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Technical, Tools

How To Use Broken Fastener Extractors

Oh… now you messed up. You went too hard on the righty tighty, and now you have a righty loosey on your hands. You just sheared off the head of the bolt that you’re trying to tighten. Or even worse, the head of a rusty fastener that you were trying […]

Archive, Welding

Stick Welding FAQs – Common Arc Welding Questions

Stick/Arc Welding FAQs Arc welding is the oldest welding type around and remains effective for many applications. When used by professional metal fabricators, the term arc welding is shorthand for shielded metal arc welding, also known as stick welding. Our frequently asked questions will introduce beginners to this cost-efficient technique […]

Archive, Welding

General Welding FAQs

Get up to speed for your metal fabrication project with answers from our experts to common questions about the four welding processes and much more. Eastwood General Welding FAQs If you’re new to welding or metal fabrication, we’re sure you have a lot of questions about how things work. Eastwood […]

Archive, Technical

Is Holley Sniper EFI Worth It?

In the 21st century, competition has become more and more about being able to show up and drive. Sure, the manly men of the early days of drag racing cut their teeth on tuning multiple carburetors with blowers and early mechanical fuel injection systems. But many times, it was more […]

Archive, Powder Coating

How to Powder Coat Without An Oven

Do I need an Oven To Powder Coat? Many DIYers are now using powder coating instead of painting to coat wheels, springs, engine valve covers and other small parts. The process of powder coating is fairly simple: blow statically-charged powder over an item, then cure it to the temperatures required […]

Archive, Powder Coating

How to Touch Up Powder Coat

Powder Coat Repair Tips It’s no secret powder coating is one of the most durable coatings out there and it can hold to an incredible amount of abuse for a topical coating. But accidents happen and powder coat can be chipped from the surface and it isn’t the same to […]