace this.

  932. I knew I wasn’t nuts…..there was something in my hair!

  933. I guess I should have used Eastwood’s Tank Sealer Kit and I would have more that this left.

  934. I hate when these computer controlled parts go bad, this one hit me in the back of the head three times before I was able to subdue it

  935. I should have listen to the wife and wrote it down……either its my new erectile dysfunction device or her new A/C linkage!

  936. Hay does Apple have an App for this?

  937. after gettin this out of your truck,I’m gonna hafta add a chiropractic fee on top of labor.

  938. I’d like to see what Chip and the boys down at OVERHAULIN’ could do with this.

  939. Anybody up for an all nighter?

  940. Just… consider yourself “Going Green” !!!

  941. This was supposed to be a 10 minute job!

  942. Just think if I had the right tools what I could take apart.

  943. HUH If I’m not confused,I’m not paying attention.But my grandpap always said never the tool always the fool using them. (THIS ISN’T GOOOOOD.COME BACK FROM LUNCH & NOT SURE,WHICH IS THE GOOD USED ONE?)

  944. I Think Its Broke, Want A new one

  945. If I had only used Eastwood’s rust encapsulater on the fuel lines I would not be in this mess.

  946. Yup, Why Just Last Week I Didn’t Even Know How To Spell MECHANIC And Now I Is One.

  947. I found the problem! There was a bug in the gas tank!

  948. Charles Miller, Jr.

    I just pulled it’ insides out.

  949. Just send your stimulus check to us and we’ll take care of it.

  950. Lucky The boss told me this was an hourly job.

  951. Well, whatever it is, they’ll have it at Eastwood!

  952. Hhhmmm…Now what car did this come out of?

  953. Sir you really did not need the car back today did you?

  954. Jonathan Whitaker

    Hey Boss, I know I keep bugging you but I kinda don’t think this will fit where you told me to stick it.

  955. Lady, we found this tangled in your muffler bearings.

  956. And this is what makes flex fuel so flexible!

  957. Any chance you have one of these on the shelf?

  958. Sorry, all they told me was to remove the reverse incapulator, and if this isn’t it I dunno what to tell you except your broke down now FOR SURE!

  959. GM says it should take two hours to change this , I did it in five minutes, I just cut an extra ‘access’ panel in the bed , I’ll running this dealership in no time.

  960. Took me all day, but I found your problem, Somebody stole your fuel pump!

  961. boss,I found the hide-a-key.

  962. Do you think they will fix it under warranty still?

  963. Anybody see the instructions that came with this?

  964. Let Eastwood help you find out what it is, and get you a new one!

  965. As Randy returned from the garage he realized the foreman was only kidding about the “reward if he killed the metal tarantula”

  966. …I wish chevy trucks were simple to work on like they used to be…darn

  967. I’m a cook you know!!

  968. Do you want fries with that ?

  969. I should have stayed in dental school .

  970. I took this out to replace it WITH A NEW ONE but I forgot how it goes.!!!!!!!ANYBODY HAVE A MANUAL

  971. I’m so glad I don’t work flatrate!

  972. Yes sir , you will get better gas mileage without this thing it just adds extra weight .

  973. ahhh…better search the the Eastwood forum to find out where this goes…I’m sure it’s not where the customer told me to stick it.

  974. Good news is I found the part you needed.
    Bad news is someone stole your car!

  975. I wish I had gone to Wyotech!

  976. Spencer C. Powers III

    We removed this and installed the Energizer Bunny. She should out perform any hybrid on the market now.

  977. “This started as a rash on my butt.”

  978. WTF now what!!!!!!!!!!!

  979. I always throw away the ‘Extra” parts ,You brought your truck in because it was broke didnt you ? If it was perfect you wouldnt bring it in here .

  980. Dat gum government run car companies!

  981. i don’t know why but removing this fixed it, you want it back?

  982. Honey, the mechanic says this is why you ran out of gas, so see its not my fault!

  983. All this just to plug in an iPod?

  984. Well Bob, You remember the original estimate?

  985. Sorry Mr. Wallis this is the only thing that your add on warranty doesn’t cover,

  986. Hey pa,found out were dat wire went to!!

  987. Sorry sir, but… uh… your crab is a goner!

  988. “I hate to have to tell you, but I’ve found evidence that your truck has had a robot in her bed. He’s left some RNA (Robot Nucleic Acid) behind.”

  989. Yep, I got it out. Dosen’t look anything like the new part they sent me.

  990. Well Golly Dawg – looky what I found right cheer.

  991. After his SECOND gender reassignment operation, Tony the Truck felt . . . restored. And getting rid of the weird internal plumbing was bound to be a bonus!

  992. I have gotta stop working on 3 different cars at once!


  994. Um…this here…well…uh…I think…Humm…it’s…er…yeah ok

  995. Bet your glad I didn’t go into medicine!

  996. “Wait ’til you see what I got in my other hand”!!

  997. I guess I should have listened to the manufacturer when they said to use premium fuel… boy, this is gonna cost me!

  998. I Don’t Know What It Is Either!!! But,Shee Won’t Run If You Didn’t Replace It With A New One ????
    Just Ask Da Guys From Eastwood If You Don’t Believe Me !!!!!

  999. Giggity Giggity Goo!

  1000. I thought if I put my glasses on this thingy I could see the gas guage better!

  1001. Ummm, yeah. $900 and I can…Yeah, um 4 hours to put it back.

  1002. Hey Frank! Is this the muffler bearing?

  1003. Car Parts-$500
    Car Labor-$250
    Mechanic Shop buying your next car-priceless

  1004. Duuuuude!!! check out my bong!

  1005. Gee thanks…. just what I wanted for Christmas!

  1006. Honest Frank..it just fell off in my hand!

  1007. Cost of Automotive Education $13,000.00…
    Cost of tools from Eastwood $5000.00…
    Not knowing where this thing goes


  1008. “Man this project makes my head itch”

  1009. I thought it was a good idea at the time!

  1010. Michael Paslawski

    Ken-uter Valve or Muffler Bearing?

  1011. “Crap, only the 2nd day of school and I already @#$#@ this thing up!

  1012. Ya know I’ve seen one of these things before just can’t remember where.

  1013. Uh-oh what was the problem again?

  1014. “Craziest set of spark plug wires I ever saw”

  1015. even a complete novice can fix it with eastwood’s tools and supplies

  1016. Maam, Yes I am a pest control specialist but I assure you this is not a spider that was lodged in your clutch fan!

  1017. Well, Here’s your problem.

  1018. Knew I should have checked with Eastwood, when the mechanic told me he had some extra parts leftover!!!

  1019. “Now how did I pull THIS out through the front of the vehicle?”

  1020. Knew I should have restored my original part using Eastwoods technical experts “Eastwood Leading The Way In Automotive Restoration”

  1021. Batteries not included?

  1022. “Their’s definitely something wrong when this is in the engine compartment”

  1023. Boss, I’m almost positive this is the margarita dispenser. Or maybe the counter-clockwise reversing carbon flow regulator.

  1024. Patricia Robinson

    Well Ma’am, I thinks it’s broke…….

  1025. WELL GOLLY, where’d this come from?

  1026. Think we can jumpstart it with these computer cables??

  1027. But boss, I thought I could help……..I guess I”ll go back to sweeping the floor.

  1028. If I had only bought that diagnostic tool from Eastwood It would have cost $12.00 to repair

  1029. Rob Champlin ( Chase Creek Restorations )

    ” I know Boss…………but I just started today “. You said; Take it to ‘BITS’ if you must, make a ‘JOB’ of it man ! So___

  1030. “I think this is what was making that sound.”

    Don’t be embarrassed you should have referred to the experts at Eastwood.

  1031. Well, your lifetime warranty covers everything EXCEPT this here part that is fried!!!

  1032. Michael A. Sanchez

    If only I had read the instructions !

  1033. I think Robocop’s going to need a little Viagra after this!

  1034. Phillip F Williams

    You can Pay me Now or Pay Me LATER.

  1035. Kenneth Rusakovich

    What the Hack where do I start

  1036. I could have used Eastwood Gas Sealer?

  1037. Ipod’s new attachment, has a many a mechanic scratching their heads…..

  1038. Part of your car? No. I think it just came out of the back of my head! Uh. Now I’m runnin’ on empty.

  1039. The good news is, this is your problem. The bad news is that I have no idea what it is.

  1040. Not to worry, this was just an unnecessary dealer installed option. I made you a cool wooden stick with marks on it to check you gas. It is “Way” more accurate!

  1041. KNOW CARS? We do!

  1042. Well, here’s your problem. Somebody stole your fuel pump. How’d ya git here with your fuel pump is missin’?

  1043. OK, try it now!

  1044. WOW!! I didn’t know spiders like this lived in engines!

  1045. What the heck is this thing-a-magiggy? I better call Eastwood!

  1046. Wow! Turns out when you disconnect from “The Matrix” it really hurts!

  1047. Boss, we have a problem!

  1048. “OK. Guess I need to read the instructions.”

  1049. This here is whats called flux core capacitor. Wait till you see what happens when you it 88mph!

  1050. Go ahead Eastwood….Make my day!

  1051. “What you think it is Bubba?”

  1052. All fixed up and ready to go. Oh, this thing. You don’t need it. No really you don’t need it, I guarantee it, You have my word! Just a few of some famous last words.

  1053. Good News: I completed your oil change.
    Bad News: I have this part left over.

  1054. Will somebody please tell me where the lost and found department is ?


  1056. Does this belong in one of those Toyota electric cars?

  1057. Hey boss – I got the new fuel filter in, but this thing came out. You think the customer will notice it’s missing?

  1058. If I had known it was going to be this ugly, I never would have touched it in the first place.

  1059. Can eastwood shop talk forum help me?


  1061. Uhh….we got uh…another vehicle here just like yours, and ummm….well…the oil change yer sposed to git is on us…

  1062. well what do think is it like the one you removed

  1063. What do your mean, limp and life less?

  1064. I forgot to put this back in, is it OK if I just toss it in the trunk?

  1065. After Jerry took the red pill, he yanked the wires out of the back of his head and realized he was still in Matrix, New Jersey.

  1066. I wonder if I could whip this into a hood ornament in case they need it down the road?!

  1067. If I had one of these at home, I’d call Pest Control.

  1068. Hey Boss I got that do higgey out now what should i do with it.

  1069. Durr, I don’t know what it is but It’s gonna cost ya and I bet it ain’t cheep!

  1070. you always know you did a good job when there’s parts left over. that’s what Mr. shade tree always says!

  1071. Well Sir its(quick think up some crap to tell this guy) like this…….

  1072. I Think I forgot something!

  1073. Where the heck is the JC Whitney catalogue?

  1074. Wow,
    it was easier cutting a hole under the back seat, a little duct tape , they wont even see it , its under the seat !

  1075. “I did’nt see this in the repair manual” hope it’s not important ?

  1076. Not to sure what it is, I’d say $500 to fix it.

  1077. MAN, That Boa constrictor was so wrapped up in your engine I had to pull it out through your gas tank! You mite need this.

  1078. You pulled this out of my what?

  1079. I wonder what Lee Iacocca would have done?

  1080. Yer right, this thing is hard on gas…suck this right outta the tank!!

  1081. Here at Ed’s used parts world, If you install any of are used parts and they are bad, bring it back in for a replacement.

  1082. So easy a dumb man can do it!

  1083. Not sure what I did but it cleared up the check engine light.

  1084. This is the closest wring harness i found it came off a 1967 volkswagon bug .but i am sure it will fit your 2005 lincoln, no returns on electric parts though

  1085. So, you thought cheap gas was really cheap?

  1086. Man, I never seen this on Deadliest Catch… Is it a keeper?

  1087. You say you just came in for an oil change and tire rotation huh???…Hmmmm….wow….well….Uh…

  1088. I’m pretty sure this is not covered under the auto restoration book i have; Better call Eastwood tech support to find out for sure!!!!
    GO Eastwood!!!

  1089. I only wish i could remember where this thing went.

  1090. Ya mean I was supposed to test it first? But I don’t know what it is. Dang !!

  1091. Where did you say the batteries Go????

  1092. “You mean ‘THIS’controls the cornering lights?”

  1093. So easy a grown man can do it!

  1094. John J. Pellegrino

    Please don’t ask the plumber to fix the car again!

  1095. I KNOW you have no clue what this is,but guess what it’s gona cost ya big time. HA HA HA

  1096. I think I found your problem, this thing was hanging into your gas tank, so I went ahead and ripped it out for you, car’s still not running but I’m feelin it annnnny minute now.

  1097. The good news is the torch helped to get it out, the bad news is, this is all that is left!!

  1098. I finally found that kanuten valve eveyone has been talking about


  1100. Hmmm… Now was that the blinker bone connected to the alternator bone, the brake bone connected to the sensor bone, or..? Dang It! Why didn’t I pay attention in autology class!?

  1101. “Ahh Actually I am going to need payment up front for this one”

  1102. They said it wasn’t Rocket Sience, but I think it’s close.

  1103. Well, it came out pretty easy, but I’m thinkin’ that putting it back is gonna be a real pain!

  1104. Did you over-rev the motor? This was in the throttle body.

  1105. HMMMMMM……I thought there should be a “fuel pump” attached to this thing!

  1106. I’m pretty sure this wasn’t covered in class….Now what do I do?

  1107. Wow ,
    it was much easier cutting a hole under the back seat , nobody will see the hole ! I must have duct tape some where !

  1108. Sorry boss, but this is all that’s left of the racer

  1109. This was never in the instructions!

  1110. Remember “The Far Side” ? I’m posing for a drawing of what a doctor pulls out of a patient!

  1111. Ironically the only thing that went into the tank were Jerry’s dreams of an automobile career.

  1112. Geez!!!!, These lice are killing me!!!!

  1113. Michael Clatworthy

    “Do you remember where this went!”

  1114. Like a Neanderthal, Jerry raised his hard-fought prize above his head…also like a Neanderthal, Jerry has head lice.

  1115. And in an instant Jerry’s dreams of being an ASE spokesperson went in the tank.

  1116. I got your car fixed but it won’t start. I’m thinking this could be your new problem.

  1117. UGH I thinks its a connewtter valve boss?

  1118. Step by step instructions on how to convert your gas guzzler into a state of the art Hybrid. Presented by our one and only, Jerry.

  1119. I told them “there is no substitute for new parts”

  1120. The good news is, this is your fuel pump and it does work fine. The bad news is your mechanic installed it on the motor instead of on the gas tank !

  1121. has anyone seen my glasses?

  1122. The good news is this is your fuel pump and it does work fine. The bad news is your mechanic installed it on the motor insted of on the gas tank !

  1123. I know it’s a sending unit but were did it send the fuel pump? Maybe it sent it to the back corner of the gas tank.

  1124. OOPS!!!!!!

  1125. My boss, Goober, left me holding this here thingamajig while he took the patrol car back into Mayberry.
    I bin standin here so long waitin fer’em, that I fell back and hit my head. Ouch! Darn, that sucka hurts!!

  1126. Just Great! Dead Trailblazer in my bay, irate customer on the phone, and the service manager is all over me like a fat lady on a milking stool. Then the wingnut parts man gives me this fuel sender for a 97 k1500! I can’t believe
    wasted all that time and money on auto tech school fot a measly $10 an hour! Oh yeah, and they charge the customer $95 an hour! No wonder people hate dealerships! Should’ve
    taken the computer IT courde instead!
    (NOTE: There is NOTHING humorus about this picture!)

