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Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Eastwood Tin Zinc Plating System At Home

EASTWOOD TIN-ZINC HOME ELECTROPLATING SYSTEMCUSTOMER TESTIMONIAL BY MERL, FROM PENNSYLVANIA When I started the restoration of our 1937 Oldsmobile convertible, I wanted everything to be as authentic as possible, since it is very rare to still have the factory-installed cloth interior. The car was painted once in the late 1940s […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Fall Car Show and Swap Meet Tips

SURVIVING THE FALL CAR SHOWS PRO TIPS TO GET THE MOST OUT OF HERSHEY AND CARLISLE As in Mecca, throngs of the faithful make their annual pilgrimage to Central Pennsylvania each fall. Each year since 1953, thousands of antique auto enthusiasts and restorers have flocked to Hershey, Pennsylvania for the […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Sandpaper Buyers Guide

EASTWOOD’S SANDPAPER SHOP Eastwood offers an assortment of sandpaper for paint & rust removal, block sanding, and color sanding. Various compositions, backing and grits cover a multitude of uses. This handy chart will link you to each type on the Eastwood page, so you can buy just what you need […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Lead Free Body Solder Tips and Tricks

BODY SOLDER APPLICATION GUIDELINES BY JOHN SLOANE, EASTWOOD PRODUCT SPECIALIST Traditional lead-based body solder has been the choice of restorers and customizers for over 80 years for filling seams, leveling uneven body work, and blending-in custom features. Even the best polyester body fillers available today cannot match the superior adhesion, […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Aluminum Welding Tips and Tricks

FREQUENTLY ASKED ALUMINUM WELDING QUESTIONS BY FRANK ARMAO, SENIOR APPLICATION ENGINEER, THE LINCOLN ELECTRIC COMPANY Aluminum is being specified today in more and more applications because of its many advantages. Aluminum is lightweight (approximately1/3 the weight of steel), has excellent electrical conductivity and better corrosion-resistance properties than steel. As its […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

How to Apply Eastwood Internal Frame Coating

EASTWOOD’S INTERNAL FRAME COATING HOW TO APPLY Converts, Encapsulates and Seals Rust on Internal Frame Surfaces Phenolic Resin with Zinc Additive Eliminates Further Corrosion EASTWOOD’S INTERNAL FRAME COATING is designed to eliminate and encapsulate internal rust. Formulated with an impenetrable Phenolic Resin, blended with Zinc Phosphate to eliminate rust and protect […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter


THE OXIDATION PROCLAMATION ENDING YOUR RUST PROBLEMS Rust is everywhere. It creeps silently throughout your car, under the paint, inside the frame and just about everywhere there is metal. If you catch it early, you can stop it from spreading, but far too often by the time you see it, […]