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Barrett Jackson 2015- Most Expensive Cars Sold at Auction

Barrett Jackson has for many years now been the place to sell your high profile vehicle. Each year cars, trucks, and motorcycles come out of the woodwork that blow our minds on their rarity AND the price they bring! We decided to list the top ten highest priced vehicles sold at this years Scottsdale auction. Sit back, relax, and let us know which you would have liked to have the most!

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How Fast Does $2014 Take You?- 2014 Grassroots Motorsports Challenge

Gainesville, Florida – 28 October, 2014 – A turbocharged, all-wheel-drive Honda Civic masquerading as a Subaru WRC car; an open-wheel MG Midget built by college kids; and a Pontiac Sunbird clicking off 10-second quarter-mile times: They can all be found together in only one place, the Grassroots Motorsports $2014 Challenge. […]

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2014 AACA Hershey Fall Swap Meet Report

For most here at Eastwood The fall AACA Hershey swap meet has become a tradition to visit each year. The reality with Hershey is that if you can’t take off of work and come mid-week, you’re going to miss the REAL good deals. Heck, some of the best deals are scored by fellow vendors on setup day it seems! I decided to swing by on the first official day of the swap meet and see what this year had in store.

Archive, Car Shows, Cruises & Gatherings, Eastwood Chatter, Events, News & Updates, Pictures, West Coast Eastwood

West Coast Report 42st Edition by John Gilbert

Welcome to the 42nd edition of West Coast Eastwood’s West Coast Report. This time around the focus will be on Hot August Nights held in Reno, Nevada. HAN as it’s often abbreviated is one of the most expansive events a participant can attend and consequently an absolute nightmare for journalists attempting to cover it all.