  1127. “My mama said,my mama said,my mama said…

  1128. It’s all good!

  1129. You were right,it was an electrical pronlem,not a fuel one!!!!

  1130. Is this enough to keep my mother in-law from visiting?

  1131. Hey Boss, I think I found the problem…at least I hope so… cuz this is a MO-FO to get to.

  1132. Yeap I think I found your problem somebody stuck some crab legs on your tank.

  1133. I should of had a v8 !


  1135. Well, here’s your problem.


    Awww, this isn’t where I parked my car.

  1136. Bad news,The Ca-niffler rod broke!!

  1137. New fuel sending unit:$252.55.

    New fuel tank to replace the one Jerry knocked a hole in to pull said sending unit out: 179.95.

    The look on Jerry’s face when his boss tells him “YOU’RE FIRED”:Priceless.

  1138. Do you want me to put this in the trunk for you, I’m going to lunch.

  1139. The Doctor said he found it where?

  1140. Maybe you should consider new over used.

  1141. so…where did I put my iPod?

  1142. Sir, don’t you think we should get the car to run before fixing the antenna?

  1143. Ah I thought the fuel pump was on the side of the motor where in the heck am I suppose to put this?

  1144. EASY MONEY $$$$$, This is your problem your electric fuel went out , How much Going to cost $500.00

  1145. 60% of the time, it works all the time?

  1146. Maam, I know you paid $300.00 for it, but it will not fix your air conditioner.

  1147. Shucks should of went with PAINLESS WIRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  1148. Caption to the picture of the guy with the fuel pump/float level switch assembly: “Where does this Crazy Gizmo go?”

  1149. I got it all back together, but I can’t find a place for this.

  1150. My friend who works on cars left it there.

  1151. Well….You can always dip the tank with a yard stick!!!!!

  1152. Christopher Bruns

    OOPS!! I guess Iam working overtime!!

  1153. I should have taken that old junk tractor part out of my truck bed long ago, he’s trying to figure out where it fell out of.

  1154. With this? I would have to suggest a Merlot.

  1155. I’m sorry sir, this part has been discontinued.

  1156. i know i took it out somewhere

  1157. Hmmm, looks like a question for the Eastwood forum.

  1158. I’m charging extra for this!!!


  1160. “Oh, wow…I better head to Eastwood!”

  1161. Jerry: “Well, no wonder the owner couldn’t tell if his gas tank was either half full or half empty! This thing was in upside down”

  1162. Hey Billy Bob, I’ll trade ya this here thing for yer old Heehaw tapes.

  1163. A yea I think this is your problem right here but,we are going to have to check with the real mechanic I’m just the service writer.

  1164. The problem was with your “flux capacitor”. It will only cost 1.1 Giga-dollars to fix!

  1165. There’s gotta be a way to make this right! Think I’ll call Eastwood right now!

  1166. Charlie, I can’t decide. We fryin’ this or bakin’ it?

  1167. Whada ya think Roy? Uncle Jesse could use this on his still.

  1168. Now what in tarnations is this do hickie????

  1169. What do you mean fender? I thought you send sender.

  1170. I found out where your gasoline was going…

  1171. “Hey Boss, Do you think I can use this to plug that big hole in the gas tank?”

  1172. Oh, yea…it’s the….aaaaaa….we’ll get it running good for ya…give us a call tomorrow.

  1173. Another quality part from AC Delco?

  1174. Dang nab it! I’ve been workin’ on this buggy for dang near 65 years, now I have oldtimers disease and can’t remember Where this dohicky goes much less remember What it is! I think I’ll just hide it under the spare and maybe the owner(Bless his heart) will never miss it.

  1175. The next generation of the, “Do It Yourself Hybrids”. So easy and idiot could do it.

  1176. Maybe we should check that OBD code again

  1177. Uhhh, Mr Peterson, did you say you needed your truck back near the end of this month or something?

  1178. Never push to hard when you have bad gas!!!

  1179. Dam I knew i should have called in sick today!


  1181. So much for diesel in your car.

  1182. Eeerrrr, I guess I missed the step about fitting this back in the fuel tank before I put it back in your truck…Can ya come back tomorrow??

  1183. The boss said to put this in the gas tank but it wouldn’t fit down the tube!!

  1184. hey pa, can I keep it for a pet?

  1185. What’s this? It’s just the hook up for the reverse inverberator, which wasn’t really required on you make and model car.

  1186. This? This is what we call a “doohickey.” Why do you ask?

  1187. Y’all want this back?

  1188. good thing its one of the new hybrids cause battery power is the only way this car is getting out of here.

  1189. Jerry thought: “Yes, it’s definitely electro-mechanical in nature. There’s a clue!”

  1190. Jerry stretches the kink out of his neck and swears next time he’ll drain the gas out of the tank BEFORE he services the sender.

  1191. Like Eastwood says, “If you want it done right, do it yourself.”

  1192. I called 911 they said to stay on the phone.

  1193. Do you really want me to put this dirty thing back?

  1194. now what do i do with this part?

  1195. Going Green,new miracle product stick this bar of soap in your tank like so causing cleaner fuel and 2% better milage and up to 4 more hp only 29.95 call now

  1196. DUDE ! i know it came otta here , i just can’t remember where…….

  1197. “Well when I was changing your oil I found this…problem, and i imagine its gonna cost ya at least 5 or 6 hours labor…”

  1198. Now how did that get stuck in my tailpipe?

  1199. That will be $51.50, and don’t worry your car is not fixed!

  1200. “I think we call this part – The Octopus!”

  1201. Timothy McWilliams


  1202. OK. I give up. What is it and where does it go?

  1203. Huh…I never made the connection

  1204. Well…I finally got it out, but I’m not sure I can get the new one back in.

  1205. Eastwood, sent you a picture cause I don’t know what it is. Can you help please?


  1207. I Dunno? seems to work just fine without it??

  1208. “Anyone know what this was doing in my jumpsuit?”

  1209. Ok, should I tell the owner we had to replace his muffler belt for $814.00 or tell him he actually only needed new batteries in his remote starter and that will be $2.49 ????

  1210. The book says it goes in this way and that’s how it is going in.

  1211. Uh, I found this when I was checking your blinker fluid. We see this all the time. Do you want me to order up another for you?

  1212. “Sender?…. I don’t even know’r….”

  1213. If you can’t fix it with a hammer, it must be electrical!

  1214. Ahhhh, now what?

  1215. uh oh?!

  1216. Well,if you say it’s good with butter i’ll eat it if you cook it.

  1217. Well! I’ve never seen one of these at this end before!

  1218. “I’m not as smart as I look”

  1219. Now what!

  1220. damn!!!! should have bought a ford !!

  1221. I believe this goes in the tank, not under the hood. You worked on this yourself didn’t you?

  1222. morris "moe" shouse

    which end is up?

  1223. I think I’ll powdercoat it and put it right back where I found it!

  1224. “NOW this could take a while”-now if only i could figure out what it is and how to put it back!

  1225. Oh man!!!! Your screwed dude!!

  1226. Jerry was very excited to have his picture taken with the one left over part. After all, it was a personal best for him.

  1227. me thinks I should have gotten that manual !

  1228. Yur wife wanted me to tell ya that your cable is too small!

  1229. Claudine Van Sickle

    I can’t remember? Did I get this haircut with this or was it in the engine?

  1230. Ahhhh, now we know what the bailout was really for, this, I think…

  1231. The Fuel float goes where?

  1232. Look dude…….leftovers!!!!!

  1233. Wow I better call Eastwood

  1234. Is this it Boss ?

  1235. I wonder how I get this down the filler neck.

  1236. Gas prices bothering you too?

  1237. Can we get Horatio and his CSI team to analyse this and tell me where it might have come from, or where it goes???

  1238. I’d fix it, but I ain’t sure what it is…….

  1239. I wonder just what this really is, I bet it is broken now and how much can I get away with charging the customer for it?

  1240. I got some good news and some bad news……..the bad news is your thingy here went bad. The good news is I don’t think ya need it anyways!

  1241. Boss, I did like you said, but I can’t get this thing to float.

  1242. i think you may be better off getting another vehicle

  1243. Now what have I done?

  1244. Iam not sure a colonscopy would show this.

  1245. this dohickey looks bad to me…

  1246. hey boss are these the spark plugs?

  1247. I was going to call the proctologist but I am quite the do-it-yourselfer…..

  1248. Your car coughed this up…

  1249. Apprentices – cant work with them – can’t work without them

  1250. I told them when I was hired that I was an “interiors” guy…

  1251. Jerry had always been told to smile when he was clueless…

  1252. Hmmm..Guess maybe we should have called onstar!

  1253. Jerry knew, with his years of experience, that this spelled trouble

  1254. The dealership had learned long ago to not let the customers see Jerry…

  1255. Could be worse, the last car I worked on flipped off the hoist and landed on its roof!

  1256. John Blickensdorf Sr.

    You want me to stick this where?

  1257. Every time surprising us – it’s unnecessary parts

  1258. I got er out but I’m not sure if I can get er back in !

  1259. i don’t have a clue. “help”

  1260. This Little Part of Mine,
    With Eastwood I’m Gonna Let it Shine
    Let it Shine
    Let it Shine
    Let it Shine

  1261. It’s either for fuel or spark, where do you want to start?

  1262. So I am wondering, is the boss here today?

  1263. Man is this going to cost him. “He could have saved so much money if he only knew about Eastwoods Forum!”

  1264. “OH Mannn!!!, I wish I didn’t sleep through that class on fuel systems!!!!!!!

  1265. “Lady, you ain’t drivin’ this today”

  1266. Sure wish I would have finished training.

  1267. I know this goes somewhere, I’m just not sure where.

  1268. Jerry wished he had not missed that day in auto class

  1269. Jerry confirms another non-gearhead’s suspicions:

    Ahhhh…yeah…it’s definitely software related; this particular iPod adaptor typically self-installs on Chevy trucks…

  1270. didn’t read the instuction did ya!

  1271. Jerry searched the back of his head for the input terminal of his onboard digital analyzer

  1272. Doesn’t look like the one in the diagram…….

  1273. Won’t the boss be tickled when I bring him this flux capacitor he sent me for?!?

  1274. What the hell is this,I gess we don”t need it.

  1275. well, if this ain’t yer i pod then i think we’re both in a bit of trouble

  1276. Ha ! And my Dad said I would never make it as a mechanic – proved him wrong, didn’t I ?? And when I call him to ask what this is I will tell him so.

  1277. this is like deja vu…

  1278. Jerry knew he shouldn’t have pulled on that loose wire so hard…

  1279. Wonder if this is the thing-a-ma-bob that the lady said was makin all the noise when she tride to start her car?????

  1280. The dog was running across the yard with this hanging from his mouth. Is it important?

  1281. GOT PARTS?

  1282. Sir, I don’t think we are going to have your truck ready by 4:00 PM.

  1283. Well, I grabbed the fuel injector and pulled real hard…

  1284. I dunno…I just pulled real hard on the fuel line and this came out…

  1285. Aw shucks, all it took was a little Eastwood fast etch!

  1286. I already hit my head once…I’m not going back in there…

  1287. Michael MacGregor

    Jerry says “Hey George here’s another faulty truck fuel level and pump assembly”.

  1288. The manufacturer says they never made this…

  1289. No sir, I assure you this is not an important piece. Just think of it as high speed low drag and much more light weight than when you brought it in. Just by removing all nonessential components you got yer self a hot rod.

  1290. After extensive research and hours of chasing down possible fuel restrictions I removed this thinking it was clogging your empty gas tank.

  1291. If I stand just like this…it points north…

  1292. BBBBBut Boss!!??!!?? Ya said to see what was in the tank?!?!?!?!?!

  1293. The fuel pump was fine. You were just out of gas.

  1294. I know it’s a full resto, but does this thing go in before or after I coat the tank??

  1295. The small electrical shocks Jerry got from the device hurt, but felt kind of good…

  1296. Now I have to call EASTWOOD for advise.

  1297. Hey lady, Your muffler bearings need replaced.

  1298. This little critter here was strangling your muffler bearing!

  1299. If I stand just like this, I can hear a radio in my head…

  1300. ” Let me see, where did I put that duct tape?”

  1301. Arthur Malaussena

    Did you have to honk the horn while I was under there?

  1302. What do you mean your gas problem was from eating too many Tacos!!!!! I thuoght it was your car.

  1303. sender, schmender….will it run without it?

  1304. Honest boss, this thing fell out and hit me on the head


  1306. Before I hit my head I knew what this was…

  1307. So…where do the batteries go in this thing again???

  1308. I worked on 10 cars today and they all seemed to run after I was done…hmmmm…

  1309. Sorry buddy, but you need a new fizzlewiff and we don’t stock it. Try calling Eastwood, ask for Curt.

  1310. Check back with us late next week. We should have her fixed by then

  1311. What do you mean your radio still is not working!!! This electric antenna was full of gas.

  1312. I know this looks bad, but I still have 10 minutes according to Chiltons…

  1313. Funny, when I scratch my head right here, my left foot taps…

  1314. This little critter put up a good fight!

  1315. A good mechanic always keeps something for themselves.

  1316. 1) Dip this into the tank to check the gas…

    2) Damn Mapquest!…

    3) Eastwood Jerry, Eastwood…

    4) I’m a Chevy and I made this…

    5) Too much fast food!

    6) I’m going to sell it on ebay!

  1317. “Oh god, GM’s bankrupt, I won’t be getting this from the parts counter any time soon”

  1318. Hook up a battery tender? I thought you said fuel sender!

  1319. I’d better check Eastwood.com!

  1320. It didn’t fit ware you told me to put it sir.

  1321. No Sir! I’m sorry, but this is not covered under the bumper to bumper warrenty…

  1322. Must be the gauge?

  1323. Do you want it painted detail Grey or chassis black?

  1324. What the fuck am I supposed to do with this?

  1325. Here’s a best of the best Eastwood tech,scary

  1326. What tha ?????

  1327. “You see, Im SO good, that I dont need ALL the parts the engineers needed to make it run!”

  1328. Glad I am only allowed to do tires!

  1329. Looks like BumbleBee (Transformers)forgot one of his buddies.

  1330. Jerry recommends hiding your personal toys in other areas besides your engine compartment.

  1331. What’s the part number of a goink-a-later valva?

  1332. Here’s a best fothebest eastwood tech,scary.

  1333. I wonder what those two monkeys with the plastic bats would do with this

  1334. I should of listened to my wife and stayed in BED !

  1335. I wonder what I’m supposed to do with the leftover parts?

  1336. This is supposed to fit in the windshield washer bottle?


  1338. I bet with this weight reduction you get better gas mileage.

  1339. Got Gas !!!!!

  1340. You might want to keep this thing close by ya at all times… it looks kinda important.

  1341. I am not sure what it is, but I think its broke!

  1342. Well since your a prefered customer we wont charge you to have this particular piece of contaminated automotive rubish recycled, however the labor is gonna be a little over your budget..

  1343. I don’t need no stinking labels!!!

  1344. I gave it a try, Maam, but i’m actually the cleaning guy!

  1345. ummm this is what was wrong, it should work now.

  1346. “Insert WHERE?”

  1347. Can’t pass gas if they don’t have the gas pump

  1348. Keep this in your glovebox in case she acts funny again…

  1349. I did a lot of cars today, which one did this come from ????

  1350. Whose the genius that came up with this modern marvel?

  1351. need part’s under the hood???
    well it’s time to call Eastwood!!!!!

