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Author: MattM

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

How to Polish Aluminum and Mag Wheels

Aluminun wheel polishing can make cast factory-machine-polished wheels look like new! You’ll even be able to get a custom look by painting or powder-coating accent areas prior to a final protectant coating. Using Eastwood’s Wheel Smoothing and Buffing Kit, we were able to take an old BMW 325i “bottle cap” wheel […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Eastwood DIY Auto Painting FAQ’s

Painting a car on your own can be a scary task and can certainly get expensive quick if you aren’t properly prepared to tackle the job yourself. Our tech team gets calls, emails, and chats daily from weekend warriors painting their cars at home and we have compiled our most […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

How To Restore A Cracked Steering Wheel

You’ve spent countless hours on bodywork and paint, your car’s engine is spotless, and the interior looks perfect…well, except for that cracked steering wheel. If you’re in that situation, you have several options: live with the cracked steering wheel, try to locate a good used steering wheel, purchase a reproduction […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

What is RockRez Floor Coatings?

Is Coating a Concrete Floor Worth It? We’ve all seen the automotive TV shows on Saturday mornings where the shop has a cool fleck concrete floor that looks perfect ALL the time but we’ve also heard the horror stories of peeling floor coatings! So we get asked “What is RockRez?” […]