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What Do These Car Pictures Say To You?

Philadelphia, 1973. (Photo courtesy Hemmings.com)

If you really know your classic American cars, you’ll want to see if you can identify any of the cars in two photographs that appear in the blog on the Hemmings web site (link below).

It’s not as easy as it sounds, because the pictures were taken in a Philadelphia junkyard, in 1973, and the vehicles were not exactly in top driving form! You’ll see what I mean when you click on the link below.

Hemmings’ apparent reason for publishing the pictures was to initiate a sociological discussion. They write in the caption, “It’s said one can discern a culture’s true nature by sifting through its refuse. If that’s the case, then what do these 1973 Dick Swanson Documerica photos of cars stacked in a Philadelphia junkyard tell us about that area’s car culture in the early Seventies?”

The thing is, most of the readers preferred to comment by identifying many of the cars in the pictures! So you may as well jump in and either identify the cars or add your 2¢ about the sociological implications of crushed cars! Click here to see both photographs and enter your comments.

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