  1352. where’s my duct tape

  1353. Your vehicle is an investment. Don’t trust it to any old Tom, Dick, or Jerry.

  1354. Factory trained in China!

  1355. Can they chrome this so I can get a few more horses out of the family truckster?

  1356. well what happened was

  1357. the fuel gage still does not work

  1358. No mam. This part is not recyclable. Give it to Grandma and tell her it’s a collectible.

  1359. It’s $50.00 labor and we throw in the parts

  1360. Hey Boss! Got the gas tank back in, now how do I get this in the tank?

  1361. I really don’t think this is supposed to be on your car.



  1364. Would love to win this!!

  1365. Fuel gauge! I don’t need no stinking fuel gauge

  1366. Humm , Remember that part I misplaced a while back … Well, I found it.

  1367. The owner of this vehicle came in with a rear defroster problem. Jerry thinks this is the cause. Don’t be Jerry.

  1368. Ah, when does that Cash for Clunkers thing end?

  1369. Do you know what it is, cause I sure don’t.

  1370. . . . missed it by this much . . .


  1372. Well here’s the problem somebody put this thing under your hood.


  1374. Is this from your tackelbox

  1375. With gas prices this high, I really don’t want to know how much gas I have left!

  1376. I’m sure she’ll be back…

  1377. it’s kinda strange, the car purrs like a kitten but we have extra parts leftover, what would you like to do with them

  1378. whats this got to do with a oil change.

  1379. I believe I found the solution to lowering your high fuel bills….eliminate this here fuel remover thingy.

  1380. Who ordered the chevy king crab?

  1381. Anyone see the car that goes to this…?

  1382. Some things just don’t come easy for Jerry. So, it’s a good thing he knows about Eastwood.

  1383. You got this from where and you want me to put it where?

  1384. According to All Data there should be a fuel pump attached here some where.

  1385. If I knew what it was I could probably use a Power Probe to test it!

  1386. For my next trick, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat.

  1387. At first I thought it was the Fer-at-a-stat, But now I think it may be the Thing-a-ma-bob.

  1388. YUP! Your blinker fluid relay is a toast, to bad too… these things are like GOLD!

  1389. Oh no, not this thingy again!!!

  1390. Hmm, this looks like you might want to have it installed

  1391. Damn! Another mystery,another bald spot!!

  1392. If you pull hard enough on the fuel line, something’s got to give!

  1393. As soon as I figure out what it is I am sure Eastwood will have one!

  1394. does this look familiar? we found it in the engine compartment area.

  1395. yea, then all of a sudden, this fell out… hurt like hell!

  1396. Started out as one of those days……………..
    Hmmm, thing from the inside ended up on the outside. Thanks Eastwood for putting the “gas” back into my day!

  1397. yes, this did come out of your ass……

  1398. I whacked my head on the frame rail gettin’ this thing out when I was tryin’ to get a look at that ’57 Chevy pullin’ out of Eastwood’s parking lot.

  1399. RUN…It’s a suicide bomber.

  1400. Ma’am, did you happen to run over a T-100 Terminator on the way to our shop?

  1401. You’re in luck. A Swap Meet will be in town in 2 months.

  1402. Why??? Ah, I mean, this is my first day, I’m sure I can fix it, Just have to remember if I pulled it or if it fell out of somewhere? REALLY, IT IS MY FIRST DAY!!!???

  1403. Honest boss I did’nt touch it, it just fell out on it’s own.

  1404. No, no, no; it doesn’t measure blinker fluid. You lube it up with elbow grease and it drains your prop wash.

  1405. Snow crabs anyone?

  1406. I have to stick this where?

  1407. Look, if I didn’t put it back on then you don’t really need it.

  1408. Well I powder coated it, Now what?

  1409. UHH.. i think i found out wat was wrong. i accidentally ordered a water purifier from culligan instead of callin the autoparts store..

  1410. What is this and do I really need it???

  1411. I shoulda had a v-8!!!

  1412. I think it came out of this one?

  1413. Now that it’s out. What is it?

  1414. OH Well-I dont need it anyway.

  1415. this belongs to a 1969 HENWAY. what’s a HENWAY. oh about three pounds

  1416. My other brother Jimmy thinks this here catastrophic converter is bad!

  1417. AH! do you really need this!

  1418. I like Sushi, but I’m not really sure if I want to try this Octopus

  1419. I just don’t understand it. I took this out and now the truck runs better than ever?

  1420. Heres the problem, too many fuel lines!

  1421. What do you mean I was suppose to put it in the fuel tank before I put the tank back in…

  1422. Good news is: I’m finished. Bad news is: still won’t run.

  1423. Yeah so…I found this under the seat. Did we need it?

  1424. Terry G.Caston Jr.

    Cheapest Heap Ever Visualized Yet-Define Chevy

  1425. Charles E. Struble

    I’m pretty sure it’s metric…

  1426. In and out in 15 minutes or it is on us

  1427. Not again! Better get out my resume and good suit…

  1428. “Hey Boss was this that part you were lookin’ for yesterday?”

  1429. It almost got away, but I done killed it.

  1430. “Don’t just Jerry-Rig It”

  1431. ‘Oh boy! Oh Boy! I just pull out a cheese! Need direction on this fuel highway messs up!’ “Who are you going to call?”

  1432. “OK, who goosed me ?”

  1433. Umm, where does this go?

  1434. Oh! OH! I should have installed this before I installed the Tank.

  1435. DANG!!! I knew I shouldn’t of trusted another automotive repair spot other than Eastwood!

  1436. The good news “We got your fuel sending unit out”

    The bad news “It was not your sending unit after all,you just needed one blown relay.

  1437. I looked all over the place for this thing. Would you believe they put it in the gas tank?

  1438. I should have asked my wife where this thing went. I’m sure she would have had an answer to where I should have put it.

  1439. Save that, you’re gonna need it later. But powder coat it first!

  1440. I tell you what…
    You’re gonna give me that package that just showed up from Eastwood, I’m gonna give you this sending unit, and I’m goin’ home to work on MY project!

  1441. My electric car want start. Can you fix it?

  1442. well, it looks like i found the problem

  1443. You are putting gasoline in your tank right?

  1444. Gee, My mom wanted me to be a Dentist…shoudda listened.

  1445. Hey Ron?… can you take a look at this? Now?

  1446. How did this thing get ino my coveralls?

  1447. What the? How the? It must of happened when I was out drinking last night!?!

  1448. Well here’s you’re problem. Unfortunately I can’t fix this, you’ll have to take your car over to the dealer on the other side of town.

  1449. This is the only part I haven’t changed yet so I’m pretty sure this is it.

  1450. Mam’ ur flux capaciter aint workin. That’ll be $200 more.

  1451. “Our new National Health Care Plan only allows me to take this thingy out. If you want it put back in, you have to pay for that yourself”

  1452. How’s a body supposed to get all this back in that little hole??

  1453. Hey Junior!, Did ya forget something?

  1454. My mechanic was laughing and said to take it to the Eastwood shop. I didn’t think it was so funny.

  1455. I told Bruce to stay in the office and out of the shop!! Now, where’d he put that fuel pump….

  1456. Now you know why I only work on classic cars!

  1457. No wonder the boss’s wife ran out of gas!

  1458. You didn’t buy this from Eastwood did you?

  1459. Well the good news is that it’ll be a simple fix since the fuel pump and sending unit are one piece. The bad news is this is just the sending unit… We can’t get the rest of the pump out of the gas tank.

  1460. Uh Ma’am? You may want your husband to call Eastwood. This doesn’t look good.

  1461. It just fell off, I swear!

  1462. Hey Boss! Is This Important?

  1463. Yell, You want the good news … or the bad news first!

  1464. “Well, some people call me a mechanic.”

  1465. I think this is where your smell was coming from.

  1466. The REAL woman pleaser.. And they said it couldn’t be found.. BAH!

  1467. I’m not a mechanic, but I slept in the shop bay last night.

  1468. Hey Boss “They never mentioned this thing in Mechanics School” what’s it do?

  1469. Flux capacitor? Whats a Flux capacitor?

  1470. What’s this toilet flushy thing doin in yer gas tank??

  1471. This is getting ridiculous. I’ve had one these left over on every car I’ve worked on today. I wonder what it is?

  1472. Why do they have to overcomplicate these new cars?

  1473. “NOT AGAIN – By the Lord Thunder-in J%#$%s”….1-800-343-9353

  1474. I thought I knew about this!

  1475. “Hey Bub! Thought I’d show you this thingy that the computer dodad says is causing your engine to over heat, besides it should be changed out every couple thousand miles anyway and AH, I’m sure you will get better millage.”
    “OK Bud?”


  1477. SHHHHH !!! It’s fine. I called The Esatwood Company. These dopes will never know it isn’t a new one!!!!

  1478. Sorry… I think I was supposed to hook this up before we put the engine back in and hooked up all the smog stuff…

  1479. I am sorry you said this is what?

  1480. Now I remember why I hate working on fuel injection systems!!!!!!!

  1481. I know it looked alot better when I took it out!!
    I ran over it with the mower- It will still work , won’t it ?????????

  1482. Well there’s always something left over and they’ll never miss it, I mean it’s not like it’s the radio or anything!

  1483. Sure I can show you where it goes.. Bend over.

  1484. I wonder if the owner will notice this little piece missing?
    Without my Eastwood Tools I can not get it back together!

  1485. Got the car together ,but i just can’t figure where this goes – also the car won’t start seems to be out of gas!

  1486. WOW, I knew I forgot something !!!

  1487. The boss said make it work!!!

  1488. Ok, tell me again, where does this part go?

  1489. I knew I never should have given
    up my job at Pizza Hut..its was lot easier to
    remember where the cheese goes.. 🙁

  1490. Model A fuel systems were soooo simple.

  1491. Hey boss, you did say this went in AFTER we re-installed the fuel tank, didn’t ya?????

  1492. I,uh,thought this was the problem,but……

  1493. I’m really a gynecologist…. Kinda looks like part of the reproductive system doesn’t it?

  1494. Are you sure this goes to this car?

  1495. Well m’am, I’ve found the problem with your windshield wipers!

  1496. you want me to put this where??!

  1497. Wonder if they’ll even notice it’s missing?

  1498. Tired of doing this to your spine while working under your hood?

  1499. I think I tore out my spine.

  1500. You want me to do WHAT with this????

  1501. “I asked you to take this fool truck and tune it.” “Why are you showing me this fuel sending unit?”

  1502. Well it should all work out somehow. I think.

  1503. Are you sure you only ran over the curb?

  1504. I THINK this is the problem!?!?

  1505. Did you have one of these things when you came in here?

  1506. 1. Sir, Your bad fuel mileage is solved.

    2. What? You’re paying too much for gas. This will fix it.

    3. Think of it this way sir, your fuel expenses will now be zero.

    4. What is it sir? I do not know. My name is not Jerry and these are not my glasses. Heck I got cold and put on these here overalls.

    5. Sir! Maybe you should call Eastwood.

  1507. Uhm, I found the source of your problem. You had a spider in your gas tank.

  1508. Mechanic? Shoot, I’m no mechanic, but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

  1509. If only there were still junkyards…..The money I could save!!(save the junkyard)

  1510. This got snagged by the hoist..you want me to weld it back in?

  1511. Earl knew immmediately that scratching his head was a bad idea after using quick setting epoxy

  1512. Hoss' Power Garage

    This is the guy that looks you straight in the eye and says without hesitation
    “Nope this thing here didn’t fix it either but you can keep it for a spare, Ima gonna replace something else now to see if we cant get her fixed up. your bill is only around a thousand now and I know this next part will work, UM K!”

  1513. Bathroom? It’s over yonder.. But you’ll need this key.

  1514. Michael Mattingly

    Yep, Thats a nice one ?

  1515. “Well….I suppose I could attach this thing-a-ma-giggy to the what-cha-ma-call-it.”

  1516. I guess the fuel pump is still in the tank.

  1517. Boss, from now on if I’m late getting back to work from lunch I’m sorry. I pulled this stray hair from the back of my head and out came this float. I will no longer know when my stomach is full so I may just keep eating all afternoon.

  1518. Well, I finally got it out! Now, how do I put the new one in? Maybe someone at Easrwood knows an easy way!

  1519. “I think I tugged on that injector wire a weeee bit too hard…” 😉

  1520. The good news is your vehicle works but the bad news is this wouldn’t fit back in.

  1521. Just re-boot it, it will be fine…

  1522. I wonder what this “Figamajig” does

  1523. Well HERE’S your problem! Somehow this got stuck in your fuel line. Wait a minute… this IS your fuel line!

  1524. Gee, is this what they did with the bailout money

  1525. Next time I’ll believe it when it says “DO NOT PULL”

  1526. I think your check eastwood light just came on!

  1527. They call me “MotorHead” and I still have more to pull out!!


  1529. I only do this in my spare time- I am usually cutting my own hair with an ax and watching Panch and John on Chips and ALF reruns!


  1531. Has your kid been working on your vehicle again? Let us help you help him.

  1532. He’s thinking….

    Where the hell does this thing go !!!

  1533. Now what?

  1534. I’m no mechanic but i did stay at a best western last night.

  1535. Hoss' Power Garage

    well I’ll be danged, you was right, you was outa gas, I’ll just put this back in and fill er up. The bill is only 300 bucks before the gas . OK buddy?

  1536. I sure hope Eastwood’s got a tech support for this, cause danged if I know how it goes in!

  1537. Hey boss, you still have the 800 number for Mr. Goodwrench??

  1538. eww eww eww, this thing got my head dirty!

  1539. Wires, pipes, hoses??? Where does it all go? I know I’ll call Eastwood they always help me.

  1540. Ummmm, this little doohickey must be from when cars first came out, I don’t think we are going to have your car ready in 2 days like we originally said.

  1541. I think I found an octopus in your gas tank.

  1542. wow,what a pain!I need a cigarette.

  1543. i found this in the gas tank

  1544. I wonder if Eastwood has a tool to replace this mess?

  1545. Wow, it sure hurts when you bang your head on the hood latch striker!

  1546. Yesterday I couldnt spell mechanic today I are one.

  1547. what’ya call this dohicky?

  1548. He’s thinking …

    “I wonder if they have already hired somebody for my old job at the FoodMart ….”

  1549. “What’s this you ask…? Well’sir …looks like about $1500 to me”

  1550. You want me to prime and paint this too???

  1551. The fuel tank hit me in the head, and this thing fell out!

  1552. “I had a hell of a time pulling this out through the fuel line”.

  1553. A little paint and a little glue, this here thingy will be gooder ‘n new.

  1554. Dude’ I don’t know what this is or where it goes….
    But it’s gonna be expensive to fix!!!!

  1555. ohhhhh extra part left off cant be good

  1556. ya see, you gotta hold it by the tail

  1557. Witch end do I put it in ?

  1558. Mr. Goodwrench is gonna get a big bonus today.

  1559. Mam, I asked the boss what it is and he said
    “That there son is two weeks in WAI KI KI “

  1560. Damn, that “Check Engine” light was right !!!!

  1561. this is deffenitly a shipping bracket or are you stupid or something

  1562. All this “WORK” & come to find out
    The car was just out of “GAS”

  1563. I may not be brilliant enough to fix this thing, but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn last night!

  1564. Uh…What he said.

  1565. Yeah? ahh, The filter screen was dirty?

  1566. ooohhhh you said fuel line bender, not sender?

  1567. It’s sort of like your appendix. You know. You don’t really need it. Yeah…Yeah…That’s it, like your appendix.

  1568. “I caught this thing running around on the shop floor. Do you want it?”

