Home » Eastwood Plastic Resurfacer Saves Weathered Motorcycle Parts- A Customer Review
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Eastwood Plastic Resurfacer Saves Weathered Motorcycle Parts- A Customer Review

We always encourage customers to leave us feedback and reviews on products, but every now and then a customer goes above and beyond! Recently Rick M. sent us a link to a review he did on our Plastic Resurfacer on his motorcycle discussion forum. The “after photos” and review was so good we had to pass it on to customers. This entire review below is unedited and as-posted on the Concours Owners Group Forum. Thanks for sharing Rick, we appreciate the feedback!


Your wish has been granted.

This is actually one of the most remarkable things I have come across in a long, llllooooonnnnnggggg time.

Seldom do you ever find anything that works as well as this stuff does.

I just replaced my dash and left inner fairing from a parts bike that had sat in the scorching sun so long it caused significant UV damage to the parts to the point that they were greying.  Disheartening considering that the original parts were pristine.  My plan was to keep the faded parts until I could afford to replace them with something better, then this happened:

After complaining to my friend about the plastic parts, he suggested I buy a product called ‘wipe new’ another silicon based lubricating film that temporarily improves the appearance of UV damaged plastic.  While doing the research on this product, I happened across another product that got all my attention:  Eastwood plastic resurfacer.  I watched the youtube videos of the comparisons (wipe new vs eastwood) and was impressed, but skeptical – movie magic and all.  Still, it was cheap enough to experiment so I purchased a can and this is what I can tell you about it –

The product comes in a standard size spray paint can, and my first impression was just that – black matte spray paint.  Not the case.  It is what it claims to be – a plastic resurfacer formulated for a specific color – black matte.  It spays like regular paint but that is where the similarity ends.  The odor alone tells you this is not paint.  And if that isn’t enough, the coverage ends all comparisons.  This is not paint.

I decided to try it on an air scoop and masked half of it off.  This stuff is so opaque that only the lightest coat is necessary, which means one can goes a long way.  It actually applies better than any spray paint I have ever used.  So anyway, after waiting the 8 hour curing period, I checked the results and I have to tell you – this stuff works, and that is an understatement, for sure.  The spayed side looked, felt and scratched like new plastic.  A fingernail vigorously digging into it has no effect.  The stuff is tough as nails.

After the test spraying, I decided to roll the dice and do all the plastic.  Same result – perfection.  I have never seen a  product work so well in my life.  The most significant difference was in the ignition cover, which looked horrible no matter what I did to it.  53,000 miles of keys battering and scratching it took its toll on the piece but it now looks like I just got it out of a bike bandit shipment.  What’s more is that the keys don’t seem to effect it now, or, maybe I have not given it enough time.

Anyway, should you decide to  try it, be careful and use light coats only.  This is not regular paint by any stretch.  It is thick and you can easily loose the texture of the plastic by too heavy a coat, whereas a light coat gets the job done and the texture remains the same.

The company says that the new plastic will not fade and will last 7 years.  Imagine that – not having to apply temporary coatings again.  

This is the link to their web page:


I didn’t think to take before and after pictures, but here are the results:

Anyway, that’s about it.  If you enjoyed this post and found it useful, then you need to complain to the people responsible for changing the login process.  I actually had to re-register (and I cannot tell you what an aggravating process that was) to bring this to you.  On any other day, I would not have
endured that kind of aggravation – got enough of that in my life with out this site adding to it, but I really wanted to pass this on to you guys.

Happy motoring, friends.  Ride safe.

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