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Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Strongest undercoating ever?

With many restorations, you have to deal with rust repair. This in itself, can be a tedious task. What could make this task even more of a headache? Add in the extra factor of having to repair a rusty area that was undercoated from the factory. There is much debate […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

May I Introduce?

Today we are pleased to add a new section to our blog. These entries will document the storyline (as mostly written by the students) of the restoration and rebuild of a diesel VW Rabbit Pickup by students at Penn Manor High School in Lancaster, PA. We hope to help them […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Parking lot Gems

As the weather gets nicer, we find ourselves driving our projects (both finished and unfinished) to work. I love walking through our parking lot occasionally and checking out some of the neat rides we regularly have parked here on a nice warm day! Below is 2 I spotted yesterday and thought everyone […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Carlisle Spring Swap Meet

This past weekend was the much anticipated Carlisle spring swap meet and car corral. This was a perfect excuse for some of us here at Eastwood to get out of the office and do a little shopping… err I mean “Market Research” (shhhhh don’t tell the boss!). I wasn’t lucky […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Another Bug…….newest project!

Although my wife told me I wasn’t allowed to bring another Bug home until I finished some of my projects, I bought one at last fall’s Hershey show.  It was one of those deals I couldn’t turn down…….plus it is for our daughter (who just turned 1).  Here she is…….a […]