  1569. Sending unit??? Where am I supposed to be sending it?

  1570. You say it does what????

  1571. “The hole in my overalls I pulled this thing from probably looks a lot worse.”

  1572. I’ll just put in a sight glass instead!

  1573. I knew I should have called Eastwood before I started this project!

  1574. “Wellser, looks like we found yer problem”………

  1575. I’m Gonna need a bigger mouse trap!

  1576. Yup, it does look vaguely familiar!

  1577. You want me to put this where?!

  1578. They told me to change the oil level sensor, think this will work instead?

  1579. I wonder if Eastwood carries any parts for my Latte machine?

  1580. Speed bumps are a bummer.

  1581. I swear i followed the directions to a t… Instale la unidad de envío de

  1582. Man, I shoulda gone to Eastwood and done it myself!!!

  1583. Now that I painted my tank with Eastwood’s Tank Tone Metallic Coating,…..how do I reinstall this sending unit????

  1584. My wife is going to kill me!

  1585. Gee, where’s this go?

  1586. Livin’ the dream… yup… livin’ the dream.

  1587. Find me a mechanic

  1588. LADY… you want it blasted, and painted???

  1589. instead of cutting corners I should have listened to EASTWOOD and sealed the gas tank with their products.
    NEXT time I will think SMARTER.

  1590. Man, I shoulda gone to Eastwood!!!

  1591. Dang, I guess I shouldn’t have pull that hard.

  1592. “I just kept pulling on the wire and look, the roots came out!!”

    in reality Gm won’t stand behind faulty gas tank vents on 2003 GM trucks ans suv’s that fail after the warranty runs out. If that mechanic worked at a dealer for more than a week, it wouldn’t be a surprise to him.

  1593. It ain’t in the book!

  1594. ” Man, Am I in over my head”! Help

  1595. Now What ????

  1596. Uhh…Mame,
    I have good news and bad news.
    Good news: We have a replacement part for your fuel gage in stock.
    Bad News: The part goes inside your fuel tank, and the labor will be $1,000,000.00………

  1597. No, I didn’t take it out! Ya think, Eastwood has a diagram to put it back?

  1598. Hey Boss, I got the carburetor out, now what.

  1599. I’ve found your problem right here Maam, want for me to fix it? I could widdle you a new one real quick.

  1600. I better call Mama…. She can fix anything!

  1601. Houston, we have a problem .

  1602. You didn’t need it anyway I promise. Besides now you will get better fuel mileage AND better horsepower

  1603. Hey Dude, I got your car together and this whatayacallit was left. Huh it runs, guess ya don’t need it.

  1604. I’m not sure if this is to your car, or my boss’s.

  1605. Because of the hospital’s downsizing of medical staff to reduce health care costs, maintenance staff will now install install the catheters.


    “Hey, I bet Eastwood carries a product to restore this sending unit, they have just about everything!”

  1607. Darn! I missed class the day we learned about this……..

  1608. I’m not sure if this is even supposed to be under the hood?

  1609. Looks like you’re going to need a new Flux Capacitor.

  1610. Well its extra parts. No instructions needed.

  1611. Is this the doodeling pin or, the wobeling hole ?

  1612. Well, sir, we managed to save this guy right here. Works perfect, but it looks like you’re gonna have to replace the rest of the vehicle.

  1613. Boss, I had to take it off to get to the other thingamajig, but I don’t remember how it goes back on. What is it anyway?

  1614. How am I gonna explain this to my wife?!

  1615. Ah.. the gas tank is bolted UNDER the car, how do I install this?

  1616. wow, isn’t this a beautiful thing?


  1618. HONEY….CALL EASTWOOD’S,and check with the Tech library?

  1619. What the hell is that thing? Maybe Eastwood can help!!!

  1620. Why did I ever think I could do this.

  1621. Wow…I pulled harder on that wire-harness than I thought!

  1622. POR-15 will do it every time.

  1623. I told her not to let the cat go near the carburetor!!

  1624. Manufatures: They said this was a better idea????????


  1626. Okay, now what?

  1627. HANGOVERS…..never do repairs with one

  1628. Found this in the motor, I think your kid must be missing his Spider Tranformer.

  1629. This thingy wasn’t in my on-line certification course.

  1630. Lady,
    Looks like your falopian injector pipe has failed and its a pretty big job could take a week or so HOPE YOU HAVE MOGI

  1631. now what!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1632. I was just driving along and it got tangled up in my brakes.

  1633. I think we need to contact Eastwood to see if they have a replacement for this.

  1634. Do we fix this thing, or shoot it ?

  1635. What a fuelish thing to do, next time call a professional

  1636. If it just up and Quit running then how do you explain this ending up under the hood.

  1637. Leftover part…my bad!

  1638. I think your Replicator died I’ll need to contact starbase for the rejuvenation code.

  1639. Hey guys. The baby car is alive but, what do I do with this umbillical cord?

  1640. Why is there ALWAYS one thing left over?!?!

  1641. What a fuelish thing to do,next time call a professional.

  1642. The sending unit in my “67” is original & still working. This “07” is already shot. Who said newer is better?

  1643. Here’s how you get rid of gas without using Beano…

  1644. I think that this is what caused your muffler bearings to malfunction!


  1646. Do it yourself with Eastwoods help. Do yo really want this guy working on your ride?

  1647. AAAAAAHHHHH guess this thingie goes in the spare parts bin,
    that will be $600.00

  1648. That trunk monkey was more of a problem than I thought.

  1649. Sending Unit….Shmending Unit….I’ll just put a dipstick in his gas tank instead!

  1650. Anyone got a Duflochie converter, I think this one is broken!!

  1651. OK I finally got this thing out. Now what do I do.

  1652. Darling you-ou-ou-ou send me, I know that you-ou-ou-ou send me.

  1653. The good news is, “it ain’t broke”, the bad news is “I don’t know how to get it back in!”


  1655. Without Eastwood’s alien life form removing solution, I never would have got this sucker out.

  1656. Can I interest you in a service contract?

  1657. Now were did I put that gas tank?

  1658. Coveralls with logo 22.50, Top of the line tool set with toolbox $6000. GM fuel pump- priceless.

  1659. They always give you extra pieces in the box.

  1660. Relax, all right? My old man is a television repairman, he’s got this ultimate set of tools. I can fix it.

  1661. You think I pulled too hard on that funny lookin’ wire ?

  1662. I’m not sure, but I think this is what keeps the muffler bearings lubricated.

  1663. Um mister….”I hope you’re not racing for Pinks”

  1664. Uhhh it’s time too contact eastwood again.

  1665. Don’t worry. I’m here to help…

  1666. I can’t find anything in the manual that looks like this… maybe it was extra?

  1667. Where did you say you bought this?

  1668. uhhh, maybe they will beleive they don’t really NEED this?

  1669. I THINK this is the problem, we will replace it and if that was not the problem, we’ll try something else!

  1670. Well, it looks like your headlight fluid was low…

  1671. I’m just the janitor, you may want one of the mechanics to put this back in for you.

  1672. I guess I had better check with the folks on Eastwoods chat line for help on this one!

  1673. It can’t be that important, can it ?

  1674. I think I found the problem, sir. This was in your gas tank…

  1675. I think I found what’s been clogging the air intake .

  1676. How much did you say that you could afford?

  1677. Did you just really tell me the high school mechanics class was the last to work on your vehicle?

  1678. I found your ipod under the hood but it does’nt seem to be playing music anymore.

  1679. “Well…I found the humming noise”

  1680. What the hell is this, and where do I put it?

  1681. Boss! Let me do it.
    I never worked on one of them there things before!

  1682. This here doohicky was the problem ma’am.

  1683. Not sure what to do with the left over parts from your current project, visit the Eastwood forum and find out where that “thing-a-majig” goes.

  1684. See..I told you the bill wasn’t the only thing causing your discomfort!

  1685. Where did you find this ?

  1686. OK, you need a new one of these and there not in stock anywhere so I guess you’ll get a call when it’s done.

  1687. I think, this will fit on my Harley!

  1688. “Good news and bad news, boss….. I got the truck back together just in time for the customer, but I just sort of forgot to put the new fuel pump back in. OOOPS! “

  1689. They should of bought a toyota

  1690. Well…I found the problem mam. Your husband put this in upside down. That’s why you gas gauge goes backwards.

  1691. How much did you say you coud afford?

  1692. It’s a boy!

  1693. You needed this done today?

  1694. I found this under your hood. I think you might have a rodent problem.

  1695. “HEY Y’all! What’s this???”

  1696. So… I read the manual, pulled this out from the engine compartment, then my boss tells me “your fired!”.
    Now I’m signed up at Wyotech and they say I’ll find out why I was fired in less than six months! Thanks Wyotech!

  1697. Well mister, I didn’t think this was bad, but it is and this part costs a lot more than I quoted you. so……

  1698. Uh, George, is this yours?

  1699. Hey boss… I think I found the fallopian tubes! The guys at the parts store laughed and said they are on back order??!

  1700. So, If I can tell you what it is and install it where it’s supposed to go and get it to actually work the first time, I’m hired…..

  1701. Not sure what you call this thingamajig, but I think it is the problem. I am going to give the guys at Eastwood a call and see if they can help me out…

  1702. So this is what a FLEXCOMPASITOR looks Like

  1703. I hope they don’t make a rebuild kit!

  1704. It must be left over from a Propane conversion kit.

  1705. Twenty-five years ago, when Jerry first got into this business, this would’ve just been a fuel filter…

  1706. “I mostly fixed-ed it”

  1707. I sure hope the replacement part looks just like this thing!!!!

  1708. Terry Holderfield

    You really won’t need this ,It will let you know when you are out of gas.

  1709. Think maybe you could Goggle this??

  1710. Your SUV is now considered “green” and fuel efficient! …100% fuel efficient.

  1711. Uhm, Why is it I always have extra parts when I am done?

  1712. Son-of-a pick up tube! All this for 150 horse V-6? We’ll trim a couple of these rusty lines and have ‘er back together by this afternoon!

  1713. Well it looks like something that should go up front.

  1714. Where did this go again?

  1715. “When he’s Done, get with Eastwood to repair, restore or in this case REVIVE you car”

  1716. “Anyone ever seen one of these?” “Maybe if i post a picture of it on the internet someone will have an idea of what it is.”

  1717. Does the doohickey go to the frammis pin, or is it the other way around?

  1718. This isn’t good.

  1719. Damm China made after market part! Did not last 30 days..

  1720. Ok, I yanked this thing out and got your horn to stop blowing but now when you hit your turn signal your wipers come on. You want me to fix that?…it won’t cost too much more.

  1721. That’s Jerry ma’am. He’s one of our highly trained techs here at Acme Motors.


  1722. I’m thinking MacGuyver couldn’t even get this thing installed!

  1723. That’s Johnny ma’am. He’s one of our highly trained techs here at Acme Motors.

  1724. Wait a minute. What do you mean it goes in before I re-install the fuel tank?

  1725. I’m definitely going to need some help replacing this, I wonder if there’s an app for that???

  1726. They said it was eco-friendly.

  1727. It’s like this lady,

    Next time she’s broke, bring ‘er right here to the shop.
    There won’t be any left over parts,
    like when your husband fixes it….guaranteed.

  1728. There’s no fuel like an old fuel… and there’s no fuel without this thing!

  1729. This is the big fish you thought you caught and you want me to put it where?

  1730. What the ……., which one did this come out of??

  1731. god i was drunk last night. where did this come from?

  1732. You won’t believe where I found this!

  1733. Can someone tell me where to put this????

  1734. Don’t worry we have our best guy working on your car

  1735. not sure where this goes. do you know?

  1736. Buford T. Justice

    “Put the evidence in the back of the car”

  1737. Whatever it is it can’t hurt ya no more.

  1738. I DO NOT remember eating that!!!

  1739. For the life of me, I’ve torn this shop inside and out looking for the fuel pump (ahem, him over there) took out. It’s just not here!!
    Looks like it’ll cost you an additional 350.00, dude. Oh, and by the way, it was just outa gas.

  1740. I Know I Need A Sending Unit For My Replacement Gas Tank On A 1937 Ford!!!
    But, How Do You Make This Work With A Carburetored….
    1967-Pontiac Motor With A Mechanical Fuel Pump ????

  1741. I know this goes somewhere but for the life of me i can’t remember where…hmmm

  1742. How did that get in there?

  1743. god i was drunk last night.

  1744. “Geeez! Now I know exactly what “Jerry rigging is!”

  1745. Right now I’m kinda hoping you’re not particularly fond of this car… Are you?

  1746. My Dad was right I should’a been a Doctor, hey guys what the heck is this.

  1747. I was absent the day they taught us about this….anybody got any duct tape?

  1748. “I shoud’a learned to bang them drums..”

  1749. WOW! forgot to order that stuff from EASTWOOD the boss wanted.

  1750. “Jake, I think I threw a rod” “Is that bad”

  1751. hmmm, now where did i put my clipboard???

  1752. “Jerry was fearful to touch the mysterious beast any further, so he nervously presented an awkward smile. The dangling creature quickly returned the gesture, but was oblivious to the over-the-head karate chop attack that was moments away.”

  1753. Rust problems are no match for a brainy guy like
    me………with a little bit of help from Eastwood.

  1754. “Well, the installation instructions,…written in chinese”

  1755. Well, now that I finally figured out how to get it out, where can I get one. Eastwood of course.

  1756. Now that I found it … What do I feed it?

  1757. Whoa wait till I tell the fellows and the bowling ally what I did today. Well maybe not.

  1758. Sufferin Suckatash, What a Revoltin Development This Is

  1759. It’s a wiggler pinset for a wobbler box drive…..really no kidding, Sir!

  1760. Anybody ever seen one of these thingy’s?

  1761. darn imports, with all their special parts…

  1762. This probably wouldn’t have happened if your wife hadn’t found those red lace panties in the backseat!

  1763. Well you see when I pulled on this end it was all tangled up with the rest of this stuff.It’s no wonder your car was running sluggish sir.

  1764. You see, this is what was making your fill-ups so expensive. Just top the tank off everyday and your fill-up costs will be less!

  1765. You should have seen the one that got away

  1766. Well,the good news is I think I’ve found your problem. The bad news is I noticed your warranty ran out 5 miles ago. I’ll call and see if Obama has an extra lying aroud the White House.

  1767. Here’s Your Problem.You Need A New Fuel Octopus In Your Tank.

  1768. “I knew I should have used Eastwood tools!”

  1769. I know I took it out, but I can’t know where it came from, or if you really need it. Go ahead and try to start it anyway!

  1770. This looks important! I would say it would be about 800 to fix it. Just leave it with me for a few days.

  1771. I should remember where this goes. I have a photographic memory but unfortunately I am out of film.

  1772. Sure, it will be fine! Just top the tank of everyday!

  1773. Sorry Boss but I’m still waiting for the Eastwood tutorial on this thing.

  1774. Well here’s your problem right here.. I think

  1775. Where does this thing go again??

  1776. And that aint all you’re all so out of gas.

  1777. I bought this on Ebay! It doesn’t look like a iPod Touch to me?

  1778. Would ya believe that I found this funny-looking insect sucking the gas out of your car..your mileage should be much better now!

  1779. I wish my mom would quit taking stuff off the truck when
    I’m not around.

  1780. Why is it that there are always extra parts left over?

  1781. I should have called in sick today

  1782. Oil pressure sending unit?

  1783. It’s my new diagnostic tool, it hooks to the back of my head right here.

  1784. No wonder it was stalling. I found this in the tank.

  1785. Look, I just opened the hood and this “thing” jumped out at me – it took about 3 good hits with the hammer just to stop it! It has nothing to do with your repair…

  1786. plug it in, it’s all electric now!!!!

