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Eastwood Professional Body Hammer Comparison


A constant question we receive when we launch new products is “How are you able to keep your products so affordable, while still retaining good quality?”. A big part of the answer lies in our ability to design, test, and perfect Eastwood products here in-house. When we set to design a new hammer and dolly set, we did similar to what we did when designing our MIG, TIG, and Plasma. We took the key features and benefits of the “Professional Industry Standard” Martin Hammer and Dolly Set and integrated those into an Eastwood product that meets the same levels of performance. We did all of this while retaining a price tag that your Beginner OR Serious DIY guy could afford. It took quite some time working on this set, but we were able to come up with a kit that is precision balanced, and made out of the finest 4140 chromoly. This set will be something you can pass down to your kids! We wanted to show off the similarities and the quality of the Eastwood Professional 7-Piece Hammer and Dolly Set vs. the Martin kit mentioned earlier. Try it for 30 days, and if you hate the Eastwood kit or think the quality wasn’t what we strive for; return it, and we will refund you for the product!

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