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Author: MattM

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Our Top Tech Tip for Buffing Paint

Buffing your paint on your car can be a very rewarding job. Whether you’re bringing tired, old paint back or you’re finishing off a fresh paint job; nothing beats a freshly cleaned and polished paint job. There are a few things that can be tricky when buffing a car yourself […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Top Tips for Winterizing Your Car

Winterizing your car can be a simple task that will be a time saver in the spring when you’re ready to cruise again. We decided to give our top tips you should do at a minimum. Dryer Sheets- It’s a little known fact that small critters don’t like perfumes or […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Sanding Body Lines Tech Tip

The block sanding step of bodywork on your project vehicle is one of the most crucial to getting a straight paint job that doesn’t look like a fun house mirror. We suggest going the extra mile and block standing each step of filler and primer to assure each panel is […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Top 5 2020 Holiday Tool Gifts

With Thanksgiving and other winter holidays approaching we’ve been working hard to listen to our customers and create some simple lists of tools and supplies that any motorhead would love to have in their shop. Eastwood offers unique tools and supplies to help repair, restore, and revive vehicles new and […]