  1787. After being docked a day’s pay for accidentally installing the restroom keychain hubcap and only key to the John on a ’64 Buick missing the exact same one, Jerry redeemed himself by taking a part nobody would miss of the SUV that came in for new wiper blades to make sure the same mistake did not happen again.

  1788. Don’t worry, I can buff this out.

  1789. Geez Did the say the wanted first or second speed fixed

  1790. If only Eastwood made parts for everything – they’d last !!

  1791. Sorry mam dont mean to ruin your day but I found this in your gas tank if you leave me your name and number and credit card and your keys. Im sure we can fix this.I have to of my best man working on it right now.

  1792. Yeah, it’s running, but WTF?

  1793. “When in doubt, call Eastwood!”

  1794. Never trust a clean mechanic !

  1795. I wonder if they’ll miss this?

  1796. I’m not sure if it still works but do you want me to install and BBQ flamer in your engine?

  1797. Jerry was awarded Employee of the Month for highest up-sell percentage during normal tire rotation sales by applying his knack for tearing cars apart as he looked for a new restroom key chain.

  1798. We’re backordered for months, can I use this one?

  1799. alright.. which one of you threw this?

  1800. And how in the world am I ever going to be able to restore this!?

  1801. It took me 3 hours to rip this thing out…hit my head on the cab corner coming out from under the truck… and now I can’t seem to remember where I put the new one!

  1802. I’m really sorry but due to the economy, they don’t make these anymore.

  1803. I guess the problem not the fuel pump!!

  1804. I got good news and bad news…
    The good news is your low fuel light is off…
    the bad news…hmmmm…where should i start???


  1806. The manual said it connects in the rear. But I can’t find any slots in the back of my head.

  1807. When did we start building cars with spiders? And where am i suppose to find one?


  1809. Welllll, I got the old one out…….anybody got any ideas on how I get the new one back in?

  1810. “Here’s your problem, The bad news is, That we don’t have it in stock!”

  1811. I’m not really sure, but I think it goes next to the muffler bearing.

  1812. ” Restoration headaches? We have the Restoration answers, Call Eastwood today”

  1813. How come I always have parts left over?

  1814. Restore it, no problem with Eastwood, but then what!?

  1815. Is this what you call a spider injector? Well I guess it crawled all they way to the fuel tank. See there? it was trying to eat the float valve. That’s why your fuel gage didn’t work m’am!

  1816. I wonder if they will notice that the gas gauge doesn’t work?

  1817. If only Eastwood would come out with something to restore this thing,

  1818. whats this, under he’s breath freg, dam it the hell i for got to put it back in. hey boss it will be a few more hrs installing this new tank.

  1819. I sure hope Eastwood sells these too

  1820. “Jerry has his good days and his bad days. This, was a very bad day”

  1821. Does Eastwood carry whatchmacallit thingamajig restorer?

  1822. You can’t make right repairs, without the right tools for the job!

  1823. Does this look familiar to you, cuz I think it goes on your truck?

  1824. Well Looky Looky heres your problem!!

  1825. It’s the canuter valve to muffler bearing connector, I think. Now where is that bearing?

  1826. Next time I’m wearin’ those safety glasses on the BACK of my head. It really smarts when you stand up and hit your head on the hood latch!

  1827. Golly! We learned about these in auto shop, but this is the first water-cooled muffler bearing I’ve had to replace. You’re lucky you didn’t have a serious accident.

  1828. Ouch, I bonked my head getting this out, but that is nothing compared to how your head is going to feel after you see the bill.

  1829. EEEW!How do you think this thing was living in there?And how do we KILL IT???

  1830. I think i missed a spot

  1831. Yo Vinni…..Your uncle Veto still in the auto recycling business?

  1832. Im not a auto mechanic, but I did stay at a Holiday Express last night.

  1833. I know Eastwood has the answer

  1834. ‘Would you believe I found this in your fuel tank?”

  1835. Now that i’ve got the tank out i’ll make it look like “new” again with Eastwood’s Tank Tone.

  1836. “Probably didn’t need it anyway…”

  1837. In the immortal words of Monty Python’s John Cleese… “who sold you this then?”

  1838. Now I know why I drive a classic!

  1839. Rusty on top, shiny on the bottom…jerry knew this was an important clue…

  1840. Hey George, is this THIS the carburetor??

  1841. this cain’t be good….

  1842. Just when you think you’re through!

  1843. Don’t know where to turn for help? Go to http://www.eastwood.com.

  1844. I got a whole box of parts like this thing-a-ma-gig left over from my resto. I don’t know where they go so I’m just going to put it back together without them and see if it runs.

  1845. i was only trying to set the time on the radio

  1846. all this and the light is still on????

  1847. “The problem is obviously your Gremlin’s hyperdrive unit”.

  1848. Is this worse than my boss not giving me my raise? Should I blame Joe?

  1849. Jerry had never seen this model flux capacitor before…

  1850. Due to last night’s full moon and the over cast sky you wont be needing this anymore but I do suggest you change the radio station.

  1851. We’ll fix it or fix it so noboby else can!!!!!

  1852. That’s why you ain’t gettin any fuel Mileage!
    You have been infected by a Octogassucker!

  1853. Sir, I am sorry I was tryin’ to find the carburetor…

  1854. I do everything myself! I removed this part myself and gave myself this awesome haircut!

  1855. not too sure how this fits in. Anyone have some duct tape?

  1856. “Uhhh…Got Gas?”

  1857. The device was obviously alien, so they gave it to Jerry…

  1858. Ok ma’am I filled your car up with gas, but this was the hardest gas cap I have ever had to open… so I replaced it with one I made out of duct tape… your bill comes to….. AHHH heck! I dont know, momma said math class was for sissys.

  1859. Shoot, I been workin around gasoline since before they took all the lead out- hasn’t ‘fected me none…’cept for this here knob growin on the backa my head I keep rubbin. I can tell aheada time when it’s gonna rain and stuff.

  1860. YEAH!!!!!!! im not 100% sure on this but i think your idle problem had to do with this thing i think its part of your intake or something.

  1861. No! I’m pretty sure it’s one of those parts you don’t need. You know.”like your tonsils”

  1862. I don’t remember this thing on the 06 model… Must be something the government required after taking over the car companies.

  1863. Oh……wait! I think we need to take the fuel tank back out?

  1864. “Ummmmmm, I think this device controls your air bag” reply “Sir you obviously haven’t met my wife !”

  1865. “Anybody know where this thing goes?”

  1866. The good news… I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico.

  1867. We did get your cat out from under the hood … This is all thats left. Sorry.

  1868. maybe if I massage my brain I can figure this out…

  1869. No I Swear!! I was Changing the oil, and This Fell and Hit me in the head..

  1870. Oh this? Themz extrie parts, git er done

  1871. Hum… I wonder how much I can charge them for this diagnostic mishap?

  1872. Well, I, ah, think I got it.

  1873. Well, I’m not entirely sure how a hookah pipe got into your gas tank.

  1874. They said it was easy to change the part. It was just a plug and play thing. They said it was so easy a monkey could do it. Hmmmmm Hey Mike, do you know where i can find this monkey and how much does he charge an hour.

  1875. Look on the bright side, you’re half way to going Green!


  1877. “pfft… Don’t worry… That’ll buff out.”

  1878. They said I couldn’t take this on the airplane!

  1879. Ummmm…I tossed in the fuel pump, but do you know where this goes?

  1880. Damn, This thing is a going to hard to put back in and its probably a dealer item. I am screwed.!!

  1881. No Problem .Eastwood has everything I need to fix this better than new.

  1882. Michelle A. Pacheco

    So much for rocket science!

  1883. I know your gas mileage is not what you want it to be but this checks out fine. It must be your right foot…but I don’t stock any of those. You’ll have to replace that on your own.

  1884. Now what???

  1885. Man I hate finding spare pares when I put a car back together. Do you suppose anyone will miss it?

  1886. i know the manual says this is needed, but it now gets 32.6 mpg without it. want me to put it back?

  1887. Well, I took out the Fram-a-stam Modulator, but I really think that you need a P237 Space Modulator!

  1888. Jerry, believing this to be a Borg device, searches the back of his head for an input terminal.

  1889. i found the float for my toilet, how did i get here?

  1890. I’m not sure what it is, but one call to Eastwood and we’ll have it looking darn pretty.

  1891. Hummm, I think I better call Eastwood!

  1892. ” Y’know,just before I gave it a yank,I remember thinking it didn’t feel like the Emergency Brake release.”

  1893. Super Saver Select service at the local Quickie Lube 29.99
    Drinking 6 cups of coffee while the service takes 4 hours 14.99
    The look on the idiot who just “jacked” up you ride, priceless

  1894. Snow crab, dungess crab, motor crab, they all look the same

  1895. You know how your gas gauge was stuck on empty ? I fixed it. It now reads full.

  1896. If is left over I quess I dont need it.always have extras

  1897. got one of these for a ’77 Gremlin?

  1898. Terry G. Caston Jr.

    Can’t Have Everything Vern, YaknowwhatImean?

  1899. Gee, guess I should have called Eastwood!

  1900. thank goodness I didn’t go to med school like Mom and Dad wanted

  1901. Ma’am please, you can’t keep leaving toto under the hood!

  1902. Want to get away??

  1903. Did I do that?

  1904. It only took two hours to get it out through the filler hose, now, how do I get it back in?

  1905. Eastwood…….we have a problem!

  1906. I had to replace the discombobulator and refill your blinker fluid. She’s good as new now.

  1907. Well sir, there’s a reason I tell all my customers to avoid the temptation of those do-it-yourself “Make Your Car Run On Manure” kits.

  1908. Now where’d I put that Rock Auto discount code?

  1909. Ugh…is this the flux capacitor?

  1910. Man, I can not believe this guy is actually paying me to work on his truck. Thank god he’s not an Eastwood guy.

  1911. NOW WHAT?!?!

  1912. So, you said your husband had been working on the car?

  1913. this was made in china? installed on a GM vehicle made in mexico?. it dosent work and costs $2500.00 and it is radio active. and shipped to the USA and nobody knows what it is !

  1914. The Eastwood company sells ventilation products to remove harmful fumes such as the gasoline vapors near sending units. Jerry didn’t think that was necessary, and now he’s wondering where this part came from. Don’t be like Jerry.

  1915. I’m not sure what this is, maybe I should call Eastwood!

  1916. It’d be much easier to work on a ’57 Plymouth!

  1917. Surely Eastwood has a DVD to solve this problem

  1918. How’d THAT get in there?

  1919. “After only one day on the job, Jerry is having serious doubts about his career choice”

  1920. UH, wasn’t this suppose to go back on the car somewhere? Do you know where it goes because I have absolutely no idea!

  1921. Uh – Are you sure this is an OEM part?

  1922. Oh Boy!!! Extra parts, I hate when that happens.

  1923. Near as I can tell your car was attacked by an alien from space? Say, your not Sigourney Weaver are you?

  1924. I could be wrong, but I think this is why you ran out of gas.

  1925. AAaaa Bubba!!! Tis Tain’t te rite one!!! I’m sure Tis is fer a YUGO!!!

  1926. The truck’s gender alteration operation complete, Tony the truck is now Toni the truck. She is resting peacefully. The lead truck surgeon (mechanic) shows the removed particulars. Cosmetic pink paint job due upon full recovery along with heavy waxing.

  1927. Your old proton accelerator was broken so I changed it your hybrid a bob thingy is back to normal you should be fine. Ya I smell that it smells like coolant your head gasket may be due. Gas no no that’s coolant gas smells sweet like diesel.

  1928. I think I saw one of these befor, but I’am not really sure where it goes.

  1929. “Parts is Parts” (It has been used before, but it is appropriate)

  1930. man,,,it’s getting harder and harder to hook up these new scanners!!!!!!!!

  1931. Wow! my stomach feels much better now, I don’t remember eating this.
    Ya really gota be careful with what you buy off the roach coach these days. Ya Buick is all set Paulie thanks to Eastwood.
    Say do they sell laxatives?

  1932. OHHHHHH you said replace the FRONT FENDER! My Bad!

  1933. Sure wished I’d have used that digital camera that’s sitting in my box.

  1934. That wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. Looks good to me.

  1935. With the money he saved by not replacing this strange part, Jerry was thinking about maybe getting a real nice haircut someday.

  1936. What do ya think this costs?

  1937. Hmmm…..If I took these glasses out of my pocket and put them on, maybe I could see this part and tell you where it goes or where to put it. What, you say YOU can tell me where to put it?

  1938. Damn,I wish I knew how to work on a Car,Hope that guy that drove off,doesn’t need this.

  1939. Alright, which of you jokers cut off my mullet-tail and replaced it with this?

  1940. There’s always a few parts left over after we getem back together…I’m not sure why though.

  1941. Now, I wonder where this goes???



  1944. No, this wasn’t the original problem… it failed because of the faulty gage cluster/wiring harness/computer we replaced yesterday. I just couldn’t see it as a problem until those others were sorted out.

  1945. Does anybody know where this thing goes ? There is no place under here for it.

  1946. I really wish I had taken some sort of Mechanics Training.I
    Hope that guy that drove off ,doesn’t need this.!!

  1947. Man, I sure wish Eastwood had a restoration manual for this model, then I’d know what to do with this!

  1948. Big trouble!! Who’s gonna help me with this?

    “Only at Eastwood where repair, restore or revive is possible”.
    Call us for expert advice or just check our instructional videos at http://www.eastwood.com

  1949. No, this wasn’t the original problem… it failed because of the faulty gage cluster/wiring harness/computer we replaced yesterday. I just couldn’t see it s a problem until those others were sorted out.

  1950. “All this junk to tell you when you’re outta gas? Shoot, I coulda told you that!”.

  1951. What do you mean that one was here for an oil change

  1952. I’ll have someone get right on this after lunch! O by the way, Ah your not going to be needing this truck any time soon are you?

  1953. I wish I had paid more attention to the auto shop instructor. This isn’t covered in the Shop Manual.

  1954. Jerry suddenly realizes that he should only be working on old aircooled VW’s

  1955. “Well, Ollie here’s another fine mess I’ve gotten my self into.”

  1956. Hmmmmm…..it looked real simple when it was in the truck!

  1957. I guess I picked the wrong day to start being a mechanic instead of a brain surgen.

  1958. Cash, or Credit?

  1959. I think I used to know where this went!!


  1961. Maybe a packrat. what do you think?

  1962. “I guess this means I don’t get that raise”

  1963. The ol’ remove the fuel pump trick. Very funny guys….. Who’s gonna help me put this back in so I can go home?

  1964. I think I found the problem , but I lost my metric crescent wrench !!!!

  1965. Hey boss, I think I finally found the Johnson rod, but I’m still on the hunt for that pesky muffler bearing…

  1966. If Jerry can’t figure it out, SCRAP IT!!!!

  1967. Which side goes up?

  1968. Why do I always have an extra part left over ?

  1969. Tell me again miss… How did this happen while you were “Just putting gas in your vehicle !” ?????

  1970. we have to replace this fuel pump and that will cost more money..

  1971. i think your thingamajigger is discombobulated

  1972. “Where’s the pump?”

  1973. Dang thing is still ticking.

  1974. Now where the hell did this come from ..?

  1975. Randy Christopherson

    Jerry I just don’t think your new “Mechanics” air freshener will sell.

