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Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Clean Your Cleaning Products?

Believe it or not your cleaning products like buffing and polishing pads, microfibers, etc. do need to be cleaned. As you clean and polish your car some of the dirt, contaminents, and microscopic amounts of paint or clear come off the surface and get embedded into those cleaning accessories. This […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Best Under Hood Paint For Engine Bay

Unless you’re building an over-the-top show car you’ll probably want a paint that is understated and close to how the factory would have done it. Getting the right sheen and color to match your classic ride can be tough and sometimes modern base coat clear coat systems can give to […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Top 3 Ways to Clean Greasy Parts

Cleaning Greasy parts is never fun but it can be made easier by the way you tackle it. Nothing is more satisfying than taking grimy, greasy parts and turning them into nice, painted and detailed parts! We show our top 3 favorite ways to clean parts and why below. Parts […]