Home » SEMA 2013 Day 1 Coverage
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SEMA 2013 Day 1 Coverage

For most SEMA Show goers Tuesday is day one for the SEMA Show, but for anyone exhibiting today is our first day as set up our Eastwood Exhibitor booth. We’ve been exhibiting at the show quite sometime now and you can always find us right near the main stage of the General Motors and Chevrolet booth on the border of Hot Rod Alley and The Restoration Marketplace. The “Main Hall” where we reside for the week is where all of the heavy-hitters of the industry are setup. This also means we get to see some of the best cars of the show right In our backyard!

Yesterday (Monday) I broke away from our booth assembly and snapped some spy shots of vehicles that will undoubtedly be some of the best of the event!

Today, Tuesday the show opens to everyone and we’re sure it’s going to be swamped on the show floor and outside the show. We’ve got some great interviews and vehicle features to shoot already lined up and a bunch more in the works. We can’t wait to share it all with you!

For now check out photos from Day One of the Eastwood #SEMAshow2013 coverage below and be sure to follow along on for live coverage via our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/eastwoodcompany , Twitter: https://twitter.com/EastwoodCo and Instagram: http://instagram.com/eastwoodco.

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