  1976. Uhhh . . . I think you’re gonna need a new flux capacitor.

  1977. ?????????????????????????????????????

  1978. Hey boss, the gas tank sealer was dry and I managed to get the tank back in all by myself . . . but where does this go?

  1979. Whew! Now if I could just find one.

  1980. Oh, they wont notice it’s missing.

  1981. What? Where is the fuel pump? ?

  1982. Can you believe this sucker was trying to attach itself to the back of my head?

  1983. WYO-hoo////

  1984. I think the flux capacitor is bad.

  1985. Don’t be chump like me, and use the other guys for your restoration. Rely on Eastwood for professional restoration products and services.

  1986. I should have read the instructions before I removed it. Not sure how it goes back in.

  1987. I’ll just Jerry-rig it.

  1988. Hey Boss! I did it again! Maybe I should go back to teaching ballet.

  1989. Eastwood has a solution for most anything, I think I’ll call them to find out where this thingamajig belongs.

  1990. The wife said the next time I tried washing some part in the kitchen sink she was gonna throw it at me. She wasn’t kidding…ouch!

  1991. JESUS ! I knew i should have checked the manual before touching that screw.

  1992. Yeah Boss, 5 bolts, 8 nuts, 15 washers and this thing were left over. I don’t think the customer will notice. Do you?

  1993. I can’t remember if this is for yours or the BMW.

  1994. I’ve never seen anything quite like this before.

  1995. No No don’t tell me.
    I’m pretty sure I know what it is.
    I’m just not sure I know where it goes.

  1996. Uh oh, oops! Did I just do that?

  1997. found this thing blocking fuel line , think had it blocked reson why your not gettin any gas

  1998. It many be me? but I think someone stole your gas tank.

  1999. Another one of those expensive creatures of the breakamycar

  2000. Ummmm. I fixed it,found this in you gas tank.

  2001. UUUHHHH!!! Anybody know what this is for???

  2002. Anyone`s got a manual?

  2003. Dang…this went somewhere, but can’t remember where. Or..maybe it when it that car over there. Guess I shouldn’t have skipped so many Goodwrench classes. Oh well, it’s break time. Flip ya for coffee.

  2004. Ouch.. I just hate it when those gas filled hood struts give out!

  2005. And with this device you’ll get 85 MPG, all for only $49.95. Today only.

  2006. Wait! You mean this was suppose to go back on first?!?!

  2007. This was just stickin out so I cut it off, hope you don’t mind.

  2008. Assembly is the reverse of the above procedure

  2009. IT’S A BOY!!!

  2010. Ya know Steve, this belongs in the gas tank. How did you get it wrapped around the power steering pump?

  2011. “I’m telling you….The Hokey Pokey really IS what it’s all about.”

  2012. You think it hurt $$$ coming out…….. Wait till I have to put it back in $$$$!

  2013. Where do you suppose the crab goes? Our competitors – maybe?

  2014. Here’s your squeeking noise. It was dead when I found it!

  2015. O my god. I got it out, now how do I get it back in.

  2016. This here regigulation convector will add 50 horsepower and give you 100 miles per gallon. Honest! Only $999 installed.

  2017. do you realy need this?

  2018. what the heck is it,you want it when?

  2019. I told you not to weld that gas tank.

  2020. Now where did I put The tank ?

  2021. what the heck is it,you want when?

  2022. I’ve got to level with you, I think your fuel gauge stopped working.

  2023. So you say this came out of your tailpipe. Yeah riiiight?

  2024. I knew I should have stayed awake in class. I forgot where this thingy goes.Do you know where this thingy goes.

  2025. “What we need to do is replace this here fuel pump looking thingy, and see if that will make it go…”

  2026. Trust me I’ve been doing this a long time, now if I can only remember where this goes.

  2027. Is now a good time to mention i am not certafied?

  2028. YA Want me to put it where??? I don’t think it’ll fit there!!!

  2029. “This is what’s left of your car. It was on the parts counter when the rest caught fire.”

  2030. this thing was blocking fuel line , maybe thats why you wasnt gettin any gas..

  2031. OUCH ! What a “BIG BITE” that was, and it still itches!


  2033. The Matag Repair man left this by the drier, I think it will work in the heater on my Chevy. I just need one of those ????? to make it work, I think. Or is it a fuel tank warmer cobob thing so my fuel don’t freeze?????? I’ll try it in the heater first.

  2034. Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you are going to get.

  2035. You want this put back in? By when??

  2036. All this and the light is still on??

  2037. Yup, thousand bucks installed, plus tax.

  2038. Would you get rid of this for me?I do not want my boss to see it!

  2039. When you pay your bill, i’ll put it back.

  2040. The guy at the parts store said to give it a little tug and it would pop right out. Wonder if he knows how to get it back in?

  2041. If you don’t want to pay for a new one, I think I’ve got one from a DeSoto that might work.

  2042. Um? I have no idea what this thingy is? Do you?

  2043. I understand you’re upset at the delay, but I really don’t think the fuel pump goes here…

  2044. “GREAT SCOTT!!! I can’t remember if this attaches to the flux capacitor or the fusion reactor with the dilithium crystals…”

  2045. What The!!!!!!!I was just pulling out the old speaker wires!!!!!!!!

  2046. Contest Submission

    Gee Maw! Look What Just Fell Out Of The Sky And Hit Me On The Noggin

  2047. lady i think i found the problem , you ran over this bicycle and it got in the motor and fan and choked the car down, im glad i found this out before someone got hurt.

  2048. Huh, where’d this come from?

  2049. looks like one of these vehicles had a Hysterectomy…now which one do I charge it to…..?


  2051. Sir, you flux capacitor is out. Call EASTWOOD, they can help.

  2052. so where is the fuel pump?

  2053. I don’t need no steenkin’ manual

  2054. no wonder it doesn’t work… you’re out of gas!

  2055. Before pulling the fuel pump, I should have checked to see if there was gas in the truck. Fuel pump WAS working fine.

  2056. Hey I found your problem somebody installed this oxygen sensor in your gas tank. I don’t know what they we’re thinking good thing you brought it to us.

  2057. I’m lost does this go to your car or was it left over from the last one I worked on………

  2058. Robert Stracquadaine

    (just for fun)

    Whoa! Hey! I just pulled this outta the ass of your vehicle! Just Thank God I’m not your Proctologist!!!!

    (sorry – just couldn’t resist!!! LOL!)

  2059. Hey Bubba’,– Tis’ Tain’t te rite Pert… Tis’ is fer a YUGO!!!

  2060. ‘Do you suppose anybody is going to notice I forgot to install this part????’

  2061. Finally I found my kininkling bearing !!!!!!

  2062. Its ok, not every car needs a fuel pump……………..right?

  2063. and this floats what? Looks like an automatic leveling device.


  2065. Apparently my diagnosis of a parasitic mechanical octopus attacking your engine was incorrect because after the octo-ectomy there was this loud bang, small explosion, and I don’t think you’re going to want to see your truck now.


  2067. Where did you say you removed this from? And you want me to put it back! Where is the rest of it?

  2068. W T F ?

  2069. I worked it from back to front and I think this is the problem. Thing is (holding up sending unit), I have no idea where I got it from. So if you give me another week…

  2070. Lucas new ad (Get charged with our new wire products.) One has to ask the meaning of charged, is it electricity or cost. This is why the Brits drink warm beer.

  2071. Fix it? I don’t even know what it is!

  2072. Jerry Del Castello

    I think the factory added this by mistake..So I took it out

  2073. what is this and where does it go?

  2074. The new cars now a days are a pain in the ass they should start making the older cars again

  2075. What’s this fuel sending unit doing in the engine compartment?

  2076. Say boss, you know that “rattling” sound you wanted me to look for; I think it’s coming from this part right here. What now?

  2077. “Well sir, I’m not really sure which car I pulled it off of, we can give it a try on yours though.

  2078. Do ya think they’ll miss it?

  2079. I hate to say it, but I don’t think ET made it home.

  2080. Hi, my name is Jerry and I’ll be your mechanic today. The owner is offering a special on gizmos today. I can install the gizmo while you’re filling up with gas. Would you like to try one today?

  2081. “Looks like I need a new muffler bearing”

  2082. How much money you got?

  2083. hmmm, did you happen to have an Extended Warranty?

  2084. Next time let me know about your security system. This thing left a nice sized bump on the back of my head.

  2085. Ummm, I am not sure where this came from, so I really do not know what to do with it!

  2086. “No, the flux capacitor only looks like that on a DeLorean. This is what yours looks like. You can see, obviously, that it needs to be replaced.”

  2087. Robert Stracquadaine

    Oh – I dunno…be about $1195.95 – I guess….

  2088. Well there’s your problem! You have a unicorn poking holes in your gas tank! your fuel level sender might still work though.

  2089. I know you have been back here everyday this week. But the computer said this was the problem this time. Do not worry; we will keep replacing parts till we find it.

  2090. Boss, I found another one of those Iraqi Spiders again.

  2091. WOW, that new fuel pump really has some suction!

  2092. They told me I needed this for the car but where does it go?

  2093. Ya think maybe we should put this back in, Bubba?

  2094. cha-ching, Cha-Ching!, CHA-CHING A DING DING!!

  2095. Ah,could you use a new wind chime?

  2096. Oh my….Wait Eastwood will have a solution!!

  2097. I dont think you need it. I’ll keep it here and if you find you DO need it….come back in and I’ll find a place for it.

  2098. I am telling you the truth. Some parts on your car are just extra stuff the factory uses. If it doesn’t work just bring it back and we will look at it again.

  2099. I got this used one if you want it, cause a new one is gonna cost a lot more… Whatcha think?

  2100. Hey Boss.. I can’t figure on how to put the dang-on thang back in.

  2101. I din’t get to the chapter on how to fix these yet.

  2102. The proctologist removed this but I don’t remember ever swallowing it in the first place.

  2103. I wondered why the gas gauge wasn’t working?

  2104. I think I am gonna “Jerry rig” this thing back in there!!!

  2105. Robert Stracquadaine

    Sorry – but you’ll need a new car – this one’s done for.

  2106. I found this fuel level sender in the intake manifold. Were you working on your own car?

  2107. I still can’t see any oil at the end of this dip stick.

  2108. This is going to cost you big time!

  2109. “You want me to restore this octopus or throw it back in the water?”

  2110. Think they’ll know it’s missing?

  2111. Do you want to stick to the I didn’t do it comment?

  2112. i thought it was all a dream..

  2113. Uhmmm…I found this in your gas tank taking up room.

  2114. I think it bit me!

  2115. That goes to the feul tank.Needs feul pump and Feul
    filter if it was being replaced.

  2116. Maybe I should have listen to my wife , no maybe it will run without it !

  2117. Umm…DAD…I kinda forgot where this came from…could you help me p.l.e.e.e.a.s.e

  2118. Recycle..reuse I refuse!

  2119. Is this really the Flux Capacitor?

  2120. Why did I believe them when they said, “Even you can…”

  2121. “Funny, I don’t remember taking this part off?……Man, I sure hope it starts up though.”

  2122. Who put this on your fuel injectors?

  2123. Sorry buddy. Looks like you have a bad foozlewazzit, thats too bad since our main distributor is all out right now and wont have any in for another week. Oooh boy, this is an expensive little part too…


  2125. Now that my co-worker pulled this sending unit and is off for the rest of the week. Any idea where it goes on this motor.

  2126. Maybe I shoulda gone to Med School!

  2127. Appears being a quart low isn’t your only problem.

  2128. I think this was part of your kitchen sink. Do you need it?

  2129. I am sorry sir, can you tell me what this is? I found it under your hood.

  2130. I thought that I had the timing set correctly, but that was one heck of a backfire!

  2131. We think we found the problem, the fuel transfer tube was shorting out the the rectifier triode module. We replaced the whole thing, only 12 hours of shop labor will be charged to you, we will eat the rest of the charges. Sorry, no warrantee on the work is available since it has wires, electronic components, you know.

  2132. dont worry I have eastwood on speed dial

  2133. “Now that Obama is running GM, this sending unit is going to set you back $2,000 and 8 hours community service…….”

  2134. I was sure it came from the radiator and its to big for the glovebox.

  2135. I would like to phone a friend, Regis………Eastwood!

  2136. I wonder if this is important? Nah, probably not…NEXT!

  2137. is this a crab distributor..

  2138. I don’t know what this is, but you probably don’t need it anyway. Lets face it, you made it here, didn’t you?

  2139. Robert Stracquadaine

    I can’t understand how this got in yer carburetor, but I got it out fer ya!

  2140. I THINK the it’ll run alright without this…

  2141. Do you REALLY need you AC? Guess what this costs?

  2142. OK, where does this go?

  2143. Caption:
    “Dose anyone know if this is a car part or from a computer”

  2144. Funny, the manual didn’t mention anything about having some knowledge.

  2145. This looks like something you need to take care of ….do you want me to install it ?

  2146. And your sure this is the problem?

  2147. This is the thing-of-magig that was causing all your problems. What is it? I don’t know! Do you want it?


  2149. Mam, I think this is your problem!?

  2150. The leg bone is connected to the thigh bone. The thigh bone is connected to the hip bone. What the heck is this connected to?

  2151. Did you say that this just fell off?

  2152. So you thought you’d try installing this somewhere in the engine compartment ?!?

  2153. Are you sure this goes back in there?

  2154. Just my luck. Fuel pump failed the only time since new the truck had a full tank of gas.

  2155. i should of stayed off those drugs from the 60’s

  2156. I can’t believe it doesn’t run!!

  2157. When they said fish it out of the tank, I didn’t realize this is what they wanted!

  2158. “Jimmy didn’t see this one coming!”

  2159. It came out easy…now what?

  2160. “This is a No Brainer”!

  2161. Chevrolet Trailblazer EXT – $30,000. 2 days in the service bay and a rental car – $2780. An automotive technician that actually knows what he is doing – priceless.

  2162. In noticed your transmission was leaking so I put air in your tires. You should be fine now.

  2163. Opilio Crab season has begun…..this week on Deadliest Catch…this weeks episode we explore the icey danger zone that is the GMC engine Compartment.

  2164. wrong part 3 times now

  2165. Do you really save a dollor going with a caller? better call the pros. EASTWOOD the home of high quality Automovtive tools and supplys for auto repairs and restoration. call today we can help!!!

  2166. You said this was your carburetor float for a Smart Car!

  2167. “I don’t even know if they make these anymore!”

  2168. what did i get my salf into this.

  2169. Gee, I don’t remember taking this out!

  2170. I feel fuelish, I really was out of gas!

  2171. Well, I know all about how the kneebone is connected to the legbone, but I have no idea what this fludderwhizzerbanger was connected to… And now I can’t get your truck to run…

  2172. Will it work without this? Maybe I should ask the Eastwood Tech’s

  2173. Global warming broke it, I think.

  2174. Good Googa-Mooga, where does this thing-a-ma-bobber go?

  2175. I always seem to end up with at least one extra part when I do a rebuild. Do you really need this part?

  2176. Robert Stracquadaine

    That’s not thinkin’ with yer dipstick Jimmy!!!!

  2177. I found this in that there compartment, no worries, it wasn’t hooked to anything!

  2178. Oh, you just wanted an estimate…… Well….

  2179. “Looks like you gotta problem with your Zinger Rods. You got broke piston return springs too.”

  2180. Its a tool, not a part….trust me.

  2181. Dude! You been workin’ on your own car again?!

  2182. I forgot to check my blikner fluid and look what happened!!

  2183. I have some good news and some bad news, the good news is I found the problem. The bad news is it is going to cost you some $ and possibly your first born child.

