Home » Gotta Love a 6 Pack in the Summer- Sandpaper ins and outs
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Gotta Love a 6 Pack in the Summer- Sandpaper ins and outs

Gotta Love a 6 Pack in the summer!

IF you’re just doing a small project, or you’ve run out of your full box or roll of sandpaper, or it’s just simply not in your budget to buy an entire sleeve or roll of sandpaper, these new 6 and 3 packs are the ticket!! You don’t have to buy the box of 100 and have it sit on the shelf until next season. These reasonably priced 6 packs have a grit range to cover anything you’re wanting to tackle, all the way from 40 grit for shaping and filler work, to ultra fine 2000 Grit for final color sanding and achieving that show car shine. We’ve outlined suggestions of where you can use each of these types of sandpaper, and what their job can be in your shop. Eastwood makes it easy to do the job right , and be budget conscious without compromising your work. Take a look at each of these great new 6 packs of abrasive prep tools, and see where they’d fit in with your project, how they can get the job done , and save you some cash to boot!

1.Contour wet-or-dry 5.5 X 9 6 pack
These standard sized sheets are a staple in body shop work The ability to use wet can make the paper last longer by unloading the sanding dust or slurry from the grit.
Grits 80 and 120 are typically used for shaping fillers, or aggressive blocking to straighten panels.
Grits 220 and 320, Can be used for prepping for primer-surfacer or a sealer you’re your paint job.
Grits 400 and 600 will properly prep your body panels for paint without a harsh scratch that will show through the paint.
Grits 800,1000,1500,2000 are used for various levels of color sanding the final finish and smoothing your finished paint to perfection getting it ready to buff to a mirror gloss.

2.Contour 2.75 X 16.5 6 Pack (file board PSA)
grits 80,120,180,220,320,400 Either stuck to the foot of an inline air-file, or on the foot of a hand block, these peel-n-stick sheets are great for flattening a surface for primer or paint.

3. Contour 6 inch Round PSA 6 Pak
grits 40,80,120,180 are right at home shaping filler and making quick work of leveling filler and aggressively prepping primers for the next coat.
Grits 220,320,400 are mostly used for paint prep, and since they’re designed to be used dry, the scratch is a little finer, and even 320 can be used for final sanding for solid colored paint. 600 grit on a DA can get your clear or color ready for flow-coating clear for a show car finish, or final sanding under paint.

4.CONTOUR Non Woven hand pads 3 pak.
(Grits Grey, Maroon, Green) Scuffing pads are a staple in almost every shop. The ability to contour the grit into crevices and tight spots make them a necessary prep-tool and with the aggressive green, strong red, and fine grey colored grits, they can be quickly identified, and cover a long list of duties including everything from metal prep, rust repair, or final prep under paint.

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