  2184. for some reason the truck will only turn left now. . . .

  2185. this ones connected to the head bone

  2186. Hey Vern! Lookee what I dun found under your hood. Some kinda contrapcion. Dunno where it came from but it sure smells funky!

  2187. We’l do an xray in the morning, right now it looks like a “boy”

  2188. I think I need a new “FLUX CAPACITOR” Doc Brown.

  2189. One step closer to finishing my robot girlfriend!

  2190. We found this in your gas tank. Do you have any idea how it got there?

  2191. Now you prepare that Fetzer valve with some 3-in-1 oil and some gauze pads. And I’m gonna need ten quarts of anti-freeze, preferably Prestone. No, no make that Quaker State.

  2192. Well, injection was nice, but you’d rather be blown…

  2193. Nope,no idea what it is, but it don’t work..

  2194. They said it would be easy to install.

  2195. this is a rebuilt aftermarket piece… 20 bucks less than OEM. can i install it for the one the broken one (when i tried to remove it)?

  2196. How’d it happen again?

  2197. It’s a fuel what?

  2198. Uhhhh… My bad.

  2199. No kidding. I just pulled this Kanuter valve out of the back of my head. Right here. See?

  2200. I hope this was not important ’cause I forgot to put it back in.

  2201. Why did he tell me it went on the engine? It’ a a sending unit that belongs in the fuel tank. Dumb well-paid college educated boss……

  2202. I got to get off them new iron supplements…stuff is fallin’ off me…

  2203. No,no,no,no Really,Do you got to have this???

  2204. I followed all the instruction from the internet, I’d better recheck

  2205. Man are you serious, not this again!!!!

  2206. You want me to put this… where?

  2207. Um…Yeah…you don’t want to know how much this is gonna cost.

  2208. I wonder if it will work if I paint it with Eastwood’s argent paint?

  2209. This here’ll make a mighty fine mobile fer my boy’s crib

  2210. Which end of the car did this come from?

  2211. My Caption:

    I should have enquired with Eastwood !!!!!!


  2213. He told me to install it! I wonder where?

  2214. Pa warned me about these here newfangled autoMObiles…shoulda stayed at the garage back home…

  2215. “Hey Billy, doesn’t this make you hungry for crab legs?”

  2216. Howie, I’m not sure OnStar can save you now.

  2217. Oh, you were just here for an oil change?

  2218. Hay Boss thay said to put this where.?

  2219. UhhhOhhh………. I think I may have failed my final exam for ‘Electrical System 101’.

  2220. I must have been absent the day they covered this.

  2221. William Lance Valente

    Don’t know what it is, before my time!

  2222. What the H#&$, This truch has never been deep sea fishing!?!?

  2223. “Not sure this was on your car when I started”

  2224. Uhh, you really didn’t need this anyway, right?

  2225. “Are you sure you need all this for an I-pod??”

  2226. I seen one of these before on a Russian car. you don’t need it. Trust me.

  2227. Showing the $19.95 (plus S&H) Ronco “Nanorectifying 150 Mpg Fuel Vaporizor” he just removed to coworker Bill, Jerry the mechanic is wondering how much they can soak this gullible customer for.


  2229. It will go together quicker because you don’t need half this factory stuff…they just put it there for looks.

  2230. Don’t know what it does, exactly! But it needs to be replaced!

  2231. Not bad! A whole restoration and only one extra leftover part………… !

  2232. mechanic says to customer “do you know where this goes? Cuz I think its broken!”

  2233. Maybe I should have pulled the red wire?

  2234. Was this out of, the Ford or Dodge ?

  2235. does this plug in the back of my head..

  2236. While talking to tech support:

    Really? doesn’t work, why do I need it?

  2237. “I think I’d be having more fun if there was a fish on the end of this line.”

  2238. Boss, where does this go?

  2239. I think this is the problem. It’s either this or the muffler bearings. You want I should fix it?

  2240. Your car sorta blew up, this is all that’s left, sorry.

  2241. OOps! Does this belong to this truck?

  2242. “If I told you this is what’s wrong, would ya’ believe me?”

  2243. you say you found this dragging under your car?


  2245. I wonder if I can get one of these today or is it going to take a week?

  2246. Aw Dang – Anyone got a spare Framis Valve…?

  2247. Instructions say, “Even a child can install?

  2248. Hmmmm…..I think this connects to the flux capacitor? Ah….yeah, I can fit it!!!

  2249. this is not the wireing harness..

  2250. Well, this is what the manual said was broken!

  2251. Why was this sitting on the fender well?

  2252. The boss said to prime the carburetor.
    Is this the priming tool?

  2253. Is this the single-pole, double-throw, triple-phase Fordistat that we keep hearin’ about ?

  2254. Nuthin up my sleeve……and……Presto!

  2255. finally chased down the problem you had, and it only bit me once in the back of the head-man that smart’s……….

  2256. I don’t remember this being in here when I took it apart!

  2257. “yep, i found the problem just like i told ya. see its your Radiator its a busted!”

  2258. (humming) The ankle bone is connected to the foot bone.

  2259. Where the did that come from?

  2260. I found this !!!

  2261. “I know I should have written it down…”

  2262. The clean coveralls should have been warning enough that it was Billy Bobs first day on the job.

  2263. I think I found the problem. This wire was pluged up with electricity.

  2264. This is suppose to be in the fuel tank not in the engine compartment!!!!!!!!!

  2265. you need a new one!! what is it a crumblator !!

  2266. UH!

  2267. “Did I Remove This?”

  2268. momma said there would be days like this?

  2269. You actually want me to put it back?

  2270. “I think I will put this in my time capsule and let someone figure it out in 50 years.”

  2271. she loves me she loves me not..

  2272. Everybody loves mystery parts!

  2273. It’ll probably work without this.

  2274. Boss speaking to Jerry,

    Jerry, this is the last time I’m going to tell you.
    Wear your safety glasses in the shop!

  2275. Hey! I have left overs.

  2276. You happen to know where this goes back in ?

  2277. Just can’t remember where this goes

  2278. “Chevy says that discarding this part will turn off the check engine light”!

  2279. Stay out of the woods….with Eastwood!

  2280. This repair always gives me gas.

  2281. Kimberly van Mourik

    I really have to use more fabric softener in the laundry, I can’t believe I walked around all day with this thing clinging to the back of my coveralls and no one told me.

  2282. What is the corporate hourly rate for OJT?

  2283. Honest, when I pulled out the dipstick, this came with it.

  2284. Hmmm….maybe it’s time to check out Eastwood.com

  2285. Dude; When you asked me to help you, I told you my dad is a TV repairman and has an awesome set of tools!

  2286. This here’s your problem.


  2288. Hmmmm found this in the gas tank ? Now what ?/

  2289. My cousin Jim Bob was wondering if he could have this , Only if you think we don’t need it.

  2290. A little of the Eastwood touch, and she’ll be just like new!

  2291. Oh yea! Its not uncommon to have extra parts when I am done

  2292. Should I not have taken this out?

  2293. I knew I shouda took a picture.

  2294. “Hey Gilbert, i figured out why your rear shoes done fell off…”

  2295. You wouldn’t happen to have a 10mm wrench would you ?

  2296. Now I’m sure of it!!.. I always wanted to be a ROCKET SCIENTIST!!!!

  2297. Even us me-can-iks get stumped sometimes

  2298. I’m sure Eastwood has a can of something to fix this.

  2299. Stupid Toyota’s.

  2300. I fixed your “Check Engine Light” coming on problem

  2301. Yes … “Thing-a-ma-jig” is a technical term.

  2302. “I wonder if this is why the idiot lights won’t go off”?

  2303. “Aww shucks ma’am, them thar Jackalopes’ll eat through anything. Even if it is that thar high strength German coated teflon.”

  2304. This reminds me of the time I was working on the crab boat and got hit in the head with a block.

  2305. well there’s your problem

  2306. The box said “fuel level sending unit”, how the heck is this going to fit in the carburetor?

  2307. Just another great reason why you would want to shop at Eastwood’s to get the tools you need to repair your car!

  2308. Does this look important to you ??

  2309. “I wonder if this is why the idoit lights are staying on”?

  2310. i will never b able to follow these instructions.

  2311. what about this?

  2312. “You wanna ask your wife what this was doing in the back seat?”

  2313. Think I’m stuck? Naa, the Eastwood Forum will have the answer.

  2314. Fix it? What is it?

  2315. Shift linkage?? We don need no stinkin’ shift linkage!

  2316. We took this out and the noise you we’re complaining about stopped, But when you put your brakes on now the trunk opens.

  2317. Ah, I found your problem. This should be in there.

  2318. Dang! I was sure I put everything back; guess I have to take it all apart again.

  2319. now, which end of the car did this come from?

  2320. Darn import parts…!

  2321. my new helper is all harms..

  2322. This little gadget here, well that’s your fuel sending unit, its not bad yet, but if you don’t replace your muffler bearings, it will go bad, so we need to replace them both, just to make sure, oh by the way tour blinker fluid needs changed too..

  2323. Well I got it out. Now what do I do with it?

  2324. Now where did this come from again? what is it called?

  2325. This thing here seems to be your problem, but it is expensive.

  2326. if it walks like a crab, and talks like a crab,,,

  2327. I gotta find a new line of work…look what I just coughed up!?

  2328. Alright, ma’am, we found out where your coolant leak was and fixed it… problem is now that you need a new fuel pump.

  2329. Mechanic – “See how dirty this is? It had to be the problem!”

  2330. now what do i do. wonder if the owner will miss this.

  2331. “Sure we can fix it. Jerry really knows those late model Chevys”

  2332. What is this, I never saw one of these at Bill Bob’s Auto shop and Taxidermy trade school!

  2333. i’m not even sure this came off this vehicle

  2334. You can tell by the look on my face that I”am a backyard mechanic.

  2335. You say your LAST mechanic said this would make the engine run smoother?

  2336. Kimberly van Mourik

    DUDE! NOT FUNNY! Which one of you threw this at me? I think I need stitches.

  2337. I wonder if Eastwood has something that will fix this?

  2338. ” Eastwood, I am sure Eastwood can get the tool to test this!”

  2339. That is not what the picture looked like!

  2340. What do you mean…put tab a into slot b?

  2341. new air filter: $14.99
    overly ambitious mechanic: priceless

  2342. What does this do?

  2343. I knew I should have taken a pic while it was still on the car!!!

  2344. what should i name my new pet?

  2345. The 5 lbs of sugar your ex poured into the tank totally messed this up.

  2346. We rotated the tires, changed the air filter, and found that the fuel pump was bad. That will be $230.00, cash, check or charge.

  2347. There ya go ma’am!!! your low fuel light will NEVER come on again!

  2348. “This is the fourth mechanical spider I’ve taken out of customer’s cars today.”

  2349. Just wondering….Is it too late to become a Doctor?

  2350. Diagnostics said I needed to replace this thing. I did and the darn thing still wouldn’t run and the gauge didn’t work either. An ole-timer who is completely computer illiterate was sweeping up and made a diagnosis that I just could not believe. It’s not in my software or trouble hooting guide. He said “You were out of gas”

  2351. I don’t remember removing this, but you may want to keep it for later.

  2352. hope this is the last one in my hair…

  2353. Here is your problem

  2354. wire you looming around,when i fix it,ill coil you.

  2355. You know something……….

  2356. I knew I should have called out sick today.

  2357. Hmmm maybe I should start over again!

  2358. It might be from your car, but we found it growing in a corner of the shop…

  2359. you should have seen the size of the web i found this in

  2360. I should have went to JARED!

  2361. Well this reduxer valve seems to be your problem. We could reuse it or replace it with a chrome plated version. With the chrome plated one you should be able to pick up about 50 horsepower and get about 45 MPG.

  2362. Is this yours?

  2363. Um, Mr. Jones….I don’t wanna make you feel stupid, but I found this blinker fluid relief valve wrapped around your muffler bearing. Who ever worked on your car last sure wasn’t qualified!

  2364. As part of our free 30 point courtesy check with any oil change we recommend new wiper blades,front brake pads and your fuel sensor unit was found loose.
    After complimentary adjustment,it fell off!!
    Not including the oil change we can get you safely back on the road for $559.36.

  2365. Now ??? is the part I ordered for my car or is it the part I need to fix my toilet?

  2366. It’s a spare, you really don’t need it.

  2367. “Did you see that thing explode?!” “And they said you had to drop the tank.”

  2368. Here is your fuel sending unit. We can not find a replacement. The truck will have to be junked.

  2369. “Now what do I do!”

  2370. W.T.F.

    Don’t worry everyone that works on cars knows what this means.

  2371. Did someone loose somthing ?

  2372. It doesn’t fit where you told me… what’s the little white thingy again?

  2373. MOM, If I use the Eastwood tech forum I know I can fix it,

  2374. o no al lost his hair
    piece again

  2375. Uh! I think I found out why we can’t get it started!

  2376. ” OK”, just one more time, “Where did you say this will fit !?”

  2377. Let’s see where did I put my credit card ????????

  2378. Where’s the canuder valve?

  2379. Don’t worry Mamn, I’ll have it fixed in an hour…. (maybe?)

  2380. I know I was supposed to swap tires but I saw this flux capacitor and just couldn’t help myself.

  2381. If you’d used Rust Encapsulator there would be more car to restore!

  2382. All back together, and I only had one peice left over.

  2383. I can’t quite figure it out but I think I solved the US dependency on oil, every car I yank this useless part out of, reports having a completely full tank no matter how far you drive it.


  2385. “Maybe the gas tank was empty, that’s why the gauge didn’t work”

    Tank of gas $60
    Labor rate $90
    Mechanic with a brain…. Priceless

  2386. Think my wife can use this in the kitchen?

  2387. It’s new from inside but old and corrosion from outside!!!
    Any one please advice him to use under seal coating products from Eastwood’s!!!

  2388. Man, I should have never pulled on that wire harness so hard and broke that plug. Now what am I going to do? The boss is going to be really ticked off! Maybe I’ll say it was already broken.

  2389. Know I guess I will get the one from Eastwood that I know will fit my car !!!

  2390. I thought this thing-a-ma-ginger was the what-cha-ma-call-it thingy!

  2391. Maybe Eastwood can fix me up with a new fuel pump too? They have everything else.

  2392. So…uh…I think this is the part of auto tech I slept through.

  2393. Thomas J. Moreland

    You always have at least one nut, bolt or screw left over when you put it back together, it’ll be fine.

  2394. I swear it just fell off when I touched it!

  2395. Well I am pretty sure this fixed the last one, that didn’t run. Besides, we have got to start somewhere.

  2396. DeVera Adkins-Fentress

    Guess I’ll add this to my pile of “spare” parts!!!!

  2397. I never had an extra part this big before.

  2398. Now, where did this go again?

  2399. I am not an expert, but I did sleep at the Eastwood Inn last night, so I think this is gonna cost you!!

  2400. Uh, I thought this motor had a Briggs and Stratton starter in it…

  2401. Uh maam you said this dohicky fell out. Well your in deep dodo now! ChaChing!

  2402. Umm, I’m not quite sure what it is either, I thought you would know.

  2403. Hmm. Well sir you had a code p0440 which is like a black hole in your fuel system and your fuel pump got sucked clean out of the tank. Good news is we have a fuel cap in stock to fix the black hole.

  2404. Do you have any idea what this is? I’m not even sure it goes to this car!

  2405. “I know what this was when I took it out!”

  2406. Guess I should have stayed at Holiday Inn Express last night!!!

  2407. I knew I should have took notes before dismantling that car… where the heck does that thing goes?

  2408. crabs and spaghetti again!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2409. That part wasn’t important,….. right?

  2410. Hmm. Well sir you had a code p0440 which is like a black hole in your fuel system and your fuel pump got sucked clean out of the tank. Good news is we have a fuel cap in stock.

  2411. I’m completely confused, hope the customer doesn’t notice!

  2412. You fried your muffler bearing relay harness, and that’s not under warranty …..

  2413. I thought the gas tank was in the rear.

  2414. Where the heck did this come from??This car OR ????

  2415. I should have purchased my parts from Eastwood!

  2416. “Lady… Did your plumber work on this car?”

  2417. Im sorry Mr Bond I got your car running but there is a funny order and a oil slick at the back?????? Btw whats the big red button for????

  2418. Oh my god! I get paid $10 an hour for this!

  2419. So….. This work order is requesting that we install this here, uh, Flux Capacitor thingy? Anyone know if the alternator is even capable of generating 1.21 gigawatts

  2420. I’m not sure why it don’t run, I only have this one extra part and I don’t think its that critcal, How about you?

  2421. Well, you’re low on blinker fluid, you have a faulty muffler valve, and apparently you ran over a Transformer?!?! Or is this one of those Deciptacons?

  2422. Gee Whiz Boss, I just kept pulli’n and this is what came out!

  2423. New to the 2010 Chevy line-Dealer installed Latte maker for your SUV

  2424. I’m not sure, but I think this thing-a-ma-jig goes on the doom-a-flotchy…or maybe it’s the do-hickey.

  2425. Vincent M. Rayesky

    That little screw you found in the driveway, well hmmm

  2426. Must be Friday at 4:00. Just refueled truck . Do I really have to pull that fuel tank down again?

  2427. It say’s Ford on it. I wonder if it will fit in the Trailblazer? Forget it, we don’t need it.

  2428. Detroit we have a problem!

  2429. Caption for photo: “I should have talked to Eastwood first!”

  2430. Man…I can’t believe I just pulled this thing out of the back of my head….

  2431. That it???

  2432. Um…… Ma’am. When you said you can’t keep gas in this thing, I decided to take this out and it looks like there’s plenty down in there to me.

  2433. The manual says it’s for a Chevy Volt???

  2434. Guess I’ll add this to my pile of “spare” parts!!!!

  2435. Not too bad ,only 6 hours to get it out!!

  2436. Well, I got good news and bad news — Eastwood’s Gas Tank Sealer will save your gas tank but this sending unit is history ….

  2437. I’ve never seen a Framagin before !

  2438. uhh, Hey guys, is this part supposed to be somewhere important?

  2439. She’s all done! I can’t figure out where this went though… Think it’s important?

  2440. WOW!!!!!!! What do I do woth this….

  2441. “well there’s your problem” Mythbusters..

    “Wonder how much i can get on Ebay for this”

  2442. I wish my boss would purchase the correct tools from Eastwood, before requiring us started complex repair project!!

  2443. Caption:
    GOT A LIGHT? (NOT!!!!!!)

  2444. I think I found the missing part of the electric BBQ grill.

  2445. How did this get in my coveralls???

  2446. Maybe, just maybe that’s why it won’t start. I’ve tried everything else. I wonder where this goes???

  2447. Oops, I thought I was pulling the dipstick to check the oil!

  2448. You want me to put this where?

  2449. WHAT THE @*^#! IS THIS !!!

  2450. “this is the damaged part you need replaced – problem is, we don’t stock it, and when it gets here it will cost roughly 1/2 what you paid for the whole car”

  2451. I’m 50% sure this is your problem.

  2452. Good thing my protologist is a car nut! He recognized this immediately as something that didn’t belong THERE!

  2453. “I saw y’all done had a loose wire dair under y’all’s dashboard, and when I done went an pulled it out, this dair came wid it! Then, I started smellin’ gas – I dunno what to do now wit dat dair wire”

  2454. Better call the experts at Eastwood to see if they want my extra parts!

  2455. I didn’t disconnect this blinker fluid wiring…did you? Honest, I just found it laying on top of the engine!

  2456. I found one of your kids Transformers in there.

  2457. “Sir, I think I found your problem…!!” Somebody stole your Fuel pump…

  2458. Is this the “dohickey” or the “whatchamacallit”?

  2459. I’m Fired…

  2460. This is your problem… but I don’t know what it is.

  2461. …but you don’t have dandruff!?!

  2462. You were right… it was just the fuse to the gas gauge.

  2463. What do I do with this????????

  2464. I thought all of these trucks had an electric fuel pump in the tank!

  2465. Boss where does this go?

  2466. Anybody know where this came from?

  2467. I have no clue what this is or where it goes.

  2468. If this goes in the gas tank, what did I mount to the fuel injector rail?


  2470. My caption is: ” What have I done now?”

  2471. Geez,they didn’t tell us about this stuff in Tech School.

  2472. You just wanted a tune up? Oops

  2473. “This thing gives me gas!”

  2474. Just as I thought, you’ve got a manufacturing defect in the supply tube primary outlet creating non-laminar flow, the resulting fluid turbulance is causing fuel starvation at wide open throttle.

  2475. oh no, i dont remember this, what the heck is it?

  2476. I found the problem ,just don’t know what it’s called.

  2477. Hey Bubba! I think I found the leak, get the duck tape

  2478. Md.Mahfuzur Rahman Rony

    wow ! Wooo i was so scared when i saw it in midnight.I thought it was a burning dinosour .

  2479. I guess this vehicle needs a major tune not a minor one.

  2480. I warned you this would happen if you don’t change the headlight oil!

  2481. Thought this was a king crab trying to eat the engine – do you know what it is???

  2482. I think I figured out the gas problem!

  2483. I just finished strapping the tank back up. Not again.

  2484. How do I tell Mom that she needs to stop trying to fix her own car?

  2485. Oh mannn! It’s usually only a bolt that’s left over when I work on cars!

  2486. Sure, I know…you just need one of these.

  2487. Got this off eBay, will it fit.

  2488. This passed through my dog, he’ll eat anything. Hope it still works!

  2489. Now where did this come from?

  2490. I found this thing in the fuel tank, I think this is the problem… Oh, you just wanted me to fill the tank?

  2491. ( This is truely how my father explains car problems)
    Hey I pulled the thingamabob out of the whattchama callit and found that the doohicky works though there might be a problem witha goesinta. Ya the goesinta just slides into the utterding.

  2492. The book says to put slot A into tab B. Which is the slot and which is the tab again?

  2493. Excuse me madam, did you mean to leave this under your seat ?

  2494. Who, in the world, can help me find one of these?

  2495. Maybe I should have put this in before I put it together?!?!?

  2496. Well Mr Adams, we pulled the fuel pump module and sending unit….good news the float isn’t stuck. We now think the issue is in the instrument cluster, you want us to look at that too?

  2497. Mangaer says: “Who, that guy by your truck? Tha is Jimmy, the slow kid down the street.”

  2498. Gee whiz…..I’ve had leftover parts before..but..I don’t have a clue where this goes………………

  2499. twernt nuthin that made no nevermind anyways..gosh derned fancy pants manafacters..

  2500. “Don’t tell me, I should have read the manual first!”

  2501. This should save shoe leather with the gas can.

  2502. Ummmm….Here you go. Just remember…when you dropped it off it wasn’t working either.

  2503. Not too sure! Looks like 500 Bucks to me.

  2504. Remove fuel sender A from tank. Connect fuel sender A to wiring harness B, attach fuel float D to fuel send arm A2, then gently install into gas tank C….

    wait, what?

  2505. Looks like this might be part of your problem…………


  2507. What was i thinking!!

  2508. Not sure if this was the problem but when the Gas Tank was removed we found this still attached!

  2509. Oops, just noticed name badge, Jerry? instead of Ed.

  2510. You want me to put this where???

  2511. Yup, maybe Mom was right…it was probably best that I didn’t go to medical school……

  2512. marco a nava zubeldia

    He thinking and show to the client the gas float-reostat is bad and he needed to buy another new spare part to fix the SUV.

  2513. “I can’t tell if this thing needs oil or not?!”

  2514. I am so going to rip this guy off. He bought it when i told him is was a cross port high pressure multi injector switch. Cha Ching $$$

  2515. Ed wonders what the heck it is the darn computer told him to remove, decides he needs a cold one to mull it over, and then realizes he’s standing in front of the wrong Bar and Grill.

  2516. You mean this isn’t the air filter?

  2517. I am suppose to install this part on this vehical? I don’t know what it is much less where it goes. Golly gee how would Gober Pyle fix this one?

  2518. Fuel pump, where is the stinking fuel pump?

  2519. Now this here was the problem. You had too many of these giggers. But I would say you would now be get’in better fuel milage and stronger traction in the tires.

  2520. It… doesn’t look like a colon camera…

  2521. I am paying this guy?

  2522. If the sending unit was under the hood, then where the heck did I leave the distributor????

  2523. “Problem is, your doohickey got caught in the thingamabob and blew out your whatchacallit.”

  2524. where did you say this goes again?

  2525. this looks important

  2526. When did they start putting these in?

  2527. i thing im missing a gas tank

  2528. Well, you’re going to need a new Johnson Rod.

  2529. Hey, Billy, what is this called?

  2530. Yeah… You’re going to need a new one of these too… That will only be an additional $759.95, we can just add it to your bill.

  2531. Pretty sure you don’t even need this. I’ll just put it in the glove box for ya!

  2532. This don’t look like the fuel injectors, does it???

  2533. This new grill ignitor doesn’t fit in the mount of the flux capcitor…

  2534. What the heck is this!

  2535. My boss told me where to stick it but I don’t think he’s serious … Do You ???

  2536. Sorry, No refunds.

  2537. I promised, you don’t need this!

  2538. Now that I FINALLY got it out… time to call Eastwood to bring it back to life!

  2539. No really, it will be fine without it.

  2540. ” I hate it when there are parts left over.”

  2541. I wonder where this thingy goes…

  2542. I’m afraid this is the only part I could save.

  2543. Keep an eye on this— we may need it again.

  2544. This cross rod injector switch is bad. Might need to take out a small personal loan for this one.

  2545. “Here is why your fuel gauge don’t work anymore sir, and your not going to like my bill for 8 hours labor to get it out!”

  2546. Miss,
    Honking your horn with my head under the hood caused a little malfuntion to your fuel system.

  2547. This thing will not fit anywhere.

  2548. “It only took me 8 hours to get this fuel pump out of this damn Chevy!!”

  2549. How #$%^&* did the fuel tank sending unit get in the aircleaner?


  2551. I don’t know what it is but it’s got to be a good one, it’s the best I’ve ever seen.

  2552. Uh…was pretty sure this was gonna fix it. Sorry. You have any ideas?

  2553. My Wife’s going to love this Valentine’s day present!!

  2554. In-tank fuel pump. What tank?

  2555. Pesky tank spiders

  2556. Vehicle: $45k new
    Tune up: $79.95
    Having this guy work on your car: Worthless!

  2557. I’m sorry, where did you say i should put this sender?

  2558. This is your ‘gift with purchase’?

  2559. “Uhhh, Sir, this doesn’t look like any muffler bearing I ever saw!”

  2560. where does this go?

  2561. DID I DO THAT?!

  2562. “I pulled this out of you TAILPIPE,I believe you have a BIG PROBLEM!”

  2563. “Boy, I’d sure be in deep trouble without Eastwood.”

  2564. Instructions said widget arm attaches to low blinker fluid module with machine screw and left handed screwdriver… yeah that seems right…

  2565. You just wanted a tune up? Oops

  2566. I thought i put all the parts back

  2567. Boss,guess this have been put in before I put the tank in huh ?

  2568. I just finished putting your car back together and notice it came with a extra part but don’t worry the factory dose that all the time !

  2569. Umm, you might need to find a ride home, this could take a while.

  2570. “What would James Caan do in this situation? Probably something involving a baseball bat.”

  2571. Maybe the wife was right. Things were sure simpler with Eastwood at my back.

  2572. Man oh man! Now what would Cooter do?

  2573. I’m converting this vehicle to a an electric plug-in… what do I do with these outdated parts?

  2574. I sure hope this fixes it !

  2575. This is the only part NOT COVERED under your warranty. Do you want me to fix it?

  2576. Whoo hoo! I got it out. Can i have my ASE certification now?

  2577. here’s your problem as I suspected… a bad muffler bearing…

  2578. Always wanted to fix a transmission Boss

  2579. This is the problem……now I just have to figure out what it is….

  2580. “You mean you don’t have to take this out to change the oil???????”

  2581. Jerry, our leading ASE Certified tech, can break, er, I mean repair any whatchamacallit.

  2582. Man,I should have bought those Eastwood training DVDs.

  2583. Is it Friday YET? I can’t wait to work on my Classic!

  2584. I put it all back together and it only had one part left.

  2585. I wasn’t pulling THAT hard.

  2586. Got Help!

  2587. I found the noise under your hood ma’am, but your gonna need to talk to the shop manager about your warranty cause I don’t think it’s covered.


  2589. There’s not much meat on these wiring crabs.

  2590. “There’s your rattle, but I think you’re low on gas.”

  2591. I found this in your gas tank, did you put it in there?

  2592. Well yeah I can stick something in the tank to plug the hole but do you think it’ll still run without this?

  2593. Not on warranty? Errrr- THIS is going to cost you!

  2594. Well there’s your problem!!!

  2595. You say you got this from under the hood?

  2596. That’s the funniest o2 sensor i have ever seen!

  2597. Well another case of a misplaced sex toy messing up a finely tuned machine.
    ” Tits or wheels , sooner or later it will give you grief”

  2598. I’m not sure they covered this in tech school.

  2599. You may want to come back tomorrow. This may take a while.

  2600. Yes ma’am we use this device to check your blinker fluid levels.

  2601. Yeah, um… your flux capacitor is fried. You might check ebay.

  2602. Maybe the truck will run better without this thingamabob.

  2603. “good news and bad news…the good news is,it’s not your fuel pump…bad news is,you’re out of gas”

  2604. Yes man we use this device to test your blinker fluid levels.

  2605. Ah! So THIS is a flux capacitor! ….isn’t it?

  2606. I saved yuz some money by takin’ this thing-a-ma-jig out, ayup. Now try the brakes again.

  2607. Well there’s yer problem right there!


  2609. Your wife said she found this itsey bitsy thing left over when you finished working on her car.

  2610. It’s name, um, “gasfullometer thingy”?

  2611. Are you sure this is mine

  2612. “Hey, ahh, is someone missing a bicycle handle?”

  2613. Dang it! How much duct tape am I going to need for this?!

  2614. “Knew I should have worked on it myself. With Eastwood’s help – no problem.”

  2615. I’m sorry Sir, I don’t know how to tell you this,

    but Your Car has Crabs…

  2616. Funniest looking dipstick I ever saw….wonder where it goes?

  2617. “Stumped? Consult with us”


  2619. My wife said she found this itsey bitsy thing left over when I finished working on her car. What do you think?

  2620. Does he REALLY need to know how much gas is in the tank?

  2621. Well, Buddy, the good news is I found your problem, but the bad new is it’s going to cost you

  2622. Boss, its all back together, but I have this ‘thingie” left over on my cart…

  2623. This part was left over. Not sure where it goes. You want it back?

  2624. This was left over. Not sure where it goes